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Omar – Hey Elvis, can you please tell me about framing a sentence with pronouns?
オマール - ねえエルビス、代名詞を使った文章のフレーミングについて教えてくれない?
Elvis – Yes Omar, I hope you have watched my video with Jimmy in which I have explained
エルヴィス - はいオマール、私はあなたが私が説明したジミーと私のビデオを見たことを願っています。
him about pronouns. Omar – Yes Elvis! I now know all about pronouns
代名詞についてオマール エルビス!代名詞のことを全部知っている
because of your video! Elvis – Great!
あなたのビデオのおかげで!エルビス - 素晴らしい!
So now let me tell you a story which will help you in framing sentences with pronouns.
The Story is called “The Auxiliary Verb Brothers”
Once upon a time in a town called Auxil, lived three brothers. “Am”, “Is” and “Are”
昔々オーシルという町に 三人の兄弟が住んでいました"アム" "イズ" "アレ"
They were called as Auxiliary verbs because they used to tell information about the things
which are in the present tense. Though they were brothers, they had different
hobbies. “Am” was very shy, it had only one best
趣味"アム "は非常に恥ずかしがり屋でした、それは唯一のベストを持っていました。
friend “I”. So “Am” liked to hang around only with “I” For example.
友達の「私」とだけつるむのが好きだった。だから "Am "は "I "とだけつるむのが好きだった。
I am a boy. I am a student.
I am a scientist. I am rohan.
“Is” liked to hang around with Singular objects, so “is” had a great bonding with
"Is "は特異物体とつるむのが好きだったので、"is "は
all the singular person, object, animal, and thing. For example.
Jimmy is a brilliant student. Lion is the king of the jungle.
My water bottle is black in colour. Delhi is the capital of India.
“Are” liked to hang around with all the Plural Objects, So “are” had a great bonding
"である "は、すべての複数のオブジェクトの周りにぶらつくのが好きだったので、 "である "は、偉大な結合を持っていた
with all the plural person, objects, animals and things. For Example.
You are my best friend. Cats are very fluffy.
Bikes are best mode of transport. Fruits are very healthy.
Elvis – Hope you had fun and understood all about “Am”, “Is” & “Are”.
エルヴィス - あなたが楽しんでいて、"Am"、"Is" & "Are "についてのすべてを理解していたことを願っています。
Omar – Yes, Elvis! It was a fun and entertaining movie. Now I know the word “am” is used
オマール 「そう、エルヴィスだよ。楽しくて面白い映画でした。今では「アム」という言葉が使われているのを知って
with the pronoun “I”. The word “is” is used with all the singular objects, animals,
person, and thing. And the word “are” is used with all the Plural objects, person
and thing. Thanks Elvis, you are my best friend.
Elvis – He He He Always.
エルヴィス - 彼は彼は常に。