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(crowd cheering)
- Thank you so much.
First thing I wanna say is I love you back.
(crowd cheering)
Sit, sit, sit.
First thing I wanna say is clearly my mother snuck in here,
because that fucking intro was ridiculous.
I'm sorry you had to sit through that.
I'll get to it.
I'll get to it.
I don't have unlimited time, so I wanna get right into it.
A couple things I wanna talk about.
First and foremost, I am so fired up to be here.
I've never spoken in this market,
so thank you so much for the warm welcome.
(crowd cheering)
To be very frank, the thing that I'm thinking most about,
when I think about the lineup of speakers,
is why are you here.
To me, when you speak, what matters most
is can you bring value to the audience.
So I've been thinking quite a bit about this speech
of like what can I really touch on
that isn't available for free online,
that isn't something you've seen or heard before
and the reality is
is that's a difficult challenge
in a world where, very honestly,
there's not a lot that I believe in.
There's only four to six to nine things
that I really trade on
and those are the things that I wanna really reinforce.
First and foremost, the biggest thing
that I wanna make sure that everybody understands
more than anything ...
I just had a really fun strategy session
with a bunch of people
and when I think about what it was
that we just talked about for the last couple hours
is the fact of the matter is I truly believe
that every single person here today,
including myself, are grossly underestimating
how special today is,
how special this era of the internet at maturity is,
how special the opportunity is.
What is remarkable to me this morning
is that there is never ...
And I mean this.
Now, if you are somebody who watches
cable news all day, you may not agree with me,
but it is my absolute deep belief
that this is the absolute greatest era
to be alive in the human race.
(crowd cheering)
And I'll tell you why.
This internet thing,
it's bigger than you think.
This internet thing,
when you're older,
when our great, great grandkids judge us
and how we navigated through this era,
this internet thing is a much bigger deal
than we've been able to comprehend.
The internet, not Facebook, not social media,
not Instagram, not podcasting,
the internet is the single biggest invention
that has ever happened to the human race
and we, being in it
in the first couple decades of it,
are struggling to understand how big of a deal it is.
What I am completely fucking blown away by
is that there is nobody
and I mean nobody
who is a gatekeeper to the game anymore.
What is amazing to me
is that our great, great grandparents;
our great grandparents and our grandparents would laugh
at the shit that we cry about.
The amount of people
that get upset that Instagram and Facebook
changed their algorithm and cry about is fucking ludicrous.
It's free.
Facebook and Instagram are free
and we sit and cry about the change in the algorithm.
Here's where I'm at.
For this entire room,
the one thing that connects all of us,
whether you're an entrepreneur,
whether you work somewhere,
whether you're fucking thrilled,
whether you're devastated,
the one thing that connects all of us
is that for us to take the step
in what we're trying to achieve,
whether it's financial, whether it's legacy,
whatever it may be, the one thing
that connects us is we have to trade on attention.
The thing that I desperately want everybody
to leave this talk with
is understanding that attention
is just like real estate
and that attention
is the gateway drug to everything you want, period.
Before you can tell me how great you are,
how awesome what you're selling is,
you need my attention.
Before you can tell me anything,
you need my attention.
What everybody in this room needs to wrap their head around
is that this device owns the attention of our society.
You may be upset about it;
you might be sad that when you go out,
people aren't talking to each other;
you can do whatever the fuck you want,
it doesn't change the fact that this
has the attention
and if you are sitting in this room today
and you have not figured out how to put written words,
audio or video into the platforms that sit on top of this,
you are fundamentally irrelevant.
(audience cheering)
when you think about sitting here and standing here,
look, I have no interest in inspiring you for an hour
and getting you pumped and then next Thursday
you don't do shit about it.
That's not interesting to me.
I'll be very frank,
even with all these faces in the audience,
I'm looking for one person
who understands that this is such a remarkable time
and that you need to go harder at it.
Let me tell you ...
