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Support is generally considered the role
with the least amount of impact out of all five roles
So I wanted to take a look at a support player who has more impact than anyone else in the game
This is immortals Olleh
He is the starting support for Immortals and he recently hit rank 1 on the Na challenger ladder
How the hell did a support player hit rank 1 let's take a look at Olleh's play style
I have launched every single one of Olleh's VOD's in the last month and I noticed something Olleh Roams
A lot I mean like a lot
Compared to other high ranking supports like P1 stunt. Olleh is all over the map in one game
Olleh played his thresh. He spent a total of four minutes in the actual bot lane
He spends most of his time in the early game in the river between mid and bot lane
Olleh often plays jungle as his secondary role
And this makes him really good at roaming and setting up ganks. Olleh is incredibly patient with his ganks
he can sit there for up to 40 seconds and wait for you just to make a single misstep a
Single mistake and as soon as you do he will punish you for it
Oftentimes Olleh really likes to roam with his jungler
He roams in accordance with his junglers jungling path
So that he can gank along with his jungler at the same time
Since they have the most map presence jungle players hit Rank 1 all the time
But since Olleh is constantly roaming on support. He feels like a secondary jungler
You could almost say that he's like a jungle, sidekick even if Olleh is not going for a gank
He's constantly fighting for vision in the river to make it safer for his mid laner and his jungler
you could call him a
Goalleh because he doesn't let anything
Slip through his defense between mid and bot lane to supplement his high Roam play style
Olleh likes to play thresh and bard he is capable of playing peel support such as Soraka and Janna
But he doesn't choose to do so often in soloqueue
Olleh plays roam based champions because he feels that he can carry harder in Solo queue and
Feels more excited when he plays them he really likes to buy mobility boots
He says if he thinks he can roam then he will just rush mobility boots in fact in his last 10 games
Olleh first bought mobility boots before anything else in
9 out of those 10 games whether he was ahead or behind
Whenever Olleh roams he always always brings a control ward along with him unless he's been
Snowballing his lane Olleh does not stay in the bot lane
He feels that unless he can get something bot lane
He tries to roam instead, basically
He is constantly doing something trying to scare the enemy laners into playing safer trying to get vision for his laners
So they can play more aggressive one thing that
Olleh really likes to do is gank his own lane since he plays hook based champions like Thresh and Blitzcrank a lot
It can be quite easy to predict if you can see the champion in lane and approaching you fast
By ganking his own lane like a jungler
He's more easily able to hit his hook skillshots one thing that Olleh does a lot that many supports actively try to avoid is
Olleh takes kills in the early game if you look Olleh's stats in a lot of those games the numbers don't look like
a supports KDa
They look like a laners KDa
Olleh intentionally takes kills in the early game because getting more gold for your support in your early game is much more effective than
getting kills on your ad carry think about how useful it actually is to get a
longsword or a cull on your ad carry in the early game as
Compared to if your support was able to get sightstone
By five minutes if you can get a fast fight stone
Or mobility boots really early on
That will help your team's early game out a lot more than a little bit of extra ad on your ad carry
Marksmen are meant to be scaling champions and supports are meant to carry them through the early game
So it makes a lot more sense that they should be hitting their item spikes first
One of the reasons that Olleh is so good at Hook champions like thresh
Is that he's so good at setting up hooks through vision
He's very good at predicting the enemy's movements in pockets of vision
He throws his hooks where people are going to be not where they currently are as my old football coach used to say
Don't throw the ball where the receiver currently is throw the ball where this receiver is going to be and that is exactly
What Olleh is so good at doing?
I think Olleh's greatest strengths is his ability to be able to predict enemy movements and
Shotcalling with the rest of his team in this clip Olleh's jungler Elise just got picked off by Tahm kench and Lee sin
Rather than walking straight back to bot lane
He waits patiently in the brush for them to finish scuttle crab
Olleh, correctly predicts that lee is going to invade and try to take Gromp since Elise is Dead
So he makes the call for his mid laner to follow him into their own jungle
Tahm kench returns to the bot lane because he assumes that his jungler is going to be safe
Olleh goes in and hits a great hook guaranteeing a revenge kill on Lee sin
Olleh is really good at shot calling and directing his team and he is very
Tilt proof in some of the games that I watched I never thought
Olleh would make a reasonable comeback Olleh never gives up a game. No matter. How bad it looks
He's always trying to look at the positive side, Olleh's in game
Name is humble diligence, and he does live up to it the enemy team doesn't have twice as many kills as us
They only have 5 more kills than us. Don't worry. Don't feed. I'll carry if you are nice to your team
They will be nice to you the time that we played together is short
But why should I spend that time on being negative to other people when I can spend that little bit of time?
Praising them instead in one game Olleh played with Tyler1, and Tyler wasn't having the most fun time
He was constantly getting one shot because he was playing jinx vs Zed. So he just wanted to play the next game
What did Olleh say no we can win trust believe in us even if his AD carry has given up he still
Hasn't given up protecting his ad carry telling tyler to believe in the team
Oh, Olleh Is like the main character of an anime series
Staying super positive throughout the entire thing
Olleh still lost that game of course
I mean, it's just he never succumb to the negativity
but you know
Your memes are dreams and friendship doesn't prevent your zed from blowing up your adc this isn't some fantasy land
This is league of Legends
Now Olleh's play style is not the only one able to get to a high rank as a support player there are plenty of other
lane focused support players
But in terms of supports Olleh's is the only one that has ever gotten to rank one. His jungle like vision based
Aggressive support style does seem to be the best when it comes to carrying as a support player. Hi there my name's, Dong Huap
Huge thanks to IMT Olleh for answering my questions about his play style
You can check out his twitch stream in the description below you can follow him on Twitter
Hopefully imt will actually win something this season. Maybe in terms of Runes and masteries Olleh's setup is pretty standard
There's no real deviations. He just has two versions one for Thresh one for bard.
Not really changing it. It's just mostly just very early game focused and pretty much just standard with auto attack Harass
The video is over at this point
But if you want you can stick around for the bonus content the bonus content is just me talking over some of my favorite place
from spectating Olleh
until next time then bye
So after watching all the Olleh's Vods so these are some of my favorite clips
That I found that I couldn't really find place for them in the video
But I thought they were really fun to watch so this one is basically basically Olleh was trying to get a gank mid
but he couldn't really do it, so
what he does instead is he spam things for reksai to go camp this brush because bard has to eventually go through here and
- just like Clockwork like bard shows up perfectly as soon as everyone gets there and it's
It's just amazing to see how like it just precise
Like just everything is it's all according to Olleh's plan
It's like he's directing an orchestra, and they're all part of his symphony
And this last clip this last clip was the one that made me laugh the hardest
basically always playing trundle support, and he starts pillar and he just
Sona and she literally can't move because she's body blocked by the pillar and
Olleh's like physical body so she has to he basically forces her flash
at level one and then he plays the rest of the lane like super patiently and as soon as he hits levels two and
he like Regens a decent amount he just all in's on sivir and
he gets two first blood kill's so it's just yeah he basically he and Lucian should basically just win this game at around uh
Like five minutes. I think yeah around five minutes
That's just they just win this game because the jungler comes in and she can't really do anything
What was funny about Olleh is that even though? He has like you know he plays thresh and bard like a insane
God he has all these weird support picks that like he just makes work
so for example
His favorite jungler is Elise
But he is played at least I would say five games as support Elise
Maybe maybe more I'm not act im not a hundred percent sure on that
But I seen him play just straight up Elise support, and it wasn't an accident
He just he just picked Elise support. He's like let's play a Elise support, and he fucking makes it work