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[ Typing Sounds ]
[ Music ]
[ Cheers and Applause ]
>> Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Welcome to our Town Hall on the Infinite Loop Campus.
Normally, we don't spend a lot of time looking back
but yes we are about to celebrate Apple's 40th birthday
on April 1st.
[ Applause ]
That video lists some of the amazing products
and epic moments in our history
and reminds us just how many times Apple has changed
the world.
Recently, we passed a major milestone
that no one could've ever imagined.
There are now more than 1 billion Apple devices
in use around the world.
[ Applause ]
This is an incredible milestone for us and an indicator
of how much impact Apple has on people around the world.
Our products are such an important part
of people's daily lives.
And with that, comes a significant responsibility.
So before we get started today, I'd like to address something
that I know is on the minds of many people this morning.
We built the iPhone for you, our customers,
and we know that it is a deeply personal device.
For many of us, the iPhone is an extension of ourselves.
About a month ago, we asked Americans across the country
to join in a conversation.
We need to decide as a nation how much power the government
should have over our data and over our privacy.
I've been humbled and deeply grateful for the outpouring
of support that we've received from Americans
across the country from all walks of life.
We did not expect to be in this position at odds
with our own government, but we believe strongly
that we have a responsibility to help you protect your data
and protect your privacy.
We owe it to our customers and we owe it to our country.
This is an issue that impacts all of us,
and we will not shrink from this responsibility.
[ Applause ]
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
OK. So let's get back to why you're here this morning.
Because so many people use our products every day,
we understand that we have an opportunity and a responsibility
to impact things for the better.
So we want to get started this morning by talking
about two initiatives where we are working hard
to leave the world better than we found it.
We'd like to start with the environment and I'd
like to invite Lisa Jackson up to tell you what we're doing
to preserve and protect the environment.
[ Applause ]
>> Thank you.
Thanks so much.
Well, you know, just like everything we do at Apple,
when we think about the environment,
we think about innovation.
You see, we want to change the world for the better
and we think there's no greater challenge in the world
than our changing climate.
Now, the solution is energy efficiency and renewable energy,
and the time for action is right now.
So two years ago, we told you about our ambitious goal,
one that we hope others will adopt.
We told you that our goal was to be 100% renewable in 100%
of our operations worldwide.
That's all of our offices, all of our retail stores
and every single one of our data centers.
So two years later, how are we doing?
Well, currently, 93%
of our facilities worldwide run on renewable energy.
[ Applause ]
And just last year, we reached our goal
of using 100% renewable power to power our operations
in the United States, as well as our offices and stores in China.
In fact, we're now a 100% renewable
in 23 countries around the world.
Now, in some places we're able
to purchase renewable energy right from the grid,
from existing sources, but that's not always possible,
which has led us to some pretty innovative solutions.
In Sichuan Province, China, we found a way
to build a 40-megawatt solar farm
without disturbing the local population.
[ Applause ]
The innovation is in building a system that allows
for electricity generation and hay production
for the local yak ranchers.
That solar project is producing more than enough electricity
to power our 34 retail stores
and our 19 offices in the country.
That makes our facilities there carbon-neutral.
In Singapore where there's not enough room to put solar panels
on the ground, we looked up.
Solar arrays on more than 800 rooftops will cover the
electricity use of our offices and our future stores.
We're really proud to be a 100% renewable in Singapore.
We're also really proud of the fact that 100%
of our data centers are powered by clean sources of energy
like the sun, wind and water.
Now, think for a second about what that means.
It means every time you send an iMessage
or make a FaceTime video call or ask Siri a question,
you can feel really good
about reducing your impact on the environment.
Now, let's talk about another way
that we're reducing our impact on the environment and that's
by protecting forests
that produce the paper we use especially for our packaging.
You see, we believe that paper
like energy can be a renewable resource.
So we're proud to announce that today 99% of our packaging comes
from paper that is recycled or is coming
from sustainably managed forests.
[ Applause ]
This is especially important as we continue our move
to all paper packaging but we're not stopping there.
Through our partnership with The Conversation Fund,
we've permanently preserved over 36,000 acres of working forests
in Maine, in North Carolina and we're partnering
with World Wildlife Fund to improve the management of up
to 1 million acres in China.
You see, our goal is to add to the world's supply
of responsibly sourced paper rather than take from it.
Now, while we're focused on conservation, let me tell you
about another way we're working
to preserve our planet's resources,
and that's through reuse and recycling.
You see, we worked really hard
to make sure our products don't end up in places like this,
and we think the best way to do that is to have them be reused.
That's why we design our products to last,
and we're happy to say that thanks to their durability,
the vast majority of iPhones that we get back end
up being reused, including the phones we get back
from our iPhone upgrade and trade up programs.
But at some point, even our products need to be recycled.
Many recycling systems today waste much
of the materials they collect, so it can't be reused.
We think it's time for a new approach.
We put an incredible amount of energy
into designing the best products in the world and we put
that same kind of energy into thinking about what happens
when they can no longer be used.
Let me introduce you to a pretty cool R&D project,
we call him Liam.