Let me tell you ...
Let me tell you the thing that upset me most in my intro.
I'm extremely proud, maybe more than anything,
that I went into my family business
and built my family business for my family.
I'm proud.
I love when people try to raz on me,
easy for you, you were handed three million dollars,
when they don't know my story.
What I was handed was my dad had a liquor store
doing 3 million dollars a year on 10% profit.
What I did was worked my face off 17 hours a day,
from 22 to 34, building my dad's business for my dad
and my mom and at 34 years old,
I left Wine Library day to day
with 0% equity in Wine Library
and no money in my bank.
That's what I did.
(audience cheering)
I'm proud.
If you're a child of an immigrant or great parents,
nothing is better than settling the score with your parents.
You can't zoom in, but the goosebumps,
can you just confirm this.
Real fucking goosebumps.
The best.
Meanwhile, when the intro came up,
the gentleman said, "He grew his dad's business
"from 4 to 60 million."
Nice solid accomplishment,
also my greatest regret.
If I could do it again, businesswise,
I would have built Wine Library
from a 4 to a 250 million dollar business,
in that same time.
Let me tell you why and let me tell you
why it's the only thing you need to pay attention to
in my entire talk.
Let me break this down.
Get your fucking attention up right now.
I don't know if you like taking notes.
I don't know how you like to consume it,
but I promise you what I'm going to explain
for the next three minutes is the fucking game right now.
built my dad's business from 4 to 60 million dollars
with no money.
The business was doing 4 million dollars,
400,000 in profit before expenses.
We literally had no money.
You pay people, you pay your rent,
like nothing.
My first year marketing budget
in building Wine Library was $14,000
for the year
in marketing.
I was able to build it
in such a big way for three core reasons.
In 1996, nobody had a website.
That was a good idea.
Number two: I started an email newsletter.
For the youngsters in here, it's hard to understand,
but you have to understand people didn't even know
their own email when they would come into the wine store.
I'd ask them, "You wanna be in the email list?"
They'd be like, "Yeah."
I'm like, "What's your email?"
They're like, "aol@yahoo.com".
I'm like, "No fucker."
(audience laughing)
This was early.
This was early.
But I started and email newsletter.
How many people here have done
email marketing in their career.
Raise your hand.
I had 91% open rates on my newsletter in 1997 and 8.
Not because it was such good content.
All it said was buy this fucking Merlot.
It was because nobody else was emailing
and I bought that real estate cheap,
because nobody else was doing it.
And then the final point of
why I really exploded my business
was the day that Google AdWords came out,
I bought Google AdWords for my dad's business,
so I was the first result for wine
and cabernet and Napa Valley.
And while everyone else was doing direct mail
and advertising in magazines and radio,
I was winning Google, which went on to become Google.
Got it?
Let me now explain to you the number one mistake
every person in this audience is making right now,
including me, who's supposed to be fancy at this.
Every person in this place
is not producing enough content for social media
and is not spending enough money on social media ads.
Every person in here is not producing enough content
and not spending enough ad money on social media.
Because you have to understand what's about to happen.
Let me explain it real simple.
Right now, buying ads on Instagram and Facebook,
which is something everybody in here should be doing
at scale ...
And please
don't be that person who has run Facebook and Instagram ads
and not gotten results and deemed it not working.
The ROI of a basketball, to me, is zero.
The ROI of a basketball to Lebron is billions of dollars.
Let's be honest with each other.
How many people here have run
Facebook or Instagram ads and it hasn't worked.
Raise you hand.
Actually stand up.
I want everybody to see this.
Don't be lazy.
Do this for everybody.
Watch this.
Keep going.
Don't sit down yet.
Everybody look around.
All these people suck.
(audience laughing)
I'm kidding; I'm kidding.
Sit down; sit down.
please understand this truth.
Everybody that stood up,
and I'm not joking,
you haven't made Instagram and Facebook ads work for you,
because you either hired somebody who's not good at
or you're not good at it.
