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  • [giggle]

  • [music]

  • I have to sing.

  • I have to play.

  • The music, it's... it's not just in me, it is me.

  • [bark]

  • When life gets me down, I play my guitar.

  • The rest of the world may follow the rules, but I must follow my heart.

  • [gag]

  • You know that there's a song in the air and it's playing just for you?

  • [guitar rip]

  • [mimic guitar rip]

  • Being so close you can reach out and touch it

  • ♪ I never knew I could want something so much

  • But it's true

  • Never underestimate the power of music.

  • No one was going to hand me my future.

  • It was up to me to reach for my dream.

  • Grab it tight...

  • -and make it come true. -and make it come true.

  • [music]

  • All right, who's in there?

  • I'm sorry.

  • [gasp] What's going on?

  • I'm just dreaming.

  • [screams]

  • [music]

  • [barking] Dante, wait up.

  • Dante! Dante!

  • You got to stay with me, boy.

  • [sneeze]

  • You don't know... where we...are.

  • This isn't a dream, then.

  • You are really out there.

  • [gasp] [bark]

  • [sigh] Oh, it's you.

  • You're going to get me in trouble, Dante.

  • Someone can hear me.

  • I wish someone wanted to hear me...

  • [music]

  • ...other than you.

  • [moan]

  • [laughs] Okay.

  • [music]

  • I know I'm not supposed to love music.

  • No music!

  • No music!

  • [sigh]

  • But my great-grandmama Coco's father was the greatest musician of all time.

  • Papa?

  • Ernesto de la Cruz.

  • One day, he left with his guitar and never returned.

  • Now my family thinks music is a curse.

  • Great, great-grandfather, none of them understand me.

  • I'm supposed to play music.

  • All right, who's in there?

  • I'm sorry.

  • [gasp] What's going on?

  • I'm just dreaming.

  • [screams]

  • Do you mind?

  • [scream]

  • Welcome to the Land of the Dead.

  • Dante, wait up.

  • You got to stay with me, boy.

  • [sneeze]

  • This isn't a dream, then.

  • You are really out there.

  • Agents at the Department of Family Reunions are available to assist you.

  • Please be on the lookout for a living boy.

  • Miguel, you're here.

  • We're your family, mijo.

  • [groan]

  • [groan]

  • [bark]

  • I know your great, great-grandpa.

  • Whoa.

  • I'll get you to him.

  • What are you doing?

  • I'm walking like a skeleton.

  • No, skeletons don't walk like that.

  • It's how you walk.

  • No, I don't.

  • When there's no one left in the living world who remembers you,

  • you disappear from this world.

  • But you can change that.

  • We got to find my great, great-grandpa.

  • You got to do it by sunrise.

  • What happens at sunrise?

  • You'll be stuck here forever.

  • Wha-- what?

  • Ew.

  • [music]

  • I'm a big fan.

  • [music]

  • [roar]

  • [gasp]

  • [laughs]

  • Never forget how much your family loves you.

  • [music]

  • It's almost sunrise.

  • [roar]

  • One cannot deny who one is meant to be.

  • [screams]

  • [music]

  • [sneeze]

  • I am terribly allergic.

  • But Dante doesn't have any hair.

  • And I don't have a nose and yet, here we are.

  • [sneeze]

  • [music]

  • Abuelita runs the house just like Mama Imelda did.

  • [music from soda bottle]

  • No music!

  • [music playing from car]

  • No music!

  • [singing]

  • No music!

  • I think we're the only family in Mexico who hates music.

  • And my family's fine with that.

  • But me...

  • We got the lunch, mijo.

  • Love you, mama.

  • ... I'm not like the rest of my family.

  • Hola, Miguel.

  • Hola.

  • [music]

  • Muchas gracias.

  • De nada, Miguel.

  • [music]

  • [bang] [groan]

  • [giggle] Dante!

  • [groan] [barking]

  • Stand.

  • Down.

  • Roll over.

  • Shake.

  • Fist bump.

  • Good boy, Dante.

  • Mira, mira, they're setting up for tonight,

  • the music competition for Dia de Muertos.

  • You want to be like your hero?

  • You should sign up.

  • Uh-un, my family would freak.

  • Look, if you're too scared then well, have fun making shoes.

  • Come on, what did de la Cruz always say?

  • Seize your moment.

  • Show me what you got, muchacho.

  • I'll be your first audience.

  • Miguel!

  • [gasp] [groan]

  • [music]

  • Abuelita?

  • What are you doing here?

  • Um, uh.

  • You leave my grandson alone!

  • Doña, please.

  • I was just getting a shine.

  • I know your tricks, mariachi.

  • What did he say to you?

  • He was just showing me his guitar.

  • [gasp]

  • Shame on you.

  • My grandson is a sweet, little [speaking Spanish].

  • He wants no part of your music, mariachi.

  • You keep away from him.

  • [groan]

  • [music]

  • [whistle] Come on, Dante.

  • Dante?

  • [garbage cans banging]

  • [groan]

  • [bang]

  • [music]

  • [groan]

  • [music]

  • [groan]

  • [squeal]

  • [music]

  • [bang] [groan]

  • [music] [barking]

  • [grunts]

  • [screams]

  • [music] [barking]

  • [grunts]

  • [music] [barking]

  • [music]

  • [groan]

  • [groan]

  • [music]

  • [groan] [growling]

  • [groaning]

  • [loud groan]

  • [groan]

  • [music]

  • [screams]

  • [music]

  • [groans]

  • [music]

  • [groan]

  • [panting]

  • [music]

  • [sniffing]

  • [groan]

  • [music]

  • [groan]

  • [music]

  • [barking]

  • [singing]

  • [music]

  • [barking]

  • Dante!

  • Dante!

  • Dante, wait up.

  • You got to stay with me, boy.

  • [sneeze]

  • You don't know... where...

  • [music]

  • This isn't a dream, then.

  • You are really out there.

  • You thought we weren't?

  • Well, I don't know.

  • I thought it might've been

  • one of those made-up things that adults tell kids,

  • like vitamins.

  • Miguel, vitamins are a real thing.

  • Well, I'm thinking maybe they could be.

  • [drum roll]

  • [cheering]

  • Bienvenidos a todos!

  • Ow! [laughing]

  • Who's ready for some musica?

  • [cheering]

  • It's a battle of the bands, amigos.

  • The winner gets to play for the maestro himself, Ernesto de la Cruz,

  • at his fiesta tonight.

  • [cheering]

  • So I'm thinking, muchacho--

  • [screaming]

  • Let the competition begin.

  • [cheering]

  • [tuba music]

  • [saxophone music]

  • [rock music]

  • [xylophone music]

  • [electronic music]

  • [dogs singing]

  • [accordion music]



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A2 初級

Coco 予告編&フィルムクリップ|Disney (Coco Trailers & Film Clips | Disney)

  • 444 33
    Chloe に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日