>> The iPhone is the result of years of innovation
but true innovation means considering what happens
to a product at every stage of its life cycle.
Meet Liam.
When it's time, Liam deconstructs your iPhone.
Parts are detected and removed and separated,
so the materials inside those parts can be repurposed.
To rescue cobalt and lithium from the battery,
separate the gold and copper in the camera, extract silver
and platinum from the main logic board, so the materials
in your iPhone can live on.
Because in a world with limited resources,
some things can't be replaced.
[ Music ]
[ Applause ]
>> He is pretty cool, right?
There's no other machine in the world
that can do what Liam can do, and it was conceived
and designed by Apple engineers right here in California.
The things we've learned
from this project will help us make even bigger strides
in the area of reuse and recycling as we go forward.
As you saw on the video,
Liam separates the iPhone into its components.
This allows us to recover the materials,
high quality materials, and reintroduce them
into the global supply, and that saves natural resources.
So that tungsten from the iPhone alert module can be used
to make a precision cutting tool, and the silver
from the motherboard can be used to, in a solar panel.
Now, ultimately, our goal is to create breakthroughs
that allow us to use those high quality materials
in our own products because reuse and recycling is
so important, and that's where you can come in.
With Apple Renew, you can recycle your devices easily
and quickly in a way that's safe for your data
and safe for the planet.
All you have to do is take them into an Apple retail store
or send them to us for free by visiting apple.com/recycling
to print a prepaid mailing label.
We're making great progress in our environmental efforts
but we have a lot more to do and we promise
to keep you updated along the way.
Now back to Tim.
[ Cheering and Applause ]
>> Thank you, Lisa.
[ Applause ]
Powering Apple on a 100% renewable energy,
it is an incredible, ambitious and bold objective
but we are determined to meet it and we hope others will join us.
The second initiative we'd like to talk
about this morning is health.
With the launch of ResearchKit last year,
we've seen that Apple technology can have a positive impact
on people's health.
And to tell us about some progress in this area,
I'd like to invite Jeff Williams.
[ Applause ]
>> Last year, we introduced ResearchKit and our goal was
to use technology to solve some
of the biggest problems facing medical research.
We wanted to make it easier for people
to participate and research studies.
And we wanted to make it easier to gather accurate
and frequent data from the devices we're all already
carrying in our hands.
So what happened?
Virtually overnight, the research studies
that we launched became some of the largest in history with tens
of thousands of people signing up.
Like in this Parkinson's study
which became the largest Parkinson's study in history
in less than 24 hours.
[ Applause ]
Studies broke geographical boundaries.
Traditionally, studies are centered
around the research institution but with ResearchKit, anyone,
anywhere can participate.
Mount Sinai's Asthma app actually discovered asthma
triggers from all 50 states.
But more important than any of that,
researchers are gaining insights
that just weren't possible before.
Take diabetes.
You and I know diabetes as type 1 and type 2
but Mass General's study of type 2 diabetes found
that some people respond completely differently
to therapies than others, supporting the theory
that there are actually subtypes of type 2 diabetes,
helping pave the way
for precision medicine for the future.
Some of the world's most respected institutions have
released ResearchKit studies covering a wide range
of diseases and conditions that affect billions
of people around the world.
ResearchKit is opening up all kind of possibilities and I'd
like to you show a video to tell you more about it.
>> ResearchKit was created with the goal
of improving medical research.
A year later, we're seeing app developers, doctors,
and even patients take these ideas
and make them more powerful than we could have ever dreamed.
>> We can detect autism as early as 18 months old
but the median age that a child in US is diagnosed
with autism is five years old,
so we need a radical new solution.
>> If autism is diagnosed early,
it can have significant benefits for the child.
The point of Autism and Beyond is to help engage parents
in a ResearchKit study but more importantly is
to eventually develop a tool that they can use at home
with their child to screen for autism.
>> We show the child videos and we use the front-facing camera
to record the child's reaction to these videos,
and then we have algorithms that then can tell us
about the child's emotions and other behaviors.
So we have a chance to understand child development
in a completely new way.
>> When you have large numbers of people participating
in a research, their insights
into the condition increase exponentially.
With ResearchKit, we're getting day by day assessments
on how people are doing.
>> Parkinson's, it's a disease that slows you down
and exercise will make your feel better,
that's what I've come to learn.
What I'm trying to do lately is
to use the app before I exercise, and then afterward
to see how exercise might forestall progression of it
because it's not curable at the moment, at the moment [laughs].
>> Now with mPower app, we're getting information
that can be used to personalize the care that patients receive.
>> If we could bring research and care together
and really bridge that gap,
we can help people live healthier and happier lives.
>> I had my first epileptic seizure
when I was three in a half.
I always have that fear first of all in the back of my mind.
Am I going to have a seizure while I'm driving?
What if I'm at work or I'm by myself?
How am I going to handle that situation?
>> The EpiWatch app is the first research app
to use the Apple Watch.
So those sensors can be used
to collect physiologic data during seizures and we're using
that data to try to develop a seizure detector.
>> The research that they are doing is exciting
because they're trying to find a predictor.
Having that would be amazing because I would know, hey,
this is going to happen.