This debate is not a debate.
They work and they work so well
that it's scary,
so scary that the fucking founder
has to sit in from of Congress.
(audience laughing)
I'm laughing at people.
People go out to dinner with me,
old CEOs, and yell at me for the first 30 minutes
that Facebook's killing our democracy
and then the next 30 minutes
tell me that it doesn't sell shit.
Like everybody's so scared of it,
yet you don't think it works to sell shit.
Guys, this is the most powerful ad product
we have seen since the early days of television commercials.
So when I see that many people stand,
please get educated.
You have to understand why it's so awesome.
You can run 25 and 50 dollars at a time,
to get a sense of if it's working.
Also, the biggest mistake in this room
is you're confused
between the business of branding and selling.
The number one basic issue in business right now
that I've been blown away by, because it came natural to me
and I'm like oh fuck, wait a minute,
people are confusing branding and selling.
The amount of people that just stood
that it didn't work for,
they spent money to make a transaction.
It didn't happen.
They stood up and said it didn't work.
What they don't realize is
first of all the creative is the variable.
If I stand up here today, I've got all of your attention.
That's a victory.
If this keynote sucks shits, I've accomplished nothing,
I've accomplished negative impact.
If you're disappointed of like, eh, he's not that good live;
eh, he's stupid; eh, eh, I lost.
This was a waste of time.
That's just like an ad.
You can get in front of me
at a good price, but if you're trying to sell me too hard
and you come off like a douchebag,
you've lost.
If you haven't convinced me
why your banana jelly is better than somebody ...
Jesus Christ, where does this shit come from?
(audience laughing)
What the fuck is banana jelly?
Somebody's gonna start a fucking banana jelly company here,
I know it.
If you haven't convinced me that your banana jelly
is better than my competitor's banana jelly,
then you're not gonna buy it.
Please understand this.
Let me break it down very simply.
It's why I set it up as the most important thing.
Everybody here needs to spend money,
whether you're a lawyer, financial advisor,
sports trainer, nutritionist,
if your company paves peoples' fucking driveways,
you need to run Facebook and Instagram ads.
It is the most underpriced attention in our society
and let me tell you why.
As I stand here today and regret
not spending more money on Google AdWords,
everybody in here will regret; in four years, I promise you,
if nothing else, I'm being very selfish right now
in this advice.
I'm being very selfish.
I'm making a very big deal
that you're not spending enough money in this platform,
because I want you to remember in four years,
when you don't spend enough money in this platform
and you actually have your eureka moment
and realize how right I was, I want you to remember,
fuck, I should have listened to Gary Vee in Florida.
Right now, Facebook and Instagram ads
run between three and eight dollar CPMs.
Between 3 and 8 dollars,
you can get in front of 1,000 peoples' screens.
Not 1,000 see it.
You know how you roll through your screen.
Over the next five years,
when the biggest companies in the world
like Nike and BMW and IBM, when they really realize
how bad television commercials are
and how good this is, they're gonna pour their money in.
What is gonna happen?
The same shit that happened to me on Google.
I used to buy the word and wine and cabernet
and pinot noir for five cents a click.
Now it's 4 and 11 and 18 dollars a click.
That shit ads up.
At the same token, the way the ads work is gonna decline.
In the beginning, when I was
running Facebook and Instagram three years ago,
it did better than it does now,
because you're getting more shit now
and you're starting to tune it out.
Open rates on email went from 90% to 30%.
This is one big game of cops and robbers.
This is one big game of cat and mouse.
When everybody here figures out that they should be doing it
and everybody does it, it becomes more noise
and that's the fucking game.
Right now, what you're doing with your allocation of content
and adspend on Facebook and Instagram
is the same thing that happens in real estate
when somebody knows they need to buy
or debated to buy something in an up and coming area,
they don't.
Their friends did.
It went up.
It happened.
Then they get sad.
