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  • Hi, my name is Jim Roy, former PGA and Champions Tour player, and I'm here in Syracuse, New

  • York, at my home course, Bellevue Country Club.

  • In this video, I want to address 'coming over the top'.

  • My students, a lot of them struggle with this, and I want to touch on a couple reasons why

  • I think people struggle with this, and hopefully give you some ideas and some feels that can

  • get you back on track.

  • First of all, let's talk about, what is 'coming over the top'?

  • So, most of us are aware that when we take the club up to the top of our swing, we'd

  • like the club to start down, pretty much straight down, and to deliver the club from the inside.

  • Coming over the top, I see a lot of people, their first move from the top, the club jets

  • out here, and once it goes out there, it's not coming back.

  • So, what does that do?

  • It causes the path to continue on this way, across and to the left, and in order to hit

  • it, I see a lot of you backing out of the shot because you feel like you have to, and

  • you really do, once that club gets out of plane.

  • So, what do I see as the main reason for this?

  • Overuse of your body, too much tension in your arms, and you're not letting your arms

  • swing, so the sequence of motion is a little off.

  • So, people get up, they try to hit it hard from the top, and as soon as they do this,

  • there's no recovery from there.

  • So, let's talk about, how can we fix this?

  • Number one, when we start the club back away from the golf ball, I see a lot of you getting

  • the club way too far inside, so your natural inclination, once you do this, is to go like

  • this to hit it.

  • So, let's talk about the initial move away from the ball and how maybe you can check

  • to see if you're in the right position.

  • What I like to do is set up.

  • I'm going to keep the club on the ground, and with my left hand, and arm, and shoulder,

  • I'm going to trace a semi-circle as I turn, and I'm going to trace it to the middle of

  • my right foot, put my right hand on it, lift the club up, and that's a pretty good indicator

  • as to where the club should be.

  • Now, I mean, it can be out here, and it can be a little in here, but this is a good guideline

  • for you.

  • And then, from here, we're just going to set the club the rest of the way.

  • So, we're pretty much on plane, a pretty good position to hit a decent shot.

  • So, check to see, are you taking that club inside too quickly and it's getting your arms

  • way in here, which is forcing you out here.

  • So, the takeaway is one of the reasons, and another reason, like I said, is a lot of people

  • get up here, anxious, go to hit it, and once that club's there, no good, no good.

  • So, here's a couple things that you can work on that's going to help you feel the arms

  • more in your swing, and also that club fall down on plane so you can hit more solid shots,

  • better accuracy, as well as better distance.

  • So, this is a favorite drill of mine that, actually, I got from Craig Harmon years ago,

  • and I use it in my golf swing.

  • We're going to set you up for success.

  • We're going to set up and pull our right foot back, so my right toe is even with my left

  • heel.

  • What that's going to do is, it creates this vision of room here, and gives you the freedom

  • to come from the inside, and the correct weight shift.

  • So, from here, the ball's in the middle of my stance.

  • I'm going to take the club back, the weight shifts into my right heel.

  • My first move is to shift into my left foot, and that motion there, as you can see, lets

  • the club fall on the correct plane.

  • I'm not going this way.

  • So, I want you to start out doing this, small little shots.

  • We're going to shift our weight to the right, come from the inside, and we're going to create

  • more of an inside attack on the golf ball, which is the exact opposite of that over-the-top

  • move.

  • Now, I've had great success with this drill, and I think you will, too, because it really

  • gives you freedom to stay in here and hit from the inside, instead of feeling like you're

  • all jammed up once you come over the top.

  • So, let me hit a couple more with the right foot back, backswing, shifting my weight to

  • my left side, and then hitting from the inside.

  • So, again, that ball started a little bit right and drew in, which is a shot, if you're

  • coming over the top, you feel like you're never going to hit.

  • Now, let me talk about quieting the body and getting your arms in motion.

  • Remember, most people that come over the top, they're here, and they're all body, and the

  • arms aren't involved enough.

  • Along with the right-foot drill, I want you to hit some shots with your feet close together,

  • which is automatically going to quiet your body down.

  • From there, when you take the club back, I want you to pause at the top of your swing.

  • When you pause at the top of your swing, you're going to initiate the downswing more with

  • your arms, which is what you need to do if you're always coming over the top.

  • So, with this swing, feet are close together, which quiets the body, I'm going to take the

  • club up, and I'm going to pause for a second, and then start down.

  • Again, distance isn't a factor here.

  • We're just trying to create a different pattern for you.

  • Okay, up, pause, swing.

  • So, that pause is just enough for you to activate your arms on the downswing and quiet your

  • body down so your body doesn't throw that club out over here.

  • So, let's do that again.

  • I'm going to take it up, pause, come back down.

  • So, on all those swings, I'm feeling more of my arms, less of my body, which I think

  • is a great feeling here in golf, especially if this is what you struggle with.

  • And then, the last one I want to show you is a great way to practice.

  • If you can find a ball above your feet, then you can easily feel what it's going to be

  • like to come from the inside.

  • Okay, so here we are with the ball above our feet.

  • Now, my students have had really good success with hitting a lot of balls this way to help

  • them feel what it's like to come from the inside and maybe break that habit of coming

  • over the top.

  • So, the ball's above my feet, so now I kind of almost have the lay of the land helping

  • me here.

  • So, before you hit this, I want you to make some concerted swings, and on the downswing,

  • I want you to really feel like you're swinging up into the hill.

  • So, I'm swinging up into this hill.

  • This is the exact opposite motion of the 'coming over the top' move.

  • So, I'm telling you, you've got to exaggerate it just to change a little in this crazy game.

  • So, a couple of good practice swings, we're swinging up into the hill.

  • Then, get up here with that same feel, and I'm going to feel like I'm going to swing

  • up into the hill, and the ball's going to start to the right and draw back.

  • Try this.

  • Swing, practice swings, downswing, up into the hill.

  • That's the exact opposite motion, and I think you're going to find it's going to help.

  • So, let's review really quickly on how we can help stop 'coming over the top'.

  • Number one, we've got to quiet our body down.

  • Most people get up here, they try to hit it with their body, and when they do, that club

  • gets thrown out here, and once it is, it's not coming back.

  • So, let's check our takeaway, make sure we're not whipping the club inside too much.

  • At the top of our swing, we want to feel our arms falling.

  • We need to feel our body quiet.

  • So, how do we do that?

  • Remember, both feet together, swing it up, pause, and then start down.

  • That helps us initiate our downswing more with our arms, and quiets the shoulders so

  • we don't throw that club over here.

  • The right-foot drill, when we pull this club back, you're going to feel like you have a

  • great field of vision here.

  • You're going to have a feeling that, once you're up here, you can have that club approach

  • from the inside, which is the feeling that you want.

  • Start out slow.

  • Don't try to hit it far.

  • Get the feeling, and then once you get confidence, you'll get more and more adept to that feel.

  • And then, of course, if you can practice with the ball above your feet, just the lay of

  • the land is going to help you come from the inside and get your attack angle more shallow,

  • and get rid of that over-the-top move.

Hi, my name is Jim Roy, former PGA and Champions Tour player, and I'm here in Syracuse, New


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なぜあなたはあなたのゴルフスイングで上に来ている+それを修正する方法 (Why You're Coming Over The Top In Your Golf Swing + How To Fix It!)

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日