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  • The other day I got a phone call and the voice on the other end of the phone said Victoria

  • I gotta tell you something, but don't worry about what I'm gonna tell you

  • Well automatically my worry was kicked in that was my first response

  • I thought oh my gosh, what do I have to worry about?

  • You see that's what happens sometimes our worry

  • Automatically kicks in without us even knowing it. We just worry when a concern or a care comes into our life

  • now this

  • Particular problem was not huge. It wasn't monumental, but it was a problem all the same

  • It was something that needed to be resolved. So I had to push pause for a moment and make a decision

  • Was I going to let this concern?

  • Overtake me. Cause my mind to just spin out of control

  • threat and worry until

  • The problem has resolved itself

  • Was I gonna ruin my entire day?

  • Because of this concern or was I going to say God you gotta help me with this situation

  • God, I've got to present this to you, you know everything about me

  • you said you'd fight my battles for me now god, I am giving this to you and I'm gonna try to rest and

  • Hear everything you would want me to hear from you

  • You see we have to make this choice. How are we going to handle this thing called worry?

  • Are we going to just work it in our minds?

  • You know sometimes I when I worry it's like I'm really doing something. I'm just working working working it in my mind

  • I heard worry was a lot like sitting in a rocking chair

  • You're doing something but it's getting you nowhere

  • We're just working it and working it and working it in our minds and that's so unproductive

  • My question today is how you handling?

  • worry

  • Because how we handle worry and stress it's gonna make all the difference in our life

  • There's two sisters in the Bible named Mary and Martha. You can find their story in Luke

  • Mary and Martha two sisters

  • They had a brother they were obviously from what the scholars say well-to-do people so they have a lot going on in their life

  • They had money to manage. They had a home to manage. They had a lot of things happening

  • One day Jesus came to their home. He was going to stay with him. He was going to fellowship with them

  • I'm sure they were so excited. I'm sure that everybody in the town knew

  • Hey, Jesus is coming over to my house because this was a very important person

  • So I'm sure they were preparing they were getting everything. Just perfect for Jesus

  • Jesus came to their home as they were fellas shipping and as they were enjoying Jesus Jesus noticed something about

  • Martha she was buzzing around. She was working it working it working it and he said to her Martha Martha

  • Why are you so anxious and troubled about so many things?

  • You see he had observed Martha as as they were in this home. He saw how she was

  • Handling all that to do that was going on

  • but in contrast

  • Here's her sister Mary

  • Know Mary wood had as much responsibility as Martha did but Mary said I'm gonna take this

  • Opportunity when all my busyness and all the concerns that I have

  • To just linger here with Jesus because he he's at my house today. I want to sit at his feet

  • I'm gonna pour out my heart to him so he can pour in his thoughts to me

  • You see Martha was so disturbed that

  • her sister would have the audacity to

  • Sit at the feet of Jesus when there was so much to do that. She said Jesus

  • You need to tell my sister to come help me. She needs to get up and she needs to get in this kitchen

  • There's the emails to answer there's stuff on the stove. The kids needed to be taken care of

  • There's a bunch of stuff to do and she needs to get up and she needs to help me

  • Can you believe she would even say that to her guest of honor?

  • He said to her

  • mary

  • Has chosen the one important thing

  • She's chosen

  • That one thing

  • She's chosen the better way

  • Now, let me just tell you this right now. He said there's one important thing

  • There's a better way now he was very much aware of

  • the legitimate concerns

  • that these women had

  • The Bible says that Jesus said in this world

  • You're gonna have trouble you're gonna have hardship you're gonna have some things that come against you but be of good cheer

  • I have already overcome

  • The world be of good cheer. I've already overcome the world. I

  • Guess when you look at that scripture, you can say easy for you to say Jesus your God. I

  • Still have these troubles and these concerns

  • But this is what he was saying. He wasn't saying that

  • You shouldn't take your responsibilities seriously

  • He wasn't saying that there weren't legitimately things to be done. He was saying there's one important thing and it's the better way

  • What he was saying is all these concerns all these crisis all these things that are coming against you

  • You need to come hang around at my feet linger in my presence because see that's the one important thing

  • That's gonna help you get through. That's the better way to handle worry and stress

  • That's the better way to handle worry and stress you

  • See, I believe that Mary

  • somehow figured out the better way and

  • She did it

  • It wasn't that she was lazy

  • wasn't that she didn't care Mary said look, this is my chance right now to

  • empty out the concerns and to put in all that God is

  • You see that's the better way

  • Have you ever planned a birthday party or a holiday celebration at your house or some?