You have plenty of time to get to safety.
It's like, OK, I got this.
>> This is no longer just about research.
People are using apps to learn about themselves in a way
that they couldn't before to create a better life
for themselves in terms of their own health.
>> ResearchKit has clearly transformed research.
More importantly, it laid the foundation to transform care.
>> What's really amazing
about an iPhone is you have it in your pocket.
You don't need any special equipment.
Here is the phone.
We can do this science.
We can do this medicine with a phone.
[ Music ]
[ Applause ]
>> You know, when we introduced ResearchKit, our goal was simply
to improve medical research,
and we thought our work was largely done.
But what you probably saw in the film and what became clear
to us later is the very same tools we used
to advance medical research can also be used
to help people with their care.
Let me give you an example.
In the Parkinson's study, patients do a test several times
with their iPhone like that simple tap test you saw
on the video to assess their symptom levels.
And researchers can see the symptom level
across a range of days.
And they can see this before and after medication.
And there were lots of patients like patients A
where you can see that symptom levels improve post medication.
In other words, the medicine is working.
But there were also a lot of patients like patient B
where post medication, there's no improvement at all.
Their symptom levels didn't change.
In other words, the medicine is not working.
The patient either needs a different dose
or a different medication or maybe no medication at all,
but today neither the individual nor the caregiver has this
information, and we think empowering people with data
about their health is incredibly important.
So today we're launching CareKit.
[ Applause ]
CareKit is a framework to build apps that empower people
to take a more active role in their care,
and the very first CareKit app being released today is
for Parkinson's.
And it surfaces some of that valuable information we
discussed, so people can start understanding better what
affects their health.
And these six leading institutions will begin using
this app with their Parkinson's patients immediately,
so they can have a more informed discussion
about individualized treatments.
Let me give you another example.
Surgery. One of the things physicians tell us is one
of the most important things affecting outcome
of surgery is actually what you do during the recovery process.
Yet, we go from being monitored by a team
of highly trained specialist using leading edge technology
to being discharged with this, a single sheet of paper.
This is actually what happens pretty much across the country.
This is your list of things to do, things not to do,
which days you're supposed to do them on.
And adherence to this is notoriously very poor.
So, using the CareKit modules, we've been working
with Texas Medical Center and they've created an app
for the phone that got you through this critical process
in a completely different way.
It's got a care card which is your list of things
to do every day in checklist form, and as you fill them out,
the little heart fills up, it's really nice.
It's got a symptom and measurement tracker
where you can record information on your progress.
It's, you can record things like your temperature to monitor
for an infection or you can use the accelerometer on the iPhone
to study the range of motion.
And then you can share this information with your loved ones
who can help support you through this recovery process.
And best of all, you can share this information
with your physician who will take the results
of how you're doing and they will dynamically update your
care plan, so it changes on the fly, something just not possible
with a sheet of paper.
Those are just two examples of CareKit apps.
There are others coming
and we think the possibilities here are limitless.
Now, a word about privacy, nothing is more sensitive
than your health data.
You decide which apps you use
and with whom you share this information.
CareKit like ResearchKit will be open source
and it will be available in April.
We have been absolutely humbled and inspired by the response
to ResearchKit and we can't wait
to see what great apps get created with CareKit.
Thank you.
Back to Tim.
[ Applause ]
>> Thank you.
It's amazing that in such a short period of time
that ResearchKit has had a profound impact
on the broad area of medical research, and our hope is
that CareKit can have the same kind of impact
on helping individuals manage their care.
So you've seen the latest important work we have going
on the environment and in the health area,
now I'd like to talk about products
and I'll get started with the Apple Watch.
Since we launched it less than a year ago,
the Apple Watch has become the top selling smart watch
in the world.
But most importantly to us, customers love it.
They found that it's not just useful
but it's become an essential part of their daily lives.
They love being able to receive and respond to messages directly
from the wrist, as well as track their activity,
manage their calendar, navigate with maps,
and get up-to-the-minute information on sports scores
and news headlines and more.
People also love changing the bands
and how it gives the watch an entirely new look,
one that's appropriate for any purpose or occasion or season.
About a third of our Apple Watch wearers regularly change
their bands.
Today, we're introducing some brand new colors
and a new band that's made from a whole different material.
Our new woven nylon band.
Thank you.
[ Applause and Cheering ]
Our new woven nylon band features a unique
four-layer construction.
It comes in a variety of vibrant colors.
We think it's going to be incredibly popular.
Also, there's new sport and leather bands in all new colors,
and there's a stunning Space Black Milanese loop
that is absolutely beautiful.
[ Applause ]
We're really excited about this new spring line up
and we want even more people to be able to enjoy Apple Watch
and what it can do for them.
So beginning today, Apple Watch will start at just 299.
[ Applause and Cheering ]
That's our update on Apple Watch.
Now, I'd like to talk about Apple TV,
bringing all new capabilities
to the biggest screen in your house.
People are absolutely loving the new Apple TV with the App Store
and the innovative Siri Remote.
After the introduction of the new Apple TV last quarter,
we had the largest sales ever for Apple TV.
Now, apps are the future of television
and this transition is well under way.
