字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント - (singing along) ♪ Mama mia ♪ 00:00:01,069 --> 00:00:01,818 - (singing along) ♪ Galileo ♪ 00:00:01,818 --> 00:00:02,611 - (mouthing) ♪ Galileo ♪ 00:00:02,611 --> 00:00:04,792 - ♪ Galileo ♪ - (singing along) ♪ Galileo Figaro ♪ 00:00:04,792 --> 00:00:05,965 これは何? - What is this? 00:00:09,383 --> 00:00:12,127 今日は、あなた達にバンドの曲を聴いてほしい ♪ (playful music) ♪ そして、何を考えたか私たちに教えて欲しいです。 - (FBE) So today, we're gonna have you listen to 私たちは彼らの歌について議論するつもりです。 a band, and we want you to tell us what you think about いいね their songs and then we're gonna discuss it afterwards. レッツゴー - Cool. 00:00:24,232 --> 00:00:26,061 以前に聴いたことがある気がする。 - Let's go! 聴いたことがあると思う ♪ (synthpop) ♪ 00:00:30,812 --> 00:00:32,126 アップビートだ - I felt like I've heard this before. この曲はなんという曲? - I think I've heard this. 誰か分かったかも ♪ (synthpop) ♪ クイーン? - This is upbeat. 00:00:42,302 --> 00:00:44,973 - What song is this? 00:00:44,973 --> 00:00:46,483 クイーン!!! - ♪ I'd sit alone ♪ - I think I know who it is. 好きじゃないな Queen? 00:00:50,336 --> 00:00:52,582 これは本当に落ち着いてて良い - (gasping) - ♪ ...through teenage nights ♪ 00:00:55,983 --> 00:00:58,493 この曲名は”Radio…”なんとか? ♪ And everything I had to know ♪ "Radio Ga Ga"クイーン? - QUEEN!! 00:01:05,413 --> 00:01:07,125 - ♪ I heard it on... ♪ - I don't like it. 00:01:08,155 --> 00:01:10,067 彼は”レディーガガ”っていってるの? - ♪ ...my radio ♪ 00:01:12,933 --> 00:01:14,819 退屈な曲 - It's actually really calm and nice. このトーン好き - ♪ ...your finest hour, radio ♪ メロディーがほんとに素敵 - Is that the name of the song, "Radio" something? クイーンは素晴らしい "Radio Ga Ga," Queen? もしあなたが私に、好きなアーティストは誰ですかと聞いてきたら - ♪ All we hear is Radio ga ga ♪ - "Radio ga ga"? フレディーマーキュリーと答えるわ、だって彼は神のようだから - ♪ ...Radio ga ga ♪ 00:01:31,247 --> 00:01:33,428 - Did he just say "Lady Gaga"? 00:01:33,428 --> 00:01:34,899 - (yawning) - ♪ ...Radio ga ga ♪ 00:01:34,899 --> 00:01:37,697 前に聴いたことある気がする - That was a boring song. 00:01:39,565 --> 00:01:41,864 - I liked the tone. 00:01:41,864 --> 00:01:44,448 ほんとに良い。クイーンの曲は全部好き - The melody is really nice. リラックスできるわ - Queen is amazing. クイーン? If you ask me who's your favorite artist, 00:01:51,660 --> 00:01:53,058 I will always say Freddie Mercury because he is, like, a god! 00:01:53,058 --> 00:01:55,779 - ♪ She keeps Moet et Chandon ♪ - I know this song. 00:01:55,779 --> 00:01:57,578 - ♪ In her pretty cabinet ♪ 00:01:57,578 --> 00:02:00,259 サイコー ハーモニーがホントかっこいい ♪ "Let them eat cake," she says ♪ 00:02:02,346 --> 00:02:04,036 これって同じバンド? - I feel like I've heard this song before. なんてこと! - ♪ A built-in melody ♪ このバンドにはこんな感じの歌がある? ♪ For Khrushchev and Kennedy ♪ - (humming along) mama mia, mama mia - It's really good. I like all of their songs. このバンド知ってる - It's so just relaxing and just... (sighing) 彼はほんとに良い - ♪ Caviar and cigarettes ♪ - (gasping) Queen? 