So I'm I'm gonnatryandsay a sentencewhere I useeverything I justsaidinonesentence, sosolet's setupthescene.
Let's pretendthat I forgottotakethedogfor a walk.
So I couldsay, "I'm sosorry. Itwasmyfaultthatthedogdidn't gofor a walk.
「I'm so sorry. It was my fault that the dog didn't go for a walk.:ごめんなさい。犬を散歩するのを忘れてしまったのは私のせいです」
I apologize. I apologizesincerely. I hopeyouwillforgivemeforforgettingtotakethedogfor a walk. I amveryverysorry.
「I apologize. I apologize sincerely. I hope you will forgive me for forgetting to take the dog for a walk. I am very very sorry.:心から謝ります。犬の散歩を忘れてしまったこと許してくれればと思います」
That'd be a greatway, ifyouwerehaving a fightwithsomeone, andiftheyweremadatyoubecauseyoudidn't dosomething, istotakefullownershipofwhatwasdoneandsincerelyapologize.