In just a short period of time
since the Apple TV has been shipping,
we have 5,000 apps on the App Store.
There's amazing content apps to enjoy all over the world.
Like this one from HBO, HBO Now,
where you can watch the latest HBO shows whenever you want,
wherever you want.
Shows like "Game of Thrones" and "Veep"
and of course "Silicon Valley".
And NCAA March Madness Live just in time,
where you can watch two live tournament games simultaneously,
this is exclusive to Apple TV,
and you can also monitor the scores of the other games
and quickly change between the action.
And of course, there's a whole bunch of games to pick
from like this one from AG Drive.
Now, in addition to great video content and great games,
there's a wide variety of other apps on the App Store.
Like Solar Walk 2, which turns your living room
into a planetarium, and BrainPOP which is a great educational app
for kids, and GrubHub which you can order your favorite food
and get it delivered right to your home.
This is very key for me.
And Cody, you can choose from the internet's best workouts,
there's some great ones.
This is just a small sample of what's available in Apple TV
and much more is coming.
Now, of course, tvOS powers the Apple TV.
And at the heart of the Apple TV experience is Siri.
With Siri, you can just ask for something great to watch.
Like show me movies with Kevin Hart.
And there it is.
Pick your favorite.
In looking for a movie or a TV show,
Siri searches the popular apps so you don't have to.
We've added some great contents app for Siri to search,
we've got more coming, and we'll keep adding more over time.
Now, we've got some other great features coming
to Apple TV like folders.
Now, you can organize your apps
in your home screen just like you want to.
[ Applause and Cheering ]
And dictation.
So you can now use your voice to enter text on the screen.
This includes usernames and passwords.
You're really going to love it.
[ Applause ]
Plus Siri for the App Store.
So you can ask for any app that you want
or any type of app that you want.
And now, you can access your entire iCloud Photo Library
including live photos right on your big screen.
All of this is available.
It's a free update beginning today.
That's Apple TV.
[ Applause ]
Now, I'd like to talk about iPhone.
iPhone is the most loved smart phone in the world.
And today, we're welcoming a new member to the iPhone family.
And to tell you all about it,
I'd like to invite up Greg Joswiak.
[ Applause ]
>> Thanks, Tim.
Our customers are loving the new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus
and while the vast majority
of our customers prefer this larger display iPhones,
we're here today to talk about a smaller iPhone.
Our four-inch iPhones are actually an important part
of our lineup.
Just last year we sold over 30 million four-inch iPhones,
that's a lot of phones, put it in perspective,
it took us about two and a half years to sell that many iPhones
when we first started from our entire lineup.
So why are people buying four-inch iPhones?
Well, there's two reasons.
First, for some people they simply love smaller phones.
They want the most compact iPhone design.
Second, we found that for a lot of these customers,
it's their first iPhone.
Whether they're switching from Android
or it's their first smart phone,
it's the first time they're experiencing iOS
and our hardware and software integration
and our amazing ecosystem.
And in some countries like China, it's the majority
of these customers who it's their very first iPhone.
So some people asked us, some people even pleaded us
to please keep the four-inch products in our lineup.
Well, today we're going to do just that and we're going
to make it a whole lot better.
And as you may have heard, we're calling it the iPhone SE.
[ Applause ]
So let me show it to you.
So we start with this beloved aluminum design
but we've made some beautiful refinements including this
gorgeous rose gold finish.
We've added matte-chamfered edges
and an inset stainless steel Apple logo just
like the iPhone 6s but it's on the inside
where the iPhone SE really shines.
It's got advanced technologies
that make this the most powerful four-inch phone ever.
It's incredibly powerful which makes it even better
to do the things that iPhone customers want
to do including playing the most graphic intensive games.
So at the heart of the iPhone SE of course is our chips,
our amazing Apple A9 chip
with its embedded M9 motion coprocessor.
This means that the iPhone SE has the same processing
performance as the iPhone 6s
which is literally double the speed of the iPhone 5s.
And the iPhone SE also has the same incredible graphics
performance as the iPhone 6s
which is three times faster than the iPhone 5s.
And the embedded M9 motion coprocessor is always on,
so it enables all kinds of features
like tracking your fitness all day
but it allows you to use "hey Siri".
So hands free, you get to say things
like this just -- "Hey, Siri.
How do you feel about recycling?"
>> I love the Apple Renew program
but Liam really tears me apart.
[ Laughter ]
>> That's for Lisa.
So even though it has all these new capabilities and it's
so much more powerful than the iPhone 5s,
the iPhone SE delivers incredible battery improvements
across the board.
And of course people love taking photos with their iPhones more
than any other phone or camera.
So we wanted to give it our most advanced camera system.
So we've given it our incredible 12-megapixel iSight camera
with Focus Pixels and True Tone flash.
And we have of course that image signal processor from the A9
that enables all kinds of great features
like the panorama pictures up to 63 megapixels
but also improvements to video, slo-mo, time-lapse
and of course your photos,
which means you can incredible pictures like this and this.
I don't know what you're thinking
but that is not Phil Schiller skateboarding to work.
He looks just like him though.
