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  • What's going on boys and girls what's up world and extremely tired Austin John

  • plays here and today I'm gonna be going over shiny chaining combo and getting

  • six ivy Pokemon I don't know what the thumbnail is gonna be yet it's probably

  • just gonna be shiny chaining since that sounds the coolest and everyone knows

  • what a shiny pokemon is not everyone knows what a 6iv pokemon is but

  • essentially all three of those things are the same thing now you can do this

  • from the very beginning of the game the second you leave Pallet Town you can

  • start shiny hunting it's fantastic right the only thing that's gonna make it

  • easier is after you defeat misty pretty sure it's after you defeat misty inside

  • of a Pokemon Center you're gonna get access to an item called the lure here

  • it is you may find some as random scattered items before misty but after

  • misty you could purchase them I don't later point in time you can also

  • purchase super lures and Max lures those the items that's going to make

  • your job a little bit easier in order shiny chain we're going to have to have

  • a combo of Pokemon a combo meaning we catch one Pokemon and then we catch

  • another of the same species and another and another and another and another

  • let's do Caterpie you probably don't need to do a l'heure if you're going

  • after lower-level Pokemon but if you're going after rarer Pokemon or Pokemon

  • that don't spawn frequently or if you're in a small patch of grass that does not

  • have a lot of spawn spaces and you're concerned that your Pokemon may not show

  • up then you may consider using a l'heure so we just go ahead and got ourselves

  • Caterpie here great so now this is our second Caterpie and as you can see right

  • here that's a combo of two there are many ways that you think you would break

  • a combo but you don't you can completely leave this area you could travel to the

  • other side of the world and go do main quest stuff and then come back and

  • encounter a Caterpie catch it and as long as you've caught no pokemon in

  • between that's it still a combo you can accidentally stumble upon

  • another Pokemon like this Butterfree and you can run away and then you encounter

  • another Caterpie and you're still in a combo you can completely run out of

  • pokeballs go to your nearest PokeMart buy as many

  • of them as you want to several trainers do some battles come back catch a

  • Caterpie that is still a combo combo 3 there are only three things then you

  • cannot do that will break your combo the first is if you catch another Pokemon of

  • another species so if I were to catch a Weedle right now and then go back and

  • catch a Caterpie that would break my Caterpie chain sorry not chain combo

  • which you can be tempting you get some rare Pokemon that show up for no reason

  • and it's like oh but then you break a combo the second thing that you cannot

  • do is turn your game off if you wanted to you could hold down the home button

  • go into sleep mode and then if it's on the dock two days later pick it back up

  • catch another Caterpie that's still a combo the only thing you cannot do is

  • close that application so like if the switch dies and then you need to

  • recharge it and the program closed then that's consider breaking the combo have

  • you change users or if you just go into the home screen and close it for

  • whatever reason then you are breaking the combo the third and final thing that

  • can break a combo is if I were to encounter a Caterpie and that counter P

  • were to run away or flee the fight that would break the combo there's the only

  • three ways you could break a combo now there do you know how to do a combo the

  • next question is why do you want to do a combo also worth mentioning if you catch

  • a different Pokemon in the same evolutionary line that's also breaking a

  • combo I didn't know if I needed to mention that but I mentioned it anyways

  • why do you want to do a combo so comboing catching your first until your

  • fifth of the same Pokemon does absolutely nothing

  • any my Caterpie ran away really that broke my combo if you catch one through

  • five of the same Pokemon nothing happens and that Pokemon has a max IV of two

  • meaning that it can have the worst stats in the world but the best possible stats

  • that that Pokemon can have is two max IVs an IV count of 31 and IVs or

  • individual values directly represent how powerful a pokemon is and its overall CP

  • or combat power however once you get past a combo of five and you get to six

  • anywhere from six to ten in a combo has a max IV of three meaning that it's now

  • able to be slightly better then once you hit 11 a lot of things happen one that

  • max IV of three is now up to four which is even better it has better potential

  • of being a super strong pokemons and you get an additional shiny re-roll let me

  • explain shiny rerolls there is a one at a 4096 chance that a

  • Pokemon that you encounter in the wild will be shiny and what the game does is

  • it basically does a random number generator if it's the exact number that

  • it needs to be that one of 4000 then it will spawn shiny and getting an

  • additional reroll means that if it's not shiny it then does it again and there's

  • a second chance up which doesn't directly translate to two out of 4,000

  • there's there's a complex term for the probability of doing a reroll for a

  • probability I don't know the exact term I would like to learn that term I should

