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  • Hi, This is Brian

  • Welcome to my baking kitchen

  • 00:00:13,460 --> 00:00:18,800 I am going to show you how to make perfect Crumble Skin Puffs today

  • About the batter of the puff

  • I had introduced that before

  • So you gonna see that clip

  • in this video

  • and Crumble Skin is the key demonstration today

  • also how to bake it perfectly

  • Follow my Step By Step

  • You can make it easily

  • I hope you like it

  • Let's start from the Crumble Skin

  • We have to iced it some hours

  • so people make it first

  • and I used to make it the day before

  • The ingredients are simple

  • first is the room temperature butter

  • after butter

  • place sugar inside

  • mix them together evenly

  • until them mix well totally

  • Next place the Almond Powder

  • the Almond Powder

  • keep mix them together evenly

  • then put the flour

  • we can get a tool

  • scrape the butter away from the spatula

  • combine until the flour is gone

  • the dough of crumble skin

  • is done

  • Let's roll the dough out to flat later

  • Let's make the crumble skin

  • I would advice you

  • prepare a Silicon Baking Mat

  • for move the crumble skin dough to a fridge later

  • you need something on the bottom

  • or it will stick on the table

  • If you don't have it

  • You can use 2 pieces of baking paper to replace it

  • put the batter between the baking papers

  • I am going to roll the dough now

  • put the dough on the baking mat

  • for the beginning

  • use hand to shape the dough

  • make it more stiff

  • put a piece of baking paper on the dough

  • roll the dough slowly

  • About the thickness

  • I like it thin

  • so I would like to roll it to 1mm to 2mm

  • Check it when we roll it

  • We can use a scraper to shape the dough to rectangle

  • it helps to cut the dough more easily later

  • keep roll the dough out

  • We are going to repeat rolling like this

  • When the dough flat enough

  • put the dough into a fridge for several hours

  • let it firm totally

  • after the dough into the fridge

  • I will show you how I made the mini puffs last time

  • Let me show you how to make puffs

  • the ingredients of puff are simple

  • the very different from other recipe is the liquid

  • Like the recipes

  • some use water only

  • some use milk only

  • the differences are

  • If you use water only

  • the color of puffs are lighter

  • If you use milk only

  • the color of puffs are darker

  • you can choose what you like more

  • What I am going to do today

  • are using half milk and half water

  • put liquid ingredients first

  • then sugar

  • then salt

  • then butter

  • then

  • heat them with medium heat

  • When the liquid boiled

  • butter melting away totally

  • put flour now

  • The liquid boiled now

  • next step is put flour

  • turn to low heat before put flour

  • if you wanna different flavor

  • like Chocolate flavor

  • we use 60g flour today

  • you can replace 10g cocoa powder on it

  • I am going to make plain flavor today

  • since you put flour

  • stir it rapidly

  • make flour melting in the liquid evenly

  • the heating helps flour gelatinization

  • about the temperature

  • if you have a baking thermometer

  • the temperature should be between 75 to 80 degree

  • then the flour just begin gelatinization

  • if the temperature not enough now

  • it makes easy to failure later

  • So when you stir it

  • you have to be careful and take care the temperature

  • When you stir flour

  • the edge of batter or the pan become white

  • the temperature should be around 75 degree

  • that's mean done

  • The temperature already got there now

  • move the pan away from the heat

  • This is important: If you over heat now

  • the butter is going to apart from the dough

  • it makes failure easily too

  • So compare heat time

  • not over heat is more important

  • between 75 to 80 degree is the best

  • Let's stir batter to cool down

  • Next step is place eggs

  • Make sure the eggs are room temperature

  • if you use eggs form fridge are clod

  • it makes eggs hard to combine with the batter

  • So make sure eggs are room temperature

  • the best temperature of batter is 65 degree, put eggs into batter about 60 degree

  • it won't cook eggs at once

  • And also do not cool the batter too much

  • or hardly combine with eggs too

  • Let't test the batter

  • But if you don't have a thermometer won't be a problem

  • touch it, when feel it's warm slightly

  • Then temperature now is about 62 degree

  • Don't put eggs in once

  • it will down the heat of batter too much

  • So place one egg each time

  • When stir evenly, place next one egg

  • When finish stir, the batter has a slight sheen

  • that's mean the flour gelatinization totally

  • and it should be tiny sticky

  • That's the right batter

  • and should be warm slightly

  • not cold completely

  • put the batter into a pastry bag

  • about the batter

  • You already watched how I made puff batter last time

  • this is how we gonna make mini puffs today

  • that's the same ingredients with todays'

  • when the batter was done

  • put it into a pastry bag

  • the difference of the pastry bag with I used last time

  • I use bigger size today

  • also use a bigger pipping tip

  • for make more crispy puff and better shape

  • put the batter into a pastry bag

  • after that

  • prepare piping it on the baking tray

  • the point of the baking tray is

  • how to make puffs look almost the same

  • What I am gonna show you is

  • use a mould to print circles on the baking mat with flour

  • When we finish 15 prints

  • Let's piping the batter out

  • Just piping batter base on the prints

  • Piping batter till the inner print edge at once

  • after finish piping 15 batters

  • gently press the batter pointed down

  • use finger spot a little bit of water

  • let it flat more

  • it helps the crumble skin on the top looks better

  • Now we finish the puff batter

  • Next, take the crumble skin out of fridge

  • Let's take the crumble skin out of fridge now

  • When the crumble ski dough out of the fridge

  • it softens very quickly

  • We have to cut it as soon as possible

  • What I advice is

  • cut 15 circles at once

  • with the same diameter

  • I used to prepare more than 15 skins to prevent it breaking when moving it

  • When it done

  • place it on the puff batter rapidly

  • place it on the central

  • You gonna notice it soften quickly

  • that's why we have to do it when it cold enough

  • If the Crumble Skin is too soften

  • Just put it back in a fridge again

  • When we put all the Crumble Skin on the top

  • press it gently

  • it helps Crumble Skin

  • crumb better after baked

  • When we done

  • put it in the oven

  • About baking puff

  • it needs 2 baking levels

  • The first level, the baking temperature is 215 degree Celsius , equal 425 degree Fahrenheit

  • baking around 12 minutes

  • After 12 minutes, turn the temperature down to 180 degree Celsius

  • equal 350 Fahrenheit

  • then bake it another 10 minutes

  • Do Not open the oven while it's baking

  • When the heat is gone, the puff will go flat

  • put the puff in the middle or lower layer

  • When the time is up

  • turn the oven off

  • take a wood spoon

  • for keep door a gap

  • let the door hold the spoon

  • after that

  • we need to let the puff stay in the oven 15 minutes

  • When the puff totally dry, take it out to cool down

  • I hope you like Crumble Skin Puffs I show you today

  • About the filling, you can use ice cream in summertime

  • or filling custard and whipping cream on 1:1

  • You can find out how to make custard or the ratio I advised video

  • the link is below the video or in my website

  • Hope you like what I show you today

  • Remember subscribe my channel

Hi, This is Brian


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B1 中級

完璧なクランブルスキンパフを作る (Make Perfect Crumble Skin Puffs)

  • 424 16
    Velo Tasi に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日