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  • So, it's the start of a brand new semester.


  • Your teacher hands you your syllabus.


  • And yup, you're going to spend $150 on a textbook for a class you don't care about.

    そしてそう、興味がない授業の教科書に 150 ドルを払うことになります。

  • Turns out, it's not unreasonable for some four-year college students to spend close to $500 a year on textbooks.

    その結果、4 年制大学の学生にとって年間 500 ドル近くを払うのはなかなか大変なものです。

  • And it doesn't seem like prices are coming down any time soon.


  • Textbook costs rose 67% from 2008 to 2018.

    教科書の価格は、 2008 年から 2018 年にかけて 67 %も増加しました。

  • Which is putting a serious strain on students' wallets.


  • But how did the college textbook publishing industry become so pricey?


  • Almost 80% of the textbook industry is dominated by 5 major publishers.

    教科書業界のほぼ 80% が 5 社の大手出版会社に独占されています。

  • And they're doing everything in their power to make sure that students keep buying new textbooks.


  • To save money, college students started buying used textbooks for cheaper or rented them from bookstores.


  • But publishers took notice and started bundling new textbooks with special codes that restricted access.


  • Forcing students to buy new textbooks at the full retail price.


  • One study reported that 67% of students skipped buying textbooks altogether

    ある調査によると、学生の 67 %が教科書を買うことを完全にあきらめました。

  • because of rising prices and restrictive codes.


  • And that's not the only thing publishers have done to get students to buy new textbooks.


  • There used to be a new edition update every five years.

    以前は 5 年ごとに新版への改訂がありました。

  • But now, the production cycle has been shortened to two or three years.

    しかし現在は、生産サイクルは 2 年または 3 年に短縮されています。

  • New editions have reordered chapters or changes in page numbers, making it harder to use older editions.


  • And it can cost up to $150 more.

    さらに、最大 150 ドルの費用がかかります。

  • But students have some other options to consider if they want to avoid expensive textbooks.


  • Some schools are starting to use open-source educational materials instead of traditional textbooks.


  • That way, students can access open-license texts, digital media,


  • and other learning materials for a fraction of the cost, but the movement is still in its infancy.


  • So far, only 6% of schools are using these open resources.

    これまでのところ、わずか 6 %の学校しかこれらのオープンリソースを使用していません。

  • It may be a while before we see textbook prices drop.


  • So for now, you may have to shell over $150 for a textbook you probably won't even read.

    それなので今のところ、おそらく読むこともないだろう教科書に 150 ドル以上払わなければならないかもしれません。

So, it's the start of a brand new semester.


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