They get another chance to invest for 150,000 more,
but because they fucked up and passed at 150,000 less,
they say no again.
Six months later it keeps blowing up.
Now it's up 300,000.
Now you're like fuck again,
because you passed twice.
This is the story of Uber for me.
I passed on Uber's angel round twice,
How many people have read or have Crush It, my first book.
(audience cheering)
If you go back and look at it,
I acknowledge, in the acknowledgements,
I than my family and one random person, Travis,
the cofounder or Uber.
That's it.
I passed on one of my best business friends' startup twice
at a $4 million valuation
and he was one of my best buds
and it went on to become Uber.
I was writing 25 and 50 thousand dollar checks back then.
If I wrote one of my normal checks back then
into Uber, that investment
would have paid me $400 million dollars.
I'm not sad.
I'm not.
I'm being dead serious.
I don't give a fuck about the money.
I give a fuck about the freedom of playing the game.
Understand if you're a true bred entrepreneur
in this audience,
you're not in it for the money.
You're in it for the game.
I actually love that I passed on Uber twice.
I'm being serious.
The quickest tell for me in five minutes,
when I hang with somebody,
if they're a true bred or if they're not
is are they in it for the game
or do they wanna buy a watch.
here's the story of Uber though.
I used to pass on investments.
They would blow up a little bit
and then I wouldn't invest again,
because I was salty, because I passed on it at 4
and now I didn't wanna put money on it at 60.
I learned that lesson and thank God,
because when Uber came back around I did invest in it,
not as early and as crazy, but I made a lot a lot of money
and made the right decision,
because I left my emotions out of the table.
Got it.
A lot of you are not going on social media harder,
because some of your friends have more followers
and you don't have the humility to start now
and start at a low base.
You're not doing it, because you tried it
and it's not worked in the past and you don't get it.
What is happening right now is very simple.
Attention is the only thing that matters,
for anything you try to do.
I was born in the Soviet Union.
Last night I hung out with
a bunch of great people from Venezuela.
(audience cheering)
This is actually fun.
Who's from Chicago.
(audience members cheering)
Who's from Sweden.
Forget it.
(audience laughing)
Who's from Texas.
(audience members cheering)
All right.
(audience members cheering)
All right.
- [Audience Member] Belarus.
- Belarus.
(audience members cheering)
- Grandpa.
My friends, I have very little to say.
Life is basic.
99% of this audience
is doing shit, because they value
somebody else's opinion more than their own.
If I sat down with all of you one by one,
I could figure out every dumb thing you're doing
and trace it back to your doing it to impress somebody
or to prove somebody wrong.
It's the biggest mistake you can make
and if you leave here with anything,
the second you can get quiet in here
and stop worrying about the judgment of others,
the second shit starts actually happening.
That gets even harder in today's new world
of living publicly.
It's true.
I like the motivation of a chip on the shoulder.
I love that I post my report card
and I was ranked 243 out of 254 in my entire class
and I find it really fun and exciting
that my mission now is to create more wealth and success
than the rest of my fucking class combined.
But that shouldn't be the reason you do things.
So there's a couple things
I wanna break through in this meeting today.
Number one is why do you do what you do,
because way too many people are doing it
from a place of defense
and I'm trying to figure out every day
how to produce content or have a conversation
of getting you to do it for yourself,
for yourself.
How many people saw Rocky IV, the Russian one.
Super interesting and it has nothing to do
with the fact that I was born in Belarus
in the former Soviet Union.
It's a very different reason why I like this moment.
In the end of that movie, the most interesting part
is what Drago says after he lose.
Rocky wins and then they take the mic
and Rocky does the whole we can be friends shit,
which worked for a few minutes,
but what was way more important is what Drago said,
which is he said, "I didn't fight Rocky for this country.
"I fought him for myself."
And I was a young kid when that movie came out
and it has stuck with me forever.
