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  • Faith and Religion are one of your paths to victory in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.

    『シヴィライゼーション VI』では [Line break] 信仰と宗教でも勝利を目指せる

  • Faith is the resource used to found and enhance a religion, patronize Great People, purchase buildings and acquire religious units.

    信仰力は宗教の強化 偉人の後援 [Line break] 建造物購入 宗教ユニット獲得に使われる

  • Faith is generated by building a Holy Site, social policies, and through access to natural wonders.

    信仰力は聖地の建設 社会政策 [Line break] 自然遺産を通じて獲得できる

  • At the start of the game, you'll start earning faith.


  • Soon, you'll be prompted to found a Pantheon – a starting belief that will lead toward founding a Religion.

    すぐにパンテオンを建設する機会が訪れ [Line break] これが宗教の創始につながる

  • A Pantheon belief can provide many different advantages, so pick one that directly benefits your early empire.

    パンテオンの信仰は様々なメリットを持つ [Line break] 初期の帝国に合うものを選ぶといい

  • For example, if your city is next to ocean resources, the God of the Sea Pantheon will give bonus production to those worked by fishing boats.

    海が近くにあるなら「海の神」が効果的に [Line break] 漁船の生産力を高めてくれる

  • Great Prophets are used to found major religions. You can earn Great Prophet points through social policies and by building Holy Sites.

    宗教の創始には大預言者が必要となる [Screen Break] 聖地の建設や社会政策により [Line Break] 大預言者ポイントを獲得できる

  • When founding a Religion, you may pick one Follower Belief that benefits all cites in which your religion is dominant, and one Founder Belief, which primarily benefits your civilization.

    宗教の創始時には 信者の信仰と [Line break] 創始者の信仰を1つずつ選択でき―― [Screen Break] 前者はその宗教が主流となっている都市に [Line break] 後者は 文明全体に主に影響与える

  • You can also choose the ability to build special religious buildings on your Holy Site.


  • The total number of religions founded are limited so only civilizations that push early for a Prophet will found a religion.

    創始可能な宗教の数には限りがあるため [Line break] 預言者の獲得は他文明との競争となる

  • Religion emanates naturally from converted cites, but to really spread you'll need Missionaries and Apostles which you can acquire with Faith.

    宗教は改宗した都市から自然に広まる [Screen Break] しかし 本格的な布教には信仰力を消費して [Line break] 伝道師や使徒を獲得する必要がある

  • Missionaries are the first religious units you'll get. They have a limited number of charges, which they use to promote their religion near another city.

    伝道師は最初の宗教ユニットで―― [Screen break] 回数に限りがあるが [Line break] 他の都市に布教をすることができる

  • You'll need a Shrine in your Holy Site in order to recruit them with Faith.

    聖地に社を建設すれば [Line break] 伝道師は獲得が可能だ

  • Apostles are your most powerful religious units, and require a Temple. Each Apostle gets access to a special set of promotions.

    最強の宗教ユニット「使徒」は [Line break] 獲得に神殿が必要になる [Screen Break] 使徒はレベルアップで特殊能力を習得する

  • Apostles can also be used to evangelize your beliefs, adding a new ability to the religion.

    「信仰を広める」ことで [Line break] 宗教に新たな信仰も追加できる

  • Have an invading army of Missionaries converting your cites? Have an Apostle launch an inquisition!

    他宗教の伝道師が改宗を狙って来たら [Line break] 使徒に審問を開始させよう!

  • Inquisitors are inexpensive units that can remove competing religions from your cities, as well as engage in Theological Conflict with other Missionaries, Apostles, and Inquisitors.

    審問官は低コストの宗教ユニットで [Line break] 都市から他宗教を排除できる [Screen Break] 他宗教の伝道師・使徒・審問官に [Line break] 「神学戦争」も仕掛けられる

  • Theological Conflict is a new feature that changes the theological landscape in broad new ways.


  • Apostles can attack other religious units to keep them from spreading their religion, and if a unit is defeated it affects every city within 10 tiles, while promoting the opposing religion.

    使徒は他の宗教ユニットの布教活動を [Line break] 攻撃して阻止できる [Screen Break] ユニットが敗れると10タイル以内の全都市で [Line break] 勝利した側の影響力が高まる

  • Some Apostles can even generate Relics from defeat with the Martyr ability.


  • Certain wonders also benefit your religion.


  • Stonehenge, the first Wonder in the game, grants a free Great Prophet and allows you to establish a religion without having a Holy Site.

    最初期の遺産であるストーンヘンジでは [Line break] 大預言者を獲得でき―― [Screen Break] 聖地を建設せずに宗教が創始できる

  • The Mahabodhi Temple grants 2 free apostles, and the Hagia Sophia gives all religious units an extra spread charge.

    マハーボーディー寺院は使徒2人を付与し―― [Screen Break] ハギア・ソフィア聖堂は宗教ユニットの [Line break] 布教可能回数を増加させる

  • Mont St. Michel gives all Apostles the Martyr promotion.

    モン・サン=ミシェルは全使徒に [Line break] 「殉教者」の能力を与える

  • A religious victory is achieved when more than half of all cities in the worlds' civilizations follow your religion.

    世界の都市の過半数で宗教を主流にすると [Line break] 宗教による勝利を達成できる

  • The best way to achieve this is by creating Missionaries and Apostles and sending them to cities and civilizations that didn't start a religion of their own.

    独自の宗教を持たない文明や都市に [Line break] 伝道師や使徒を送るのが一番の近道だ

  • You can also send Apostles promoted with the Proselytizer ability to convert other nations' Holy Cities.

    「改宗者」の能力を持たせた使徒を [Line break] 他文明の聖都に送ることもできる

  • This will upset their leaders, so be prepared to deal with the diplomatic consequences.

    これは相手の怒りを買うため [Line break] 外交への備えも怠ってはならない

  • >Go forth and spread your good word in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.

    君も『シヴィライゼーション VI』で [Line break] 偉大なる教えを世界に広めよう




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