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  • Hey everybody!

  • There are some new changes on the PBE that I want to talk about.

  • It is Blade of the Ruined King.

  • Blade of the Ruined King has been changed.

  • Now there are some other smaller changes on PBE, but none of them are really important

  • as Blade of the Ruined King is.

  • Last Whisper.

  • We'll start with Last Whisper, because Last Whisper is a pretty small change.

  • The AD damage was lowered from 25 to 10.

  • And bonus armor penetration from 30% to 45%.

  • This means that we'll only pick up Last Whisper as an item if they already have a lot of armor.

  • I think it's a pretty good change.

  • So, that's what I think about the Last Whisper change.

  • That was easy.

  • Now we're gonna talk about Blade of the Ruined King.

  • So the Blade of the Ruined King has several changes.

  • First of all, the AD is increased from 25 to 45.

  • So that is a 20 AD increase.

  • If you think of that - that's like 2 Long Swords.

  • It's like 700 gold increase of AD.

  • Now the attack speed is lowered from 40% to 25%.

  • And if you look at that, that's like 300 gold'ish, little bit more than 300 gold worth of attack

  • speed.

  • So overall, that is a net increase of gold that you gain there.

  • The lifesteal was increased from 10% to 15%, that is nothing but good!

  • And the minimum damage on hit is increased from 10 to 15.

  • So the on-hit portion of the build is a lot better.

  • You can CS better with this item, you can do more damage with the item.

  • The only lacking thing here is the Attack Speed.

  • Now there is one more thing - the unique active has been changed.

  • The damage and self heal has been removed.

  • That is gonna be a little bit sad - removing the on-hit.

  • Like the.. it's not an on-hit, it's on-cast damage.

  • But I don't think the on-cast damage is quite as important as the other things they are

  • adding here.

  • So, keep in mind that the on-hit portion of the blade does steal from lifesteal, so the

  • lifesteal buff does increase your on-hit heal from Blade of the Ruined King.

  • The AD is a large portion.

  • So this means that now when you're playing Master Yi, you can rush a Blade of the Ruined

  • King.

  • Like it's actually a fantastic item.

  • And it's even better for Junglers now, because Junglers stack the batoodie - that means a

  • lot.

  • So we stack a lot of attack speed.

  • So we have ult, we have blood razer, sometimes we go Guinsoo.

  • You know we have so much attack speed, that this change is really good.

  • I was actually - on stream the other day, I was talking about some of the other changes

  • that Master Yi's Highlander should have or something.

  • And I was like "Well we have way too much attack speed in our build, why don't we get

  • some AD on Highlander instead of attack speed".

  • But I mean this is the same thing here, we're removing some attack speed and we're moving

  • it to AD.

  • Because Blade of the Ruined King is the one item that Master Yi always builds.

  • So no matter what - unless you play crit Yi or the new Lethality Yi - Which we will make

  • a video on that as well.

  • The Blade of the Ruined King is gonna affect you no matter what.

  • I think the changes are very positive.

  • Very positive!

  • We already have so much attack speed.

  • Remember: We have our Jungle item, we have Guinsoo, sometimes we build Phantom Dancer.

  • We build Phantom Dancer and Shiv, and all that stuff!

  • So the...

  • I'm super happy about it.

  • I'm super happy about it.

  • And it also influences our Alpha Strike.

  • Our Alpha Strike is now much stronger from the 20 AD.

  • Our E - on-hit damage is now much stronger.

  • Our attack speed on our ult is now stronger, because it scales with AD.

  • I mean just overall the item is a really good change.

  • I think we will be very happy with it.

  • But since it's on PBE, it has not gone through yet.

  • You never know... but usually this kinda stuff does go through.

  • I don't think it's a problem at all and I think you guys should be excited to see it

  • as well.

  • Now let's go ahead and throw in the smaller things here.

  • If you came for the Blade of the Ruined King - it's over, but this will just be a minute.

  • The control ward and oracle things, they no longer disable traps.

  • I really wish they would do something about stealth champions, because Master Yi just

  • simply sits there and dies.

  • It looks like they are actually buffing stealth things again, but these aren't stealth champions

  • so it doesn't really matter.

  • Like... they... there has do be something done to Kha'Zix.

  • Like you can not hit Kha'Zix.

  • You can not hit Shaco.

  • You can not hit Akali.

  • It's so annoying!

  • Um, and then the last one I remember is the Cho'Gath change.

  • Cho'Gath is getting a lot of changes.

  • I recommend checking it out if you are a Cho'Gath fan.

  • But what it means for Master Yi is pretty much not much.

  • Master Yi is gonna shut Cho'Gath.

  • So either way, no big deal there.

  • So don't worry too much about the Cho'Gath changes and how it influences Master Yi.

  • So, anyway guys!

  • Thank you for watching and hopefully the Blade of the Ruined King changes make you as happy

  • as they make me.

  • Wuhohoo?!

  • So those are my opinions on the Blade of the Ruined King changes.

  • What do you guys think?

  • Go ahead and leave a comment below and I'll make sure to read some of them when I have

  • some extra time.

Hey everybody!


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Blade of the Ruined Kingの変更点や他のPBEのアップデートを見てみる - Cowsep (Taking a look at Blade of the Ruined King changes and other PBE updates - Cowsep)

  • 660 6
    柳雲飛 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日