And yeah, and the iPhone SE can capture live photos.
So you can take your still photos
and have them come to life.
[ Applause ]
And our front-facing FaceTime HD camera,
we'd given the Retina Flash.
What that means is if you want to take a selfie in low light,
we're able to drive the display three times brighter than normal
in order to flash the True Tone flash, so you get a picture
like this instead of the dark selfie.
It can even capture 4K video and just like the iPhone 6s,
you can edit up to two simultaneous streams of 4K video
with iMovie right on the iPhone SE.
We've also given it great wireless capabilities.
We now have LTE speeds that are 50% faster than the iPhone 5s
and we've added more LTE bands
so you have better global roaming
and of course high fidelity call quality with voice over LTE.
And we've given it high speed WiFi as well 802.11ac,
which is three times faster than the iPhone 5s
and high quality WiFi calling is also supported.
Now, it has Touch ID to keep the contents of your iPhone secure
but also quickly available to you
with just a touch of your finger.
And now, you can make easy, secure and private payments
with Apple Pay built in.
[ Applause ]
So, to do that, we've added an NFC Radio
and a secure element inside of the iPhone SE.
And we've launched Apple Pay in these countries
and we most recently rolled it out on China
where the response was absolutely fantastic.
We had over three million cards added
in the first 72 hours alone, absolutely fantastic.
And of course, the iPhone SE meets our really high
environmental standards.
It is, of course, highly recyclable aluminum and glass
but it's got other recyclable components and materials as well
which both Lisa and Liam loves.
And it's free from that naughty list
of environmentally unfriendly materials as well.
So as you can see, we've added an incredible array
of advanced technologies to the iPhone SE
in its really compact design
which makes it the most powerful four-inch phone ever.
It really is an amazing device.
So the iPhone SE, what does it cost?
Well, we're going to start the price
of the iPhone SE at only $399.
[ Applause ]
Which makes it our most affordable price we've ever
introduced a new iPhone at.
And we have a higher capacity, 64 gigabyte model for just 499.
And if you're on a two-year subsidized service contract,
you get the iPhone SE for free.
But of course we know installment plans have become
incredibly popular, the iPhone SE now starts
at just $17 per month without a service contract.
So the iPhone SE joins our incredible line up of iPhones
with the iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6s, and 6s Plus.
It's the strongest iPhone lineup we've ever had.
We can begin, we'll begin taking orders
for the iPhone SE this Thursday, March 24th
and it'd be available next week, so March the 31st.
We'll be shipping first in these countries
but many more will quickly follow.
We'll be in more than 100 countries by the end of May.
So that's the iPhone SE.
[ Applause ]
So whether this is your first iPhone
or you just love smaller phones,
we think you're going to love it.
But I got more.
Fundamentally important of course
to the iPhone experience is iOS.
And iOS is the most advanced mobile operating system
in the world.
And of course our latest version,
iOS 9 which was released this past fall
with incredible features as well as improvements
to the foundation of iOS.
And iOS 9 today is running on 80% of our active iOS devices.
That compares incredibly,
favorably with the latest version
of Android also released this past fall which is running on 2%
of their active devices.
And for the last couple of months, we've been testing
and publicly and previewing iOS 9.3 which is one
of the biggest dot releases we've ever done.
And it adds some new innovations as well improvements
to the wide range of apps, so I'd like to share some
of the highlights with you.
Let's start with Night Shift.
So studies have shown that exposure to blue light
in the evening can actually make it harder for you
to fall asleep at night.
So Night Shift automatically shifts the colors of the display
to the warmer end of the spectrum
which may help you sleep better at night.
So how does that work?
Well, when it's enabled Night Shift uses your iOS device's
clock as well as its geolocation to know
when it's sunset in your location.
And then it automatically shifts the color of that display
to the warmer end of the spectrum
which reduces the blue light which may help you sleep better.
It's a really cool feature,
that's why I'm still wide awake and alert.
Notes. Let's talk about Notes.
Notes is actually one of the most used apps in the platform.
It's used by literally hundreds and millions of people every day
and customers are loving the newly redesigned Notes app
in iOS 9.
Well, today, we're adding the ability
to further protect your most personal notes
with a passcode or a fingerprint.
[ Applause ]
Health. The health app gives users a quick and easy dashboard
with their health and fitness data and there are already
over 2500 apps that provide data into the health app and we want
to make it easier for customers to find the right apps
for their health and fitness needs.
So we've added great app suggestions right
into the health app so you could easily add data
to your dashboard.
News. We introduced Apple News with iOS 9
and it's become the source of news
for over 50 million active users.
And in iOS 9, we want to make it even faster
and more personalized.
So we're adding top stories to make it easier
to track your news on your iPhone or iPad, and for you,
now suggests trending topics as well as editor's picks.
CarPlay. CarPlay is the safer, smarter way to use your iPhone
in your car, and every major car brand has committed
to integrate CarPlay into their cars and already more
than 100 car models have been announced with CarPlay support
and more and more keep coming.
So you can expect to see this in more and more places.
And with iOS 9.3, it would add even more useful features
to CarPlay.
