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  • (techno music)

  • - [Male] So before I had something to track me,

  • I had constantly struggled with weight loss my entire life.

  • So I've always been a heavy kid.

  • I tried losing weight, I'd cut stuff,

  • I'd go exercise but I'd always stop

  • and I'd always put it back on and sometimes

  • I'd put on more weight than when I started.

  • - So the series 4 Apple Watch has been out for about

  • a week now and while there's been a ton of heat

  • on the iPhone, I think the general consensus

  • is that the watch has been a hit.

  • We've seen it all over Apple keynotes,

  • those stories on how the watch saved a life,

  • how it impacted someone and I thought it'd be cool

  • to actually find someone like that.

  • Meet Gregory who lost 100 pounds using the Apple Watch.

  • - My starting weight was 280, I'm down to 175 now,

  • took about two years to get there but I maintained it,

  • ballooning a little here and there but maintaining 175

  • and still looking to get better though.

  • - Now for me, the biggest benefit of the Apple Watch

  • has always been that it encourages you to be active

  • because chances are, you are more than likely

  • less active than you think.

  • - I always though I moved around a lot

  • or more than the average person.

  • I think a lot of people like to overestimate how much

  • they're actually moving around.

  • So for me, when I got home and I saw that I only took

  • 2000 steps, I was going oh man, and then you see

  • the calorie rings only 100 filled and you have

  • to burn 600 calories, it's a little disorientating.

  • At first I'd start going on walks, just short little walks,

  • 15 minute walks on my breaks

  • and that would help fill the gap.

  • Eventually I just wanted to lose more

  • and start going more so I'd start walking home form work.

  • It would about be an hour walk and you get 10000,

  • 15000 steps and after a while, I just got tired

  • of walking all the time, it took up a lot of time

  • so I jut started running and I picked it up from there,

  • started going 1/2 mile, mile, two mile

  • and then eventually 5k.

  • - So when is aw Gregory's story, it really motivated me.

  • I've been off the fitness game a little bit more

  • than I would have liked to admit lately so to see him go

  • from a mile to two miles to a 5k, I was like jeez,

  • he is completely outdoing me, I need to step my game up.

  • - I sent the tweet out, I sent a tweet sharing the video

  • that I actually had a hard time making telling people

  • about how I lost the weight because I did wanna share it

  • with my audience and let them know where I came from

  • and how heavy I was and how much I progressed

  • and it was important to me.

  • So at most, I was expecting a like.

  • All of sudden, I'm sitting at work and all of a sudden

  • I see a message and I'm like oh shoot.

  • (laughing) My heart rate's pumping up,

  • I couldn't handle it.

  • I can't believe I let myself get that heavy.

  • I barely recognize myself when I look at older photos

  • and sometimes people will say in my life

  • that you weren't that heavy and then I'll remind them

  • and I'll show 'em a photo and they go,

  • "Wow, that was you?"

  • I have a friend from college, Evan,

  • he lives in Massachusetts

  • and we haven't seen each other for a while

  • and we were sitting there and it's like the elephant

  • in the room, no one brings it up

  • and then we're sitting on a drive back home one day

  • and he goes, "Man, you lost a lot of weight, huh?"

  • If I could do it at 280, I think a lot of people can do it.

  • I'd say find something that works for you.

  • If it's an Apple Watch that can help you track your movement

  • or if it's something like a My Fitness Pal

  • that can track your calories, just try something,

  • start doing it everyday and keep at it.

  • - So with that, I thought it'd be awesome

  • to bring Gregory out to hangout and run with him,

  • see what he does on a day to day

  • because right now my cardio and endurance,

  • I'm gonna admit, is trash so Gregory is gonna kick my butt.

  • (upbeat music)

  • All right so we're about to kick off this run with Greg.

  • I'm a little worried that he's gonna kick my butt

  • but we'll see what happens.

  • I'm gona try to run two miles with him,

  • let's see how it goes.

  • Man so we're like six seconds in,

  • his pace though, I knew it was gonna kick my butt,

  • but he's just goin'.

  • Man so I'm bringing this pace down right now.

  • We're about a little under half a mile,

  • I'm breathin', I need a tea and he's just

  • chuggin' through it like a champ.

  • Man I got all the credit in the world.

  • Greg, I knew I was out of shape but holy crap,

  • this is like a

  • giant slap in the face like dude, you gotta run more.

  • Josh, he murdered me.

  • (laughing) Like destroyed me.

  • Like, I just go home after this.

  • Yo, so I was expecting this calm, peaceful jog,

  • you know, he's downplaying it the whole time,

  • it's no big deal, I just kind, I run for fun,

  • my pace isn't that fast, I say go.

  • - It's not that fast. - Dude, there's Blair Witch

  • footage of me trying to catch up to you

  • and you're just knee high running uphill

  • just booking it so...

  • Damn it, I'm sweatin' so much from Gregory,

  • this mic won't stay on.

  • If I didn't screw it up, you would have been going

  • the entire time? - Oh yeah, yeah.

  • You stopped a couple of times and I had to stop with you

  • to walk, I never stopped through my whole 5k.

  • I just go straight through.

  • He was telling me how it slows him down,

  • it makes him feel worse... - A little bit.

  • It's actually harder when you slow down.

  • Just keep going, get it over with.

  • - Oh man I feel so bad, I need to get my stuff together.

  • Either way though man, already from the get go,

  • 100 pounds is an amazing accomplishment

  • so you should be so proud for that

  • but the endurance you've built up kind of blew my mind.

  • - Thank you.

  • - So everybody out there, mad props,

  • smash the like button for Gregory.

  • He also does some really awesome tech videos

  • on top of just being this boss human being.

  • So check him out, I need to get my stuff together

  • because good god, I'm out of shape.

  • Later.

  • - [Male] Bye Jimmy.

  • - I think everyone does the hey guys, this is...

  • - [Male] Do it again.

  • - Do it again? - Yeah, hey guys.

  • Hey guys.

  • I don't know.

  • - [Male] Hey guys, I lost 100 pounds.

(techno music)


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A2 初級

100ポンドのApple Watchの減量の変容 (The 100 pound Apple Watch Weight Loss Transformation)

  • 17 1
    alex に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日