  • hit up my old math teacher

  • great and that flawless IV of four-inch an eerie rule of two continues all the

  • way until you hit 21 once you hit 21 your 21st through your 30th pokemon have

  • a chance of five max IVs and you get three shiny rolls that now means that it

  • does one through four thousand and if it doesn't hit the number to generate a

  • shiny it does it again and then it does it again so you have three individual

  • chances to get yourself a shiny pokemon then once you hit 31 and above that

  • number goes to 6 IV maximum which means that you have a potential of a perfect

  • poke okay that's not how how throwing where expert all right I'll take it I

  • got excellent there on that you have a potential of getting a max IV Pokemon

  • meaning six perfect stats fYI your starter is a six max IV Pokemon and your

  • shiny role then goes up to four meaning that you have a one at a 4,000 chance

  • and then it does it again and then again and then again these are the numbers for

  • every spawned Pokemon that means that it appears in the overworld you can see it

  • you can run into it you can encounter it if a Pokemon is shiny it will look the

  • variation color and it will also have little star particles around it so in

  • theory once you hit a combo of 31 and you already have the max candy so

  • there's no reason to catch any more you don't need to do anything you just run

  • around and wait till you see a shiny pokemon and if you see a shiny pokemon

  • you run into it if you run into a pokemon that's not your combo make sure

  • you flee and if you run into the Pokemon that is your combo make sure to catch it

  • you cannot flee from a battle with the Pokemon that your comboing it will break

  • your combo actually my buddy in Mizzou me the guy who helped us with the ultra

  • lock he found a full odds shiny Caterpie which is pretty dope I probably have

  • that footage on screen right now there's also a chance of finding a regular shiny

  • in the overworld without comboing I actually managed to find myself a wild

  • eradicate it just happened to be shiny I didn't even know that it was it appeared

  • it's slightly off screen at the bottom and then I ran down

  • because I saw the the lines and I wanted to catch it and then I realized that it

  • was discolored and by discolored I mean shiny and boy that was that was a great

  • day that's a great day that's the shiny Raticate what really

  • sucks though is when you're looking in your Pokemon box it does not appear any

  • different at all actually if I go to sent to Professor okay at least they

  • give you a prompt if you accidentally go to send a shiny if you do catch yourself

  • a shiny I suggest giving it a badge of favorite what you do buy more details

  • plus to make changes make favorite that way when you're looking through at a

  • quick glance you see that that is one of your favorite Pokemon I only have two

  • favorite Pokemon him and this Pidgey which has almost six perfect IPS it's

  • just one short now this system is so much better than what was implemented in

  • the last 30s game of Pokemon ultrasone autre moon that which you do an SOS

  • encounter and then you get to catch one of those Pokemon instead every single

  • Pokemon in this combo you get to catch you can check the stats of all of them

  • so you can catch numbers 30 through 40 check out all of them and then catch

  • number 41 and check that in 42 and check that and then once you have that perfect

  • IV Pokemon you're done no reason to continue that chain of course if you're

  • looking for a shiny those are different circumstances now in a perfect world in

  • the middle of me recording this video I would have run into a shining but shiny

  • hunting is unfortunately not any faster it's not really any faster I did search

  • for a shiny piggy that's how I got that really fantastic Pidgey but I looked for

  • about four hours uninterrupted I'll send my game volume off because I was just

  • listening to Pandora that is how you're going to get yourself a shiny pokemon

  • with shiny chaining combo Aang and the chance of getting a 6 IV max IV perfect

  • Pokemon so guys that is SHINee chaining and

  • comboing and IV hunting for a perfect pokemon in Pokemon ultrasone and ultra

  • moon however if you are looking for how to do it for legendary Pokemon I am

  • going to be telling you that now if you consider that a spoiler

  • well then now's your time to click away but before you do be sure to leave a

  • like if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe turn on notifications

  • until next time Austin John out okay they gone yeah

  • they're gone great it's also worth mentioning that if you are going to be

  • looking for a shiny legendary Pokemon meaning Articuno Zapdos or Moltres or

  • Mewtwo you're going to be doing the old soft resetting method however there's no

  • soft resetting for this game so you're going to need to go back to the home

  • menu quit the application relaunch the application which is a daunting process

  • the cutscene in which the Pokemon shows up it will not be shiny however in the

  • battle before the encounter it will be shiny and just in case you want to avoid

  • spoilers altogether you can click away now because otherwise I'm about to show

  • it to you and then it's the end of the video

What's going on boys and girls what's up world and extremely tired Austin John


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ポケモンレッツゴーピカチュウ&イーブイでピカピカポケモンコンボの入手方法 (How to Get Shiny Pokemon Combo in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee)

  • 93 4
    林德昕 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日