For instance, your Apple Music experience gets better with new
and for you, which provides songs, artists,
albums handpicked by experts, as well as selections based
on your own preferences, and maps gets even better.
With the nearby feature which allows you to find gas, parking,
restaurants and more with just a tap of your finger.
iPad with its powerful features and apps opens up new
and more engaging ways of learning,
and with iOS 9.3 using iPads in the classroom is even easier
and more powerful with a preview of a new suite of software
and capabilities that are designed specifically
for students, teachers and administrators.
[ Applause ]
So that's just some of the highlights of iOS 9.3.
We think it's turned out really great and it's going
to make the best mobile experience even better.
And it's available as a free update for all of you today.
That's iOS 9.3 and iPhone SE.
Thank you very much.
[ Applause ]
>> Thank you.
It's a great update to iOS.
I don't know about you but I'm looking forward
to sleeping better and I'm incredibly excited
about iPhone SE.
Many, many customers have asked for this
and I think they're really going to love it.
Next up is iPad.
We believe that iPad is the perfect expression of the future
of personal computing.
We took a giant step in this direction last fall
with the introduction of the 12.9-edged iPad Pro,
and since then many people are telling us
that the iPad Pro has become their primary computing device.
We've got some exciting news for you today.
And to tell you all about it,
I'd like to invite up Phil Schiller.
[ Applause ]
>> Thank you.
Good morning, everyone.
I couldn't be more excited to be the one to be able
to tell you all about iPad.
Customers really have fallen in love with the new iPad Pro
in the six months that it's been on the market.
They're in love with the huge 12.9-inch retina display,
all its performance, all the capabilities,
the speaker system, and the Apple Pencil.
That is a true revolutionary breakthrough.
We're hearing so much from customers around the world,
customers like John Lasseter, Chief Creative Officer of Pixar
and Disney Animation Studios.
John had this to say, "The iPad Pro
and the Apple Pencil are the closest we've ever been able
to get in the digital world to actually drawing on paper."
Or Stephen Gates, Head of Design at Citi.
"At Citi, iPad Pro is truly transforming how we work.
Our design team has incorporated iPad Pro
into their daily workflow, allowing them to create,
collaborate and share ideas in new ways."
And Alex Valdman, Head of Design at Rapha.
"iPad Pro goes with me everywhere.
For everything I do, including designing the latest cycling
collection, it has not only replaced my laptop
but my paper notebook as well."
People love iPad Pro.
It is a revolutionary device.
And so, that's why, today, we're so excited to introduce you to,
for the first time, the second member of the iPad Pro family.
An entirely new iPad Pro based
around a 9.7-inch retina display.
And it weighs less than one pound.
It is an iPad Pro through and through.
But why make a second iPad Pro that's smaller?
Well, there are two really great reasons.
First, we started iPad with a 9.7-inch display
for a very good reason, it's a large enough display to get all
of your work done, but small and light enough to carry
with you everywhere you go.
People have loved the size.
And from the beginning,
it has remained our most popular iPad size.
In fact, I'm really happy to tell you that to date,
we sold over 200 million iPads with a 9.7-inch display.
So, for all of these customers, when they learn
about the features of iPad Pro, they'll all see
that it is their ultimate upgrade.
There's a second group of people that would love to reach
with this new iPad Pro, Windows users.
You may not know this.
But the majority of people come to an iPad Pro are coming
from a Windows PC, a desktop or a notebook.
Now, of course, we all know,
Windows PCs were originally conceived off before there was
an internet, before there was social media,
before there were app stores.
And this is an amazing statistic.
There are over 600 million PCs in use today
that are over five years old.
This is really sad.
[ Laughter ]
It really is.
These people, yes, could really, really benefit from an iPad Pro.
And when they see the features and performance and capabilities
of a product like the iPad Pro designed for a modern
and digital lifestyle, well, many of them will find
that it's their ultimate PC replacement.
Best of all, they can get access
to all those incredible apps in the App Store.
And we're so happy to tell you, there are now
over one million apps in the App Store designed for iPad.
And they work beautifully on iPad Pro.
So let me tell you a lot more about this brand new iPad Pro.
First, it has a pro display.
It starts with the same materials used
in a 12.9-inch iPad Pro, an oxide TFT display driven
by a custom Apple timing controller.
The custom controller has a variable refresh rate.
So it runs really fast but power efficient.
We use our photo alignment technology
to line the individual crystals
so that it has incredible contrast ratio and sharp text.
But there's so much more to this display.
It is 40% less reflective than an iPad Air 2.
At just 1.8% reflectivity,
it is the lowest reflectivity of any tablet.
And if you're a pro working, you really appreciate
that low reflectivity.
And it's brighter too, 25% brighter than an iPad Air 2.
It puts out 500 nits of light.
It makes it the brightest tablet available.
And there's a very wide color gamut.
It uses the digital cinema's spec, DCI P3,
which gives it a 25% greater color saturation
than iPad Air 2.
In so many ways, this is the best display we've ever built
for an iPad.
In addition, it supports two really breakthrough features.
The first, you've heard about from Jos.
It works with Night Shift.
So as the sun goes down, the brightness dims a bit,
the blue light wavelengths get reduced.