彼は最高の一人だと思うね - ♪ Well versed in etiquette ♪ 00:02:18,947 --> 00:02:20,675 聴いたことある歌だ ♪ Extraordinarily nice ♪ 00:02:23,012 --> 00:02:25,048 自由が欲しいの? - (singing along) ♪ She's a Killer Queen ♪ 00:02:27,289 --> 00:02:28,918 あなたはすでに自由よ ♪ Gunpowder, gelatine ♪ 00:02:30,409 --> 00:02:32,394 彼らの曲の大半はスロー Like, the harmonies, it's so cool. なんだけど早いのもあるね - ♪ Guaranteed to blow your mind ♪ 00:02:36,136 --> 00:02:39,410 - That's the same band? 00:02:39,410 --> 00:02:41,288 良い曲ね。聴いたことあるわ Oh my gosh! パパのプレイリストに入ってたと思うわ - Does this band have a song that goes like, 00:02:47,810 --> 00:02:48,780 ♪ Mama mia, mama mia ♪ 00:02:48,780 --> 00:02:51,788 Yes, I do know this band. 00:02:51,788 --> 00:02:55,111 いいね、ただなんで彼は開放されたいの? - He's so good. 素晴らしい!!「素晴らしい」以外言えないわ He's got-- I'm pretty sure-- one of the best ranges ever. 彼らの曲はワンパターンじゃない - ♪ I want to break free ♪ 彼らは実際に何回も曲のタイプを変える - I've heard this song. おぉ - ♪ I want to break free ♪ これもパパのプレイリストに入ってる - You wanna be free? "尻デカ女"? - ♪ I want to break free from your lies ♪ 00:03:17,373 --> 00:03:19,204 これは聴いたことがないとおもうわ - You're already free. これは違う - ♪ ...self-satisfied... ♪ 00:03:24,900 --> 00:03:26,720 あからさまなふとっちょ - Most of their songs are kind of slow, ”あからさま”? but some are kind of fast. 00:03:30,540 --> 00:03:31,862 なにこれ - ♪ God knows... ♪ パパがこの曲大好き ♪ God knows I've fallen in love ♪ 00:03:37,978 --> 00:03:40,699 この曲は70年台感がすごい感じる - It's a good song. I've heard this before. 00:03:43,185 --> 00:03:44,664 この曲は好きじゃない I think it's on my dad's playlist. 00:03:48,546 --> 00:03:49,834 - ♪ Oh, how I want to be free, baby ♪ 00:03:49,834 --> 00:03:53,858 ♪ Oh, how I... ♪ 00:03:53,858 --> 00:03:55,509 - (singing along) ♪ ...want to break free ♪ 00:03:56,169 --> 00:03:57,569 不思議な歌詞 - That was nice, just, what does he want to break free from? この歌詞は不思議 - Just good! I can't say any more words except great. "君たちの自転車に乗って漕げ” - They don't all have one type of song. この歌声がすき They actually change what they do a lot of times. 芸術だ - ♪ Are you gonna... ♪ - Ooh! ロックンロール - This is on my dad's playlist too. なんで彼らは尻デカ女のことを歌ってるの? - ♪ Fat bottomed girls ♪ - "Fat bottom girl"? 私を侮辱してるわ。だって私は女よ - ♪ ...go round ♪ 00:04:13,808 --> 00:04:14,866 - I don't think I've heard this one. 00:04:14,866 --> 00:04:16,386 "自転車”って言ってるように聞こえるわ - ♪ Hey ♪ - This is different. 00:04:19,928 --> 00:04:22,107 自分の自転車に乗りたいの? - ♪ Left alone with big fat Fanny ♪ 00:04:24,893 --> 00:04:26,393 ♪ She was such a naughty... - "Big fat fatties." 00:04:26,393 --> 00:04:28,115 パパこの曲が好き - "Big fat"? これはほんとに不思議ね。 