  • Gathering and you are so stressed out that you made your own self miserable and maybe some of your friends and family as well

  • There's a better way to handle the stresses of life

  • The word worry comes from an old English word in the fifteen hundreds that meant to strangle

  • To strangle. I think that's an amazing

  • interpretation of that word because worry and stress

  • Literally chokes the fun out of life

  • It literally pressures us in every relationship that we have

  • It steals our joy. Think about it. Jesus was at Martha's house

  • She couldn't even enjoy

  • the fact that

  • Jesus was there she missed the whole beauty of the moment

  • She couldn't calm down relax and be peaceful. She

  • Allowed the stress that was going on in her mind to strain the relationship with her own sister

  • She was an attitude that changed

  • Worried doesn't change anything but your personality

  • It changes your disposition. It doesn't make the situation better

  • Actually, it makes the situation worse

  • I

  • worked with a woman

  • Several years ago and she had some legitimate concerns in her life and I could see how it was affecting her entire life

  • Her son was - was in the military and he had been deployed to another country

  • She was extremely concerned about his his well-being and if he was gonna make it and how things were going

  • She was so concerned and so worked up that I saw it begin to change her disposition

  • Change her personality

  • She could hardly even function at work

  • And I said to her I said look got to be a better way to handle the situation

  • I mean he is there there is not a thing that you can do about it

  • You've got to come to this place of peace and rest in the Lord

  • So I begin to pray with her and then I begin to make some suggestions

  • I said look you need to get some scriptures

  • You need to have them ready just as your as your warfare when these thoughts start

  • Strangling your joy and your peace you need to write out some declarations

  • When you feel that tension coming against you you need to say God. Thank you that my son is in the palm of your hand

  • Thank you Father that no weapon formed against him will prosper father. Thank you

  • Your angels have charge over him to keep him in all of his ways

  • He won't even - his foot against the stone

  • But he'll tread upon the lion in the Cobra the young lion shall he trampled underfoot? Thank you father

  • You put a blood line around him that the enemy cannot cross father. I thank you Lord that my son will come home

  • safely, I

  • Begin to see her put this into practice

  • Little by little she began to take control over that worry and I could see the strength come back

  • I could see her focus and her resolve come back

  • She began to praise God in

  • The midst of her fear and her torment and it made all the difference in her life

  • You see worry pulls us away from God's power

  • But worship and praise draws us to him and exchange

  • the situation I

  • Have a good news to report six years serving in the military and her son came home safely

  • You see worries a weight it weighs us down causes us to not be productive

  • In fact, the Bible says lay aside every weight

  • That would so easily

  • Beset us. Come on us

  • So you have to lay it aside because it says that you have to run with purpose in

  • Every step and when you are weighed down you can't run my sweet friend was so read down

  • She couldn't hardly get to work much less run

  • You see when she began to lay aside that weight

  • She was able to run out her purpose see her prayers her

  • Intercession for her son was much more powerful than her worry when she talked to him on the phone

  • She could say son

  • I want to tell you I'm praying for you the angels of the lords have charge over you you walk out you be bold with

  • Confidence know that God Almighty is looking after you she could encourage him to pray for himself

  • You see which she began to lay aside the weight and run with purpose. She was way more effective

  • There's a technique that I use and I've used it for years and it works for me

  • You just got to find something that works for you, right?

  • so when I had these concerns in these troubles I

  • Imagined a big helium balloon big beautiful blue red red balloon. It's a power color

  • And I began to put those troubles in that balloon and I imagined myself holding that balloon by the string

  • Holding it out in front of me with those troubles and I look at that balloon

  • And I let it go and I release it to God and I say God thank you that you're bigger than all these troubles

  • thank you that you

  • Love me

  • And that you said you'd protect those things that concern me

  • So I'm gonna give them to you these troubles are just gonna go right at your feet Jesus

  • You're gonna take care of them

  • You see sometimes I have to admit sometimes I have to let go of a whole bouquet of balloons

  • Do what you got to do do what you got to do to release the words and the care

  • Because Jesus will sustain you when you release it to him

  • listen

  • If you feel the pressure the stranglehold of worry coming on you even if it's automatic push the pause button

  • Let's be like Mary. Let's take a lesson from this woman and let's sit at his feet

  • Let's leave her there for a while. Let's empty out the concerns

  • So that we'll have room to receive

  • His goodness his thoughts towards us his wisdom his joy listen

  • Wait is only gonna weigh you down

  • But when you let it go to him

  • Hmm all things can be new again. Amen

  • Your partnership makes this ministry possible

  • your faithful and

  • Consistent monthly support makes you a champion of hope the vision of Joel Osteen ministries is to use every avenue available

  • To present the hope of Jesus Christ to people everywhere

  • We know it is this hope and the transforming power of the gospel that makes an eternal difference in people's lives

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The other day I got a phone call and the voice on the other end of the phone said Victoria


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ビクトリア-オスティーン - あなたはどのように心配を処理していますか? (Victoria Osteen - How Are You Handling Worry?)

  • 127 4
    lara_chou790905 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日