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This might look like Las Vegas, but it's far from it.
This small peninsula of land is China's answer to Sin City.
この小さな半島は、中国版の「シン・シティ(罪の都市 : ラスベガスの異称)」です。
And, with gaming revenue, that's five times that of the Las Vegas Strip.
ギャンブルの収益で、ラスベガスのストリップの 5 倍にも及びます。
It's become one of the wealthiest places on earth.
Macau is rich, and it's only getting richer, with the International Monetary Fund tipping it to surpass Qatar as the wealthiest place on earth by 2020.
マカオはどんどん裕福になるばかりで、国際通貨基金は 2020 年までにマカオは地球上で最も裕福なカタールを越すとみています。
So, how did it get so rich?
One word: gambling.
Macau is located off the southern coast of China, about 40 miles from Hong Kong.
マカオは香港から 40 マイル離れた、中国の南海岸沿いに位置します。
And its gaming history can be traced back all the way to the 16th century.
そしてここのギャンブルの歴史は、16 世紀にさかのぼります。
Macau is a former Portuguese colony, and, when its role as a trading port began to fall behind Hong Kong, the Portuguese government decided to legalize gambling in 1847 to give it an edge.
It remained under Portuguese control until 1999 when it was formally handed over back to China.
中国に返還される 1999 年までの間、ポルトガルの管理下に置かれておりました。
And, while it's technically part of China, it's known as a special administrative region, which means it has its own rules and economic freedoms.
Casinos and pool betting are illegal throughout China, but not Macau, which is why it's become a hot spot for China's high-rollers.
Macau quickly grew as a gambling hub.
In 2003, the number of visitors from mainland China began to surge as travel restrictions loosened and hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens were lifted out of poverty.
ですから、中国の大金を賭ける人たちの歓楽街となりました。マカオはギャンブルの中心地として瞬く間に成長しました。2003 年、旅行規制の緩和によって中国からの訪問者が殺到し、
And Macau's gaming revenue and GDP thrived along with it.
There's not a lot of land here in Macau, and, yet, it has a population of about 650,000, making it one of the most densely populated places on earth.
そして、マカオのギャンブル収益と GDP は瞬く間に跳ね上がりました。ここマカオには土地があまりありませんが、65 万人の人口があり、 地球上で最も人口が密集する場所の一つになりました。
Its small population relative to its economy means its GDP per capita is high.
その経済に対する少ない人口は、一人当たりの GDP が高いことを意味します。
By 2020, Macau's GDP will reach around $143,000 per person.
2020 年までには、マカオの一人当たりの GDP は、14 万 3 千ドルに達するとされています。
Compare that with Qatar, which is projected to be $139,000, followed by Luxembourg at $118,000.
カタールと比べると、カタールは13 万 9 千ドルと試算されており、11 万 8 千ドルのルクセンブルクが続きます。
Vegas is big; Macau tries to be bigger.
This is the Venetian; it's twice the size of its sister casino in Las Vegas, and it's the largest casino resort in the world.
これが、ベネチアン マカオ リゾート ホテルです。ラスベガスにある姉妹カジノの 2 倍の大きさがあり、世界で最も大きなカジノリゾートになります。
The gaming industry here in Macau has brought in more money than Las Vegas for the past 10 years now.
ここ 10 年間でマカオの賭博産業の投資額はラスベガスを上回りました。
In fact, the majority of profits for both the Vegas-based Las Vegas Sands and Wynn Resorts come from Macau.
In 2017, Macau accounted for 53% of adjusted earnings for Las Vegas Sands and 71% for Wynn Resorts.
It hasn't always been fun and games, though.
しかしギャンブルは、いいことは長くは続きませんでした。賭博収益は、2013 年に 450 億ドルに達しました。
Gaming revenue reached $45 billion in 2013⏤that was its peak.
Then, Beijing began cracking down on corruption.
Since coming to power, China's President Xi, Jinping has punished more than 1.5 million Communist Party government officials for corruption.
中国の習近平が政権を握ると、150 万人以上の共産党の政府官僚を汚職で罰しました。
Along with reining in corruption in business and among private sector billionaires.
That crackdown meant less money would flow through its gambling capital.
Casinos here experienced more than two years of gross gaming revenue declines.
カジノ業界は、総賭博収益の減少が 2 年間以上に渡って見られました。
The industry began to pick up at the end of 2016 and, in 2017, it increased its gaming revenue for the first time since its peak.
そして、2016 年の末、再加速し始めました。そして、2017 年には、ピーク時から初めて賭博収益が増加しました。
China's slowing growth and uncertainty around the US-China trade war has also placed some question marks around Macau's rebound.
Critics also point to the wealthy area's rising income inequality and poverty.
The government says just 2.3% of its population is living in poverty, but other reports estimate it's about 10%.
政府は、人口の 2.3 %だけが貧困層だと言っていますが、ほかの調べによると 10% 程度あると試算されています。
Now, Macau is hoping to diversify its revenues beyond gaming by taking after Vegas and upping its entertainment offerings.
Non-gaming in Macau accounts for just 12% of its total revenue.
マカオにおける賭博以外の収益は全体のわずか 12 %しかありません。ラスベガスでは、65 %に及びます。
In Las Vegas, that's 65%.
It's upping its offerings by bringing in the likes of Celine Dion and Bruno Mars to perform, as well as increasing the types of dining options.
But whether it can actually move beyond its gaming fortunes to become an entertainment hub for China remains to be seen.
Until then, its gaming revenues might just be enough to propel it to be the richest place on earth.
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