自転車? - ♪ ...you made a bad boy outta me ♪ 好き これはどこからきたの? - What is this? 00:04:34,188 --> 00:04:35,509 - ♪ Oh... ♪ - My dad really likes this song. 00:04:35,509 --> 00:04:36,669 - ♪ ...won't you take me home tonight ♪ 00:04:36,669 --> 00:04:38,111 めっちゃカッコいい - This one feels a lot like the '70s. 00:04:39,231 --> 00:04:41,104 - ♪ Oh, down beside your red firelight ♪ 00:04:41,104 --> 00:04:43,666 - I don't like this song. 00:04:43,666 --> 00:04:45,979 スターウォーズ嫌いなの?! - ♪ Oh, and you give... ♪ - This one has a good melody to it. 00:04:47,812 --> 00:04:49,326 - (singing along) ♪ Fat bottom girls ♪ 00:04:49,326 --> 00:04:50,870 ♪ You make the rocking world go round ♪ 00:04:50,870 --> 00:04:52,722 - ♪ Fat bottomed girls ♪ 00:04:52,722 --> 00:04:55,559 彼はスーパーマンもフランケンシュタインも ピーターパンも信じない - Weird lyrics. ただ自転車に乗りたいだけ - The lyrics are weird. イイね - ♪ Get on your bikes and ride ♪ - "Get on your bikes and ride." 彼の声は特別ね。なぜなら - I liked the singer's voice. たくさんの異なった曲を歌えるから - It's very iconic. 彼は低い音も高い音も出すことができるから - It's too rock 'n' rolly. 彼の裏声も素晴らしいし 彼のすべてが素晴らしい - Why are they singing about fat bottomed girls? 彼のヴォーカルトラックは It's kind of insulting to me because I'm a girl. ハーモニーを作るためにたくさんある。 完璧さ - ♪ Bicycle ♪ これ知ってる ♪ Bicycle ♪ ”We Will Rock You" - I hear it saying "bicycle." この曲は誰でも知っていると思うわ - ♪ I want to ride my bicycle ♪ 00:05:21,472 --> 00:05:22,116 - You wanna ride your bicycle? 00:05:22,116 --> 00:05:24,619 これは僕が初めて聴いたクイーンの曲だと思う - (singing along) ♪ I want to ride my bicycle ♪ 00:05:26,543 --> 00:05:28,039 ♪ I want to ride... ♪ 00:05:28,039 --> 00:05:31,161 私は学校行く前に集会でこれを聴いたわ My dad likes this song. 00:05:36,462 --> 00:05:41,092 - This one's really weird. It's like, bicycle? 00:05:41,092 --> 00:05:43,554 あー、野球で歌ったよ Like, where did that come from? 絶対に聴いたことがあるわ、ほんとにこの曲が好き - ♪ ...where I like ♪ このバンドはほんとにイイね、 だって彼らは一人一人 ♪ You say black, I say white ♪ 違うことをするから ♪ You say bark, I say bite ♪ 彼らはみんなにアピールするために 幅広く演奏するから - This is a cool song too. もしあなたがこの歌を歌ったり口パク しないのなら - ♪ ...hey, man ♪ いかれてるわ ♪ Jaws was never my scene ♪ これは”Bohemian Rhapsody”だ ♪ And I don't like Star Wars ♪ 00:06:06,182 --> 00:06:09,080 - You don't-- you don't like Star Wars?! 00:06:09,080 --> 00:06:13,217 - ♪ I don't believe in Peter Pan ♪ 00:06:13,217 --> 00:06:19,097 ♪ Frankenstein or Superman ♪ 00:06:20,087 --> 00:06:22,861 ♪ All I wanna do is ♪ 00:06:23,581 --> 00:06:27,050 ♪ Bicycle ♪ - That's funny. 00:06:27,050 --> 00:06:28,202 好きじゃないわ He doesn't believe in Superman or Frankenstein or Peter Pan. 00:06:36,808 --> 00:06:38,156 この曲大好き He just wants to ride his bicycle. 00:06:40,521 --> 00:06:44,086 この曲にはたくさんの異なったパートがあるね - It was nice. 00:06:45,749 --> 00:06:47,712 - His voice is special because it can do 00:06:47,712 --> 00:06:51,125 lots of different styles of music. 00:06:51,125 --> 00:06:52,222 - He can hit low notes and high notes 00:06:52,222 --> 00:06:53,705 and his falsetto's great, just everything's great about him 00:06:54,395 --> 00:06:55,811 and the tons of vocal tracks that he does 00:06:55,820 --> 00:06:57,790 to make the harmonies that just-- it's perfect. 