And some people find that it makes it easier to get to sleep.
But the second feature is a breakthrough that's never
appeared on any device before.
It's incredibly innovative.
We call that a True Tone display.
A True Tone display measures the color temperature
of ambient light and adjusts the display to match.
I heard an oh out there.
Somebody already gets this.
This is great.
It has two new four-channel ambient light sensors
that measure both brightness and color temperature.
So how does that work?
Let's start with a piece of paper.
Piece of paper reflects light.
So when you use it in different environments,
it reflects the color temperature
of the light in that environment.
Our optic nerves were designed
to be comfortable with this experience.
If you go into the warm incandescent light of your home
and the paper takes on a warm tone.
But now you use a digital device.
Digital devices emit light.
And that light has the same color temperature no matter
where it is.
So the color cast isn't right.
It doesn't match paper white.
Well, except now if it's a True Tone display, it does.
No matter where you use it,
it automatically senses the color temperature of the light
and becomes warmer or cooler and matches paper white
and it's really natural to use.
Once you use a display with this True Tone technology,
you never want to go back to old technology again.
It is quite a breakthrough.
[ Applause ]
Next, it has pro audio system.
It's four speakers working the stereo system
to adjust automatically the frequencies between highs
and lows depending on how you hold it.
It also puts up twice the audio volume of an iPad Air 2.
But best of all, this has incredible level
of performance unlike any other mobile device.
It has our fastest chip ever, an A9X.
This is a third generation 64-bit chip
over 3 billion transistors.
It's made with a 3D FinFET architecture.
If you don't know what that is, it is unbelievably state
of the art and people are noticing.
TechRadar wrote, "iPad Pro packs powerful enough hardware
to be a genuine laptop replacement,
with more than enough grunt in terms of processor
and graphics performance."
And it has a ton of grunt.
Twelve cores of graphics delivering
over half a teraflop of graphics power.
That's more than an Xbox 360 and a device that you hold
in the palm of your hands.
It's incredible for gaming.
It's also incredible for professional applications,
modeling, rendering, just fly on the new iPad Pro.
And it's absolutely enough performance
for their great iOS 9 features from multitasking
where you can have apps side by side and video streaming,
and picture in picture.
It is an incredibly powerful chip.
It also, as Jos told you,
includes our embedded M9 motion coprocessor.
With that, apps that use our built-in sensors are instantly
calibrated and up and running quickly.
It also supports "hey Siri".
I said it that way because I know it also sets off peoples
phones when I do it.
This means you can talk to your iPad and you can ask it
to open your mail and check for new messages.
You can talk to your iPad and ask it to go to website or look
up a contact and it can do it all automatically for you.
And the iPad Pro supports a great line of pro accessories.
There's a smart keyboard designed specifically
for the size at that 9.7-inch retina display.
[ Applause ]
As you put your iPad on, it just automatically starts to work
and the software adjusts.
For example, my favorite feature, command tabs,
I can switch between my multitasking applications just
like on my desktop Mac.
And it supports the greatest accessory Apple has ever made,
the Pencil.
This is an amazing device.
It's a breakthrough and people are really falling
in love with it.
Christopher Phin of Creative Bloq wrote,
"Let me be completely clear,
this is the best digital drawing tool there has ever been."
We couldn't agree more.
It is an amazingly precise drawing tool.
It senses pressure.
There's also a tilt angle for amazing drawing.
And you can draw it just like you do on paper
by putting your hands on the iPad
because of its built-in palm rejection software.
And it recognizes the pencil as well as your fingertips.
So you could use both simultaneously
to advance techniques for your drawings, your illustrations.
People love drawing and doing illustrations on it.
They also like taking notes on it.
It's an incredible device.
There are other pro accessories as well.
A great new line of lightning adapters, for example,
a new lighting SD card reader that's incredibly fast
and this is a really powerful accessory, a USB card reader.
Sure, it lets you plug in your camera which many of us do
but because it's powered you can use a lot
of powered USB devices.
For example, you can plug in an ethernet adapter to get
on your corporate network.
And for those of you who are podcasters you're likely to plug
in a microphone and do your podcast right from an iPad Pro.
[ Applause ]
Customers love taking photos with their iPads as well.
Certainly photos for personal use
but more importantly they can use the camera for work as well.
You can use the camera in augmented reality apps.
You can use it to scan documents.
You can use it to see constellations in the night sky.
There are so many great uses for that camera.
And in the new iPad Pro,
we've put our most advanced camera yet.
It's a 12-megapixel iSight camera with its Focus Pixels,
True Tone flash, that amazing image signal processor built
into the A9X allows you take pictures quickly
with amazing color and low noise, huge panoramas
and beautiful live photos.
And you can shoot 4K video with it.
So right on your iPad Pro, you shoot 4K video,
you can edit multiple streams right there on the device.
There's a 5-megapixel Facetime HD camera which is wonderful
for doing video conference calls.
And again, the whole displays of retina flash
so you can take great selfies with you
and your friends as well.
There are so many new features
and innovations packed into this iPad Pro.
Hopefully you see what we do.
This is the best upgrade ever for every iPad owner.
