字幕表 動画を再生する
When you're surfing through Netflix on the bus, the train, work, or in the comfort of your home, or your couch, how do you pick what to watch?
皆さんは Netflix をバスや電車、職場もしくは家でくつろぎながら楽しむ時、何を基準に観るものを決めますか?
Is it a catchy title?
Maybe an interesting synopsis?
Perhaps it's the unwillingness to watch another episode of The Office...
それとも The Office は観飽きちゃったから何か別のものを、とか…
“Save Bandit!”
Or just maybe, a particular piece of cover art speaks to your spirit?
But go on your friend's Netflix account — if they aren't still using your subscription,
でも友だちの Netflix アカウントを見てみると、もしその人が自分と同じ内容の定期視聴をしていないとしたら、
and you may find the cover art there doesn't interest you.
In fact, what you see might be completely different.
It's no accident — Netflix's thumbnails are all tailor made.
これは偶然では無くて、Netflix のサムネイルはそれぞれの視聴者に合わせて
For you.
At its heart, Netflix is all about creating personalized experiences—or, rather, calculating them.
根本的に、Netflix は個人的なサービスに力を注いでおり、どちらかというと計算して動いているといった方がいいかも知れません。
They'll draw you in with curated trailers of upcoming releases, point out new episodes from previously watched videos,
and even gauge your interest in content via match scores.
And while streaming services are notoriously tight-lipped about sharing their viewership data,
over the years, Netflix has shared glimpses into how their technology works.
数年にわたって、Netflix は自社テクノロジーの仕組みについて少しだけ外部にシェアしてきています。
According to internal studies, a typical viewer spends 1.8 seconds considering each title,
内部調査の結果、一般的な視聴者は各タイトルを見て考えるのに 1.8 秒しか時間をかけず、
and Netflix believes it only has 90 seconds to get your attention before you move onto another activity.
Netflix サイト自体に意識を持ってこさせられる時間的猶予は、わずか 90 秒間しかないという見方をしています。
And among all the things that could catch your attention and make you watch a show, or several,
そして視聴者の意識を向けさせて、Netflix の番組を実際に視聴してもらう上で
Netflix found that the biggest influence were the thumbnails.
Humans are intensely visual creatures.
Our eyes move three to four times a second to process new information.
私たちの目は 1 秒間に 3~4 回動いて新しい情報を処理していきます。
And because Netflix's goal is to get your attention and hold it,
そして Netflix としてはできるだけユーザーの注意を引きつけて維持させたいわけですから、
the company puts a lot of work into choosing every thumbnail you'll see.
But before they can decide what image will show up on your account,
they have to sift through a ton of data.
An hour-long Stranger Things episode has almost 86,000 video frames.
例えば 1 時間の Stranger Things のエピソードは、ほぼ 86,000 コマから成っています。
To figure out which ones will make the best thumbnails,
Netflix uses a pretty scientific selection process called Aesthetic Visual Analysis, or AVA.
Netflix は Aesthetic Visual Analysis(通称 AVA )と呼ばれる、科学的見地に立った選択プロセスを活用しています。
AVA is a set of tools and algorithms that search Netflix videos for the best images, and pull them out to create thumbnails.
AVA とは、Netflix のビデオを検索しながら最適の画像を検索するツールやアルゴリズムのことで、選ばれた画像がサムネイルとして加工されていきます。
The process can be broken down into two basic steps.
このプロセスは 2 つの基本段階に分けられます。
First is frame annotation.
A program analyzes every static video frame of a video,
and image recognition algorithms use information gleaned from each shot to create metadata.
The metadata is like an electronic fingerprint identifying characteristics unique to each video frame.
All of this info helps build a database of information that makes it easier to pick out the best images for thumbnails later.
And to sort all this data, the company groups it into roughly three categories that are key to identifying good images:
そして、こういったデータを管理する上で、良い画像を選び出すために大切なカテゴリーをおよそ 3 つに分けて考えています。
Visual — focusing on brightness, color, contrast, and motion blur.
まずは「ビジュアル」ー 明るさや色合い、コントラスト、そして被写体ぶれの有無に焦点を置きます。
Contextual, which documents face and object detection, motion, and shot angles.
And compositional — which focuses on visual principles in cinematography, photography, and design.
さらに「構成」ー これは映画撮影法、写真撮影法、そしてデザインにおけるビジュアル原理に焦点を置きます。
The second step is a process called image ranking.
An algorithm uses the metadata to pick out specific shots that Netflix has determined are the most attractive and clickable.
アルゴリズムが、Netflix のシステムが最も目を引いてクリックを誘発するだろうとした特定のショットを、メタデータを使って選出します。
Ones that aren't blurry, have varied imagery, feature major characters,
and don't contain sensitive or unauthorized branded content.
Then, finally, a creative team steps in to use the best images to design the thumbnail artwork.
But the process doesn't stop there — Netflix still has to figure out which ones work best for each user.
それでもここでおしまいではなく、Netflix としては各ユーザーごとにどのサムネイルが適しているかという点も割り出すことになるのです。
A/B testing is executed — again, again, and again.
その際に A/B テストが何度も何度も繰り返し実施されていくわけです。
You'll regularly see changes in your thumbnails — based on your engagement with previous titles.
On the most basic level, let's say you're a fan of comedy,
and you've watched a bunch of stand-up specials.
When you search for Good Will Hunting, you may get a thumbnail with Robin Williams,
a famous comedian, and one of the movie's main characters.
それは彼がコメディアンでこの映画のメインキャラクターの 1 人であるからです。
But people more into romance titles could be shown the cover art with the two leads kissing.
ところがロマンス系の映画の方が好きな人の場合は、主役の 2 人がキスをしている場面のカバーアートが表示される可能性が高くなります。
There are also regional differences.
From glancing at a show's thumbnails across different countries, you could infer Germany is more into abstract images,
1 つの番組のサムネイルをいくつかの異なる国において比較してみると、ドイツの場合は抽象的な画像を好んで使うことが分かるでしょうし、
and US viewers may prefer clearly defined characters and story plots.
Though there are a considerable number of thumbnails to choose from,
and lots of science that goes into each decision, it doesn't mean Netflix gets it right all the time.
多くの科学的分析を経て結果が表示されるのですが、だからといって Netflix はいつも完璧なチョイスをするかというとそうでもありません。
One Twitter user found the cover art for, "Like Father" a movie starring Kristen Bell,
Kelsey Grammer, and Seth Rogen, had cover art that didn't exactly match who the lead actors in the film were.
It was also kinda odd to see on my own account, that the Catwoman thumb has an image of a barely recognizable supporting actress Sharon Stone,
and Blade II had someone other than its star, Wesley Snipes, in the thumbnail.
Netflix is obsessed with A/B testing new features like video promos, intro skipping, and auto-playing trailers, just as obsessively as they are with testing thumbnails.
Netflix はビデオプロモーションやイントロ部分のスキップ、予告編の自動放映などの新機能に対する A/B テストも、サムネイルの A/B テスト同様に力を注いでいます。
Netflix wants everyone to watch more, so it's unlikely they'll stop doing these tests.
Netflix としては全ユーザーにもっと多くの番組を視聴して欲しいわけですから、こういったテストは今後も続けられていくでしょう。
And if you don't like being a guinea pig, there is the option to opt out.
But with binge-watching quickly becoming a national pastime, it's likely that,
when Netflix asks you,
おそらくNetflix の画面上に
"Are you still watching?"
You will be.
Hey! Thanks for watching The Goods.
どうも!The Goods をご覧いただきありがとうございます。