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the conversations that has not happened yet in society
Is that happiness is the ROI
not a fucking BMW & a mansion
You got your perspective
I wanna be Happy Don't you wanna be happy
my accountant
My Friends that kinda know 2 or 3
like people... you definitley know like ..
It''s Stupid how much no money I make on this place
it's co.. You would shit
I'll make more. I'll make more speaking in Orlando
Next week .. I mean like you can't Imagine
00:00:45,400 --> 00:00:48,380 because I know what it looks like at the end
if you literally think money is gonna unlock your happiness you're a fucking idiot
I live in a very nice apartment in New York Ci.. Very very Nice
very Blessed but like
compared to my status and things I could be doing
like there's so ..
but I could Make that 20 million dollar commitment
and it would be awesome
I wanna duplex ,I want outdoor space I want like ..
I'd like to have like a second floor
I'm just so aware how right this is
this why it's so important to figure out what you want to happen
I would never be running this company
if what I didn't want to happen is to buy the New York Jets
like I've gotta eat a lot of crow ,In the prime of my career
with unlimited opportunity to build this steel & concrete
to build these big buildings
if I just wanted to build a nice ranch
You know I wouldn't have done this
Pour concrete and build steel Don't worry about putting fucking curtains
or what colour to paint the room
I keep asking it in different ways in every .. and now our second meeting
I really wanna get a sense of like how long you wanna go
cause I wanna give you the best advice
you should live a 50 to 70 percent less Boujie fun life
for the next 3 to 5 years and you will have in perpetuity
20X what you could have accomplished I f you''re willing to make that commitment
I believe that
How long can you sustain what you're right doing now ?
In perpetuity
You sure ??
Cause I have so much
I can for now .. but Here's the thing I believe
But here's what's amazing If tomorrow I get chest pains or ..
you know .. my Kryptonite is the health of my family
I think I can go ... I think I can go the whole way
right Cause I'm so in my zone
Like .. people are like People don't get it
when you're Just ..
do you know how happy I am ?
that I woke up at 4'O clock in the morning
This morning .like it was fun
like I love it , i love like seeing Drock we're both like yeah
It's fun and like and I'm .. I'm healthier than ever .. not
Like I get it ,I get plenty of slee.. Sleep is the key
The key. Obviously this trips been a little weird Because we're like in studio in Atlanta with rappers
But like.. but normally I'm very disciplined about sleep
because that's a vulnerability ,I've got much more serious about my health like ..
The Gri ... like ... pe ..
Health is Everything but people don't understand
your brain is operating your health
So if you're happy
like people like it's
I'm so happy playing mainly cause I don't want any of the stuff
this is why I keep pushing at this because this is where the answers come from
Just like psychologist with like like you know .. communication
the answers come from... it's ok
if you wanna have a huge boat in the Miami harbour
Right it's OK
A. you have to Acknowledge that's what you want and then
B . way more importantly for me
you have to figure out why you want that
by the way I don't judge
like you .. you wanna fucking Lambo or live in fucking Greece
or fucking get some new supreme's
or have fucking a penthouse apartment
or have a rolex ,or fucking have a million in cash under your mattr...
that's not.. I'm not judging you it's just not who I am
if you triple down on your truth if you never waiver from it
as long as you stay you course you'll win
I don't need the Materialistic things for me to posturre and peacock in front of others
Cause I don't give a fuck about your opinion
The truth natural .The truth natural .The truth natural .
I don't get to sit on a high horse and judge
you need to know what you're about
I just ask you ,I beg you to understand why you want that thing
the conversation has not been happened yet In Society
Is that happiness is the R.O.I
Not a fucking BMW and a Mansion