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  • Evolution is all about reproduction, right?

  • It's like...the whole point.

  • So try to explain this: Male elephant seals are pretty unlucky in love.

  • Most never get a chance to reproduce.

  • Just four percent of males can account for eighty-eight percent of mating.

  • The other 96% of male elephant seals just use up resources and don't contribute anything

  • to the next generation.

  • Yet even though it would be a lot more efficient to have just a few males, and a bunch of females,

  • roughly equal numbers of each sex are born every season.

  • We see this in almost every animal species on Earth.

  • Why do most animals, from eagles to armadillos to blue whales to us, make equal numbers of

  • males and females?

  • INTRO The equal ratio of sexes is so common in nature,

  • most people never wonder why it is that way.

  • And it's worth pausing here for a second to make clear we're talking about biological

  • sex, not gender.

  • You probably learned that when male (XY) and female (XX) chromosomes shuffle and combine,

  • there's a 50% probability of either sex.

  • But this just tells us how it IS, not why it is this way rather than some other way,

  • and in biology that's really what we want to know.

  • If getting your genes from one generation to the next is the whole point of evolution,

  • then you'd think the best strategy would be to put a lot of eggs into the female basket.

  • Sperm are really cheap to produce, so males make...a lot of them, and animal males typically

  • don't do most of the childcare.

  • So you get a situation in which you only need a few males to keep a population churning

  • along.

  • This seems like the ideal situation not just for elephant seals, but for many animal species.

  • Yet elephant seals produce both sexes in equal number, and the result is a whole lot of mooching

  • mateless males.

  • As far as evolutionary strategies go, this one seems like a loser.

  • It's not survival of the moochiest!

  • It's survival of the fittest.

  • Fittest, in biology, means makes-the-most-offspring, and 96% of elephant seal males get a big zero

  • for fitness!

  • That's totally bonkers!

  • So how can we explain it?

  • Let's start with a hypothetical population of purple people-eaters, in which out of every

  • 10 purple-people-eating babies born, 9 are female and 1 is a male.

  • When it comes to making adorable people-eating babies, every male will get to mate about

  • nine times as often as every female.

  • If every mating results in two new purple people-eaters, then in the next generation,

  • each male's genes are carried on by 18 offspring, but each femaleon averagegets their

  • genes into just 2.

  • When we count up thefitnessscore, every male in this population has 9 times

  • the fitness of every female.

  • If, through the random chance of evolution, one muncher manages to change in a way that

  • it produces say, 9 male kids for every female kid, those offspring would have a huge advantage.

  • WIth this genetic change, one of these new males would produce roughly four and a half

  • times more grandchildren than a male without the change.

  • This new mutation will spread like gangbusters and in a few generations, you'd have more

  • males than females in the whole purple people eater population.

  • But at this point, the mutation causing 90% male offspring would no longer be an advantage.

  • The environment has changed, and now females are the rarer sex.

  • Now, any parent with a mutation that results in extra FEMALE offspring would be favored.

  • Then THAT mutation would spread until the sex ratio moves BACK towards more females.

  • Repeat this whole process and we move back towards more males...then more females...

  • then more males...

  • The population would be in a constant see-saw towards one sex or the other until, finally,

  • a mutation arises that results in an equal ratio of offspring.

  • That magic 50:50 sex ratio is the only one that is evolutionarily stableand that,

  • right there, is why we see it again and again and again

  • Of course, the 50:50 ratio isn't just about numbers of offspring.

  • It's really about how much time and resources parents invest in offspring.

  • We see 50:50 sex ratios whenever parents invest the equally in their male and female children.

  • If investment is unequal, like, if females require twice the parental care of males,

  • you'd expect to see twice as many males born than females.

  • Sure, here each male has less chance to pass on their genes, but they cost half as much

  • as females, so it evens out.

  • Australian brushtail possum moms, for example, invest more resources in their daughters,

  • so when these resources are scarce, they have more male offspring.

  • Like everything in biology, there are lots of weird exceptions to this, but it's amazing

  • how universal the 50:50 rule actually is.

  • You see it in species where parents care for their babies and where they don't, when

  • they have many partners, or just one.

  • You even see it in species where one sex dies a lot more than the other.

  • It shows us the incredible power of natural selection to shape the characteristics of

  • a population.

  • After all, if love is a battlefield, at least each side is evenly matched.

  • Stay curious.

Evolution is all about reproduction, right?


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なぜ女性と同じくらい男性が多いのか? (Why Are There As Many Males As Females?)

  • 13 1
    April Lu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日