And it is the ultimate PC replacement
for all those old PCs in the world.
Like everything we do, the team works hard
to make it environmentally friendly, mercury-free,
LED-backlit display, arsenic-free display glass,
BFR-free, Beryllium-free, PVC-free
and highly recyclable glass and aluminum.
The iPad Pro comes in four metal finishes, silver, gold,
space gray, and for the first time rose gold as well.
[ Applause ]
And there are great cases and covers that you can add.
They come in a variety of beautiful colors.
So this is the iPad Pro.
With the 9.7-inch retina display, what will it cost?
Well, we're really excited
to offer a 32 gigabyte iPad Pro for just 599.
That's $200 less expensive than the 12.9-inch.
And hope we can reach a lot more customers with it.
For 128 gigs for 749 and for the first time ever
in iOS device there's a configuration now
with 256 gigabyte in storage.
[ Applause ]
Orders begin this Thursday, March 24th
and they also start shipping next week on the 31st.
We are so excited about this iPad Pro.
The team has worked so hard on it.
We really love it and we've created a brief video
to tell you just a little bit more about it.
[ Music ]
>> Our vision for personal computing has always been
that the most powerful technology should deliver
incredible capability without the complexity.
With the technologies built into the new iPad Pro
and the remarkable apps that take advantage of them,
it delivers a uniquely intuitive and immersive way
to do everything you do.
iPad Pro changes the way people discover, capture,
edit, design and produce.
At the heart of this versatility is its performance.
The A9X chip was designed specifically for iPad Pro
to provide more power than most PCs in a thin, light,
intuitive device you can take anywhere with you.
The immersive iPad experience starts with its retina display.
Each one is individually calibrated,
so you always see vibrant color, contrast and clarity.
The display on the new 9.7-inch iPad Pro features a wider color
gamut for even more stunning imagery.
It's also the first iPad with the True Tone display,
which responds and adapts to the light around you.
Four channel ambient life censors measure the intensity
and color temperature of your environment
and then adjusts the display to match.
So what you see on the screen is more natural looking
and easier on your eyes.
To complement its vivid display,
iPad Pro's four speaker audio system produces high fidelity
sound that automatically optimizes the tab volume
for whichever way you're using it.
[ Music ]
Apple Pencil delivers an experience that's natural,
familiar and fluid with the added versatility
of a digital tool.
Its advanced sensors detect pressure
and tilt while the touch system recognizes your hand, fingers
and Apple Pencil individually.
So, when you rest your hand on the screen,
it ignores input generated by your palm
and forearm letting you work as freely
as you would on a piece of paper.
The smart keyboard was designed to add even more flexibility.
It works seamlessly with iOS 9
to add unique onscreen shortcuts and commands.
[ Music ]
The iPad Pro display is the ultimate view finder
for capturing photos and videos.
And the 9.7-inch iPad Pro features the 12-megapixel iSight
camera making it a powerful device to shoot and edit,
even 4K video wherever you are.
The new iPad Pro gives everyone the ability
to do amazing things.
Things you've thought you can do only on a PC
and things you've never done before.
It's where we believe personal computing is going.
[ Applause ]
So these are all iPad Pros now on two sizes starting
at just 599 the 9.7 and the 12.9 also now gets
that new 256 gigabyte configuration,
so our highest end customers are going to love that.
This is the best lineup we've ever had of iPads by far.
It starts with just an iPad Mini of 269.
The iPad Air 2, which used
to be our highest end 9.7-inch iPad is now reduced a $100,
to just 399.
So a lot of customers are going to like that.
And the iPad Pros start at just 599.
So that's our news on iPad, back to you, Tim.
>> Thanks, Phil.
We think whether you've already have an iPad
or whether it's time for you to replace that PC laptop,
the iPad Pro is an amazing choice.
It allows you to do so much more.
So you've seen some incredible products this morning and some,
just some great things on two initiatives
that are very important to us.
Like our work to curtail climate change by powering Apple
on a 100% renewable energy,
and CareKit transforming the way individuals manage their health.
Cool new bands for Apply Watch now starting at just 299.
A great update for Apple TV with folders and expanded use
of both Siri and dictation.
The iPhone SE, the most powerful four-inch phone ever created.
And iPad Pro, so powerful and so capable, it truly is the future
of personal computing.
We're always pushing forward in innovating and doing things
that positively affect many people.
It's something that Apple has been doing for over 40 years.
This is probably the last product introduction
in the Town Hall that you're sitting in today.
We've had a lot of important announcements here.
It's a very special place with lots of memories.
The iPod was announced in this room and so was the App Store.
We have lots of great memories here.
Next year, in 2017, we're looking forward to moving --
[ Applause ]
-- to our new campus and our new theater there.
And we expect that we're going to have many, many opportunities
to invite all of you to join us there.
We're looking forward to moving and we can't wait to see what's
in store for the next 40 years and share it with you.
I'd like to thank everybody for coming.
Special thanks to everyone at Apple who made today possible.
Members of the press.
We have a hands-on area across the hall in the piano bar.
And so, please go get your hands on these great products.
Thank you very much.
[ Applause ]