Some of you consume my content
and know I talk a lot about
I don't care what you think about my losses.
My L is my L.
You're more than welcome to leave a comment and clown on me
when I fail on something, when something doesn't work out.
I have good news for you.
I don't give a fuck what you have to say.
(audience cheering)
In the session I just had, we were talking about this shit.
I was like, "Look", because I think Facebook and Instagram
is so underpriced that I want you to pour money into it,
I'm trying to convince people to sell their homes
and live in an apartment
and take the money and reinvest it in their business,
because nobody takes advantage of all six of their bedrooms,
when they buy a six bedroom home.
We live in three fucking rooms.
Everybody's doing shit for the outside.
You wear the clothes for the outside.
You floss,
you front
and it's the biggest fucking mistake you make.
I've been inside my own head for a long time,
on the back of really good parenting and circumstance.
The great advantage of being born
with nothing and being an immigrant
is you are told from the get
that you suck and you lost and that is the advantage.
The disadvantage is entitlement.
How many people here have kids.
Raise your hand.
You wanna do a real favor for your kids?
Stop protecting them.
Eighth place trophies
leads to dumb shit.
Losing my whole life
is the greatest fucking thing that happened.
I cried every time.
My mom was happy about it.
This is a very simple binary game.
In life and in business, you are either
on the offense or you're on the defense.
Way too many of you are sitting here right now
and thinking you're in the middle.
There is no middle.
You're either going backwards or you're going forwards.
There's no fucking neutral in the way that we live this.
To me, education is the game,
but not the way it's packaged in our society today.
Fuck school the way we have it now.
Fuck it.
(audience cheering)
That doesn't mean education's not the game.
What did I do in the first seven minutes of my talk here?
I'm trying to educate.
Listen to me fuckers.
Listen carefully.
If you're not producing words, videos or pictures
for Instagram, Facebook, podcasting, YouTube, Linkedin,
in that world, you don't fucking exist
nor does your business.
and do not have the wrong KPI.
It's not how many likes or followers you have.
I have a funny feeling here
if you got one follower and one like,
but what you were getting what you wanted
for the content you put out,
financially or emotionally, you'd be super happy.
Do not get caught up in the microgame of social.
People always roll up on me, they're like,
"I have a million followers."
I'm like, "So.
"What are you doing with that attention?
"What are you trying to accomplish and what is your goal?"
And by the way, you wanna make money, mazel tov?
You wanna change the world, mazel tov.
I have no interest in judging your ambition.
My interest is in are you relevant in May 2018.
Are you relevant in May 2018?"
People are always, "Gary V.,
"what's the next fucking big platform?"
I don't know dick.
I'm not fucking Nostradamus up here.
I don't know what the next big platform is.
I know what platform's working right now.
I know that YouTube is working right now.
I know that Facebook's working right now.
I know that none of you; because if I'm not all in,
somebody who's got 22 full time employees now,
up from one in three years, working on my content;
if I know in my heart that I'm pouring millions
and have 22 full time people
making written words, audio and video
and I can feel it as I stand on this stage
that I'm not even close to putting in enough chips,
what the fuck are you doing?
(audience cheering)
This is the most selfish keynote I've ever given.
I'm being serious.
I am putting a deep, deep fucking flag in the ground
telling your right now that if you post once a day
on Instagram, make it four.
If you don't post on Twitter, start.
If you stopped posting on Snapchat Stories,
because Instagram has that feature too,
you're a fucking idiot.
And guess what.
All of you did it.
Attention is the asset, everything you aspire for.
Why am I building VaynerMedia?
I'm building it, because I wanna build
an attention Death Star
and if I need to point that at
curing a disease that my mom gets one day
or helping my best friend become the governor of Florida
or to sell sneakers or to make all of you a Jets fan,
even though you don't know
it's what I'm doing to you right now.
That's fine.
Go look at my post three posts ago on Instagram.
I love when you fucking boo me dicks.