00:06:59,100 --> 00:07:00,160 なにこれ (stomping and clapping) - I know this one. 00:07:02,492 --> 00:07:04,834 "We Will Rock You." 00:07:04,834 --> 00:07:08,349 これはいつもウィーンの光景を思い出すよ - Pretty sure everyone knows this song. 00:07:11,461 --> 00:07:12,460 Yes! - ♪ Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise ♪ この曲とっても大好き ♪ Playing in the street... ♪ 00:07:19,691 --> 00:07:21,342 - This is, I think, this is the first Queen song I heard. 00:07:21,342 --> 00:07:23,542 - (singing along) ♪ You got mud on your face ♪ 00:07:23,542 --> 00:07:26,503 ♪ You big disgrace ♪ 00:07:26,503 --> 00:07:30,323 - I heard this at an assembly before at my school. 00:07:30,323 --> 00:07:33,165 - (singing along) ♪ We will, we will rock you ♪ 00:07:33,165 --> 00:07:35,443 これは今までで最高よ - (singing along) ♪ Singing we will, we will rock you ♪ 00:07:38,504 --> 00:07:41,204 God...! - Oh, we used to sing this at baseball. これが最後の曲なの? - I definitely heard that song, and I really like it. 00:07:44,181 --> 00:07:45,813 クイーンは頂点だ - This band is actually nice because they do different things 彼らは良いビートとメロディーを持ってた for every single one. 彼らが好き。だっていつも違った - They can play a wide range to appeal to everyone. ことについて歌うから - If you don't sing to this song, or at least lip sync, ボヘミアン・ラプソディは最高の ロックソング一曲よ you're a crazy person. これまでの人生で聴いたことがあるわ - ♪ Is this the real life ♪ - It's Bohemian Rhapsody. 素晴らしい正真正銘のマジックだわ - (singing along) ♪ Is this just fantasy ♪ 00:08:06,576 --> 00:08:08,691 あなたが聴いていたのは - (singing along) ♪ Caught in a landslide... ♪ 全て有名なバンド -ほんと? - (singing along) ♪ No escape from reality ♪ 彼らはクイーンと呼ばれています -うん - ♪ Mama... ♪ - (singing along) ♪ Oooo ♪ 最後のひとつは私に実現させました - (singing along) ♪ I don't want to die ♪ クイーン?彼らはキングか。。ボーイズと 名付けるべきだよ - ♪ I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all ♪ 殺す、クイーン! - I don't like it. この言葉は新しい意味を置きます ♪ (soulful guitar solo) ♪ クイーンはおおよそ1.5億から3億枚 - I like this song too. を世界中で売り上げました ♪ (piano playing) ♪ ワオ! - The thing about this song, it's got so many different parts. たくさんの記録だね - (singing along) ♪ Scaramouch, Scaramouch... ♪ マジか。素直に考えられないよ - (singing along) ♪ ...will you do the fandango ♪ それは大量の記録だわ ♪ Thunderbolts of lightening, very, very frightening me ♪ クイーンは素晴らしいから驚くべきこと ではないけどね - (singing along) ♪ Galileo... ♪ それども、たくさんだ - (singing along) ♪ Galileo... ♪ 最後に彼らのキャリアの大半は - (singing along) ♪ Galileo Figaro ♪ フレディーマーキュリー がバンドの最前線に立っていた - ♪ Magnifico ♪ しかしフレディーマーキュリーは 1991年に亡くなってしまった ♪ Beelzebub has a devil... ♪ - What is this? エイズの合併症によって45歳の時 - ♪ ...put aside for me ♪ うん。彼の死因がAIDSだったことは 知らなかったけど彼が死んでしまったことは知ってたよ ♪ For me ♪ しかし彼は今でも最高の歌手の 一人であると考えられています - This always reminds me of the Wayne's World scene. 賛成だね ♪ (aggressive hard rock music) ♪ ほんと?知らなかったわ - Yes! 今日クイーンを聴いて - I like this song a lot. クイーンの様な歌手がいると思う? - (singing along) ♪ So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye ♪ フレディーマーキュリーと同じくらいすごい? 見つからないよ (drumming table) 多分いると思うけど - (singing along) ♪ So you think you can love me ♪ うーん、いるよ。ビヨンセ ♪ And leave me to die ♪ 彼は本当に素晴らしい歌手だ ♪ Oh, baby... ♪ 聴いていた曲全てが違く聞こえた - ♪ ...can't do this to me, baby ♪ 彼の歌声は素晴らしい - This is the best thing ever! 彼の声はたくさんの役をこなす - ♪ Just gotta get right outta here ♪ 高くしたり低くしたり普通にしたり - God. (chuckling) それが素晴らしい Is this the last song? フレディーマーキュリーより優れた 歌手がいるとは思わないわ Awwww. 彼は本当に歌が上手い - Queen is just superior. あと力強い声を持っている - They have a good beat and melody 人々は何でもオートチューンを使う and I like them because they actually sing もしくは将来出てくるものを about different things every single song. でもフレディーマーキュリーを倒せるものはない - Bohemian Rhapsody is just one of the best rock songs 他のKids React を見てくれてありがとう I've heard in my life so far. それが心を揺さぶると思います Awesome! Pure magic. バイバイみんな (clang!) - (FBE) Truth! みんなありがとうここで僕が育って行くのをみてくれて What you just listened to was one of the most 永い旅の後 famous bands of all time. - Really? 最終的には僕はTeen Reactに移動するつもり - (FBE) And they're called Queen. - Yeah. そこでみなさんとお会いしましょう The last one made me realize it. - Queen? They should be named King... or Boys. - Slay, Queen! Puts a whole new meaning to the term. - (FBE) Queen has sold somewhere between 150 million to 300 million records worldwide. - Wow! - That's a lot of records. - OMG. I can't even think straight. That's so many records. - It's not surprising because Queen is awesome, but still, that's a lot! - (FBE) And, finally, for most of their career, Freddie Mercury fronted the band, but Freddie unfortunately passed away in 1991 when he was 45 years old due to complications from AIDS. - Yeah. I didn't know that he died of AIDS, but I knew he died. - (FBE) But he's still considered one of the greatest singers ever. - I agree. - Really? I did not know that. - (FBE) After listening to Queen today, do you think there will ever be a singer as great as Freddie Mercury? - I have no idea. But there probably will. - Well, there already is. Her name's Beyoncé. - I think he is a really good singer. Listening to all those different songs, his voice is just amazing. - His voice can do so much stuff. He could go high, low, in the middle, and it's just awesome. - I don't think that there will be a better singer than Freddie Mercury. He was really great at singing the songs, and he just had such a strong voice. - People can try and they can use whatever autotune or anything that's gonna come out in the future, but there's no beating Freddie Mercury. - Thanks for watching another episode of Kids React. And we hope it rocked you! - Bye, everyone! - Thank you, guys, for watching me grow here on Kids React. After a long journey, I'm finally going to move on to Teens React, and it's going to be great, and I will see all of you guys there.
B1 中級 日本語 米 クイーン 聴い フレディー マーキュリー バンド 自転車 KIDS REACT TO QUEEN (KIDS REACT TO QUEEN) 104 2 熊斑圓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語