(audience laughing)
Don't get it twisted.
Negative reinforcement is the strength.
Fake positivity leads to an awfully bad place here
and that's what's going on in the system.
Really, your self esteem is wrapped up
in how many likes you get?
This is, no question, the second best time
in the internet era in the last 20 years
and it lives on three apps, four apps on this phone
and none of us are doing enough reps.
More reps.
I don't care what the history of your content and ads
have been on these platforms.
Whatever it was was yesterday.
Get yourself educated.
Go home, go on Google and type in
how do I run Instagram ads.
Go home, go on Google and write
how do I run pre-roll YouTube ads
based on peoples' Google's search query.
Go home and DM 100 influencers on Instagram
and ask them how much it costs
for them to give you a shout-out
for whatever the fuck you're selling.
The quicker become a practitioner ...
Do you know how many people in this room
have opinions of Facebook and Instagram ads,
but have never run one?
Too much headline reading.
Not enough fucking doing.
I can't say it enough.
The reason this is the most selfish
keynote I've ever given is because I'm putting a flag
in the ground and telling you that everybody in this room
needs to do way more content on these social networks,
because it is where the attention is,
it's where the underpriced attention is
and it is 100% how you're gonna get
to where you wanna get to,
period, end of story.
There is no advertising.
There's content put in front of people that create an event
and I just am trying, as you can tell in this talk,
to squeeze the shit out of it,
because let me educate you in nontuition form.
Who was the biggest advertiser in Google AdWords
in the first five or six years of the platform?
- [Audience Members] Amazon.
- Amazon.
Amazon today,
no question, is one of the one,
two or three most powerful companies in the world,
on the back of amazing things that Bezos did,
but do not get confused the most important one.
He and it bet heavy on underpriced attention.
You know who else bet on underpriced attention?
Muhammad Ali.
You know who else?
Elvis Presley and The Beatles
and basically everybody else you know.
You know why you know who Martin Luther King is?
Because he was a media savant.
There was a lot of people spitting truth.
He just knew how to get the cameras to capture it.
Please get smart here today.
Please get smart
here today, because while you're judging
all those people that are winning,
while you're judging the Paul brothers,
while you're judging the fitness influencers on Instagram,
while you sit and fucking judge,
people are gobbling up real estate of attention
and are gonna execute on what they want.
(audience cheering)
So you can have all the fun you want judging.
There's a small group out there that's executing.
I am trying to convince one person in this room
to start executing.
1, just one of the 10,000 of you.
I don't need all of you.
How many people are gonna be in a pla ...
How many of you are winning at some level,
but you're not reinvesting your money into it.
This is the greatest era.
Instead of the hundred thousand in profit that you're making
going into another vacation or a fucking Supreme bag,
what about putting that money into
more Instagram ads and Facebook ads,
because I'm not trying to buy a Porsche.
I'm trying to buy the Porsche fucking company.
(audience cheering)
That's me.
I'm not trying to impose my ambitions
or what I wanna do in my career on you.
I'm just trying to get you to understand one truth.
There is one reason I stand up here.
It's because I was parented extremely well,
but the execution underneath that
is because I've always had one religion.
Not money.
I've had the religion of attention,
because if you have the attention,
you can do anything.
Do you know why P Diddy sits on the sphere that he sits on?
Because when TRL had the attention
of every teenager in America,
he used to run from his Bad Boy office
and crash Carson Daly's set
because he's smart.
Do you know why Will Smith is doing,
what he's doing on Instagram right now?
Because he's smart.
Because being a big movie star
isn't the same thing it was 20 years ago.
It doesn't carry the same attention.
My friends, it's happened.
The internet is here.
You may not wanna put in the work.
That's fine,
but it's just like fitness.
You can't read
about doing pushups.
You gotta do them.
(audience cheering)
I'm gonna leave you with this,
because they're buzzing me off.
I'm gonna leave you with this.
(audience booing)
No, don't.
Remember, I like the boos.
I just leave right the fuck now.
Let me just position it like this guys.
Here's where I'm at.
400 trillion to 1.
I know some of you know I'm obsessed with this.
I can't wrap my head around the fact
that it's basically impossible to become a human being.
There's nothing you'll ever do
that is more remarkable or harder
than actually being lucky enough ...
You can't imagine the math
behind you actually being a person.
My question is since you've one the ultimate lottery,
what are you doing about it?
Because way too many people in this room
are dwelling about yesterday.
That shit's over.
So if I can leave you with anything
it's very high and low.
I've spent a good amount of my conversation here
pushing you very aggressively
to something practical.
Wasn't here to rah rah and tell you like lu lu.
One fucking thing.
Run some fucking ads, make more content dick.
That's what I'm here to say.
(audience cheering)
but, because I genuinely believe that optimism
is a strategy,
I just desperately need you to know
that no matter what you complain about,
your grandparents had it worse.
No matter what the fuck's about to come out of your mouth,
your grandparents had it worse
and if you don't take advantage,
if you're not winning right now
in this new world, you really suck
and you need to face that truth.
You need to go home, look in the mirror ...
If you're not pumped,
if you're not winning by whatever your definition is,
I'm telling you this will help you.
I'm not trying to razz you.
I fucking want you to win.
It doesn't come out of my expense.
I need you to win.
I want you to win.
Why not?
If you're not winning right now,
you're really losing.
You're losing more than anybody's ever lost.
And I know that might be like ...
I get it.
It's a little bit of a curveball,
but here's why I need you to hear it.
Nobody is stopping you.
There's man.
There's no system.
There's no government.
There's nothing.
It's fucking here.
I'm telling you, it's fucking here.
The internet doesn't give a fuck
what you granddad's last name is.
The internet doesn't give a fuck where you came from.
It doesn't fucking care about your zip code.
It doesn't care about anything.
Execute on this fucking thing
and realize nobody's stopping you,
because what excuses are
is the drug to not do.
And I need people to leave people complaining.
You know why I have a happy life?
And I'm gonna leave you with this.
I don't complain,
because I don't expect anything from anybody.
Expectations are a disaster.
Get it out of the system.
Go educate yourself.
And whether you're selling a t-shirt
or a lifestyle brand or your thoughts on real estate,
whatever you're up to, Facebook, Instagram.
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.
Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, YouTube.
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin, podcast.
This is real.
No matter how you're winning,
in direct mail or cold calling or bulk email
or whatever the fuck you're doing,
no matter how you're winning there;
because I do all those things and understand them;
the fertile ground is much greater here
and when you become a practitioner of it
and you understand how it works,
the ROI becomes disproportionately powerful
and I promise you
it is going away by the minute,
because the second Budweiser and Nike ...
Actually I'm gonna leave with this:
How many people here ...
How many people here
basically outside of live sports,
watch Netflix.
Stand up, if you're basically OTT.
Netflix, Hulu, Amazon.
This is fucking staggering.
Please don't sit down yet.
I need everybody in the front
to look at what I'm looking at.
ABC and CBS and ESPN are out of business.
It's already over.
You can sit,
because I gotta wrap up.
80 billion dollars
in television commercials
and nobody fucking watches them.
Over the next three to four to five years,
the biggest companies in the world
are gonna understand that.
That money is gonna go into
the shit that I just told you about.
That's gonna mean the ads that you're gonna run
are gonna go from $4 to $80
and you're not gonna be able to compete
with Coca-Cola and BMW, so please heed what I told you.
Take your romance or your subjective point of view
or you being romantic about how the world used to be
and shove that shit in the garbage
and get to fucking work.
One life,
do something about it.
(audience cheering)
I love you back.
- [Woman] I'm a high school teacher.
I just wanna teach kids about kindness.
- Gotta go.
(audience members yelling)
Love you.
(hands slapping)