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  • Hello everyone, it's Aunt Frenita.

  • Today's story is called,

  • "For Me!"

  • The memory verse

  • is from John Chapter 3, verse 16.

  • It says

  • "For God so loved the world,

  • that He gave his one and only Son,

  • that whoever believes in Him,

  • shall not perish, but have eternal life."

  • The message is

  • I want Jesus, to be my personal Saviour.

  • Who is your best friend?

  • Would you be willing to suffer to help that friend?

  • Is there anyone you don't like?

  • Would you do whatever it takes to help

  • that person, if they were in trouble?

  • I know someone who would answer "Yes"

  • to both questions.

  • He suffered and died in our place,

  • to save everyone.

  • Let's read His story.

  • "I have examined this man, and He is innocent"

  • Pilate argued.

  • "I will have him whipped

  • but then i will release Him."

  • A great roar

  • rose from the crowd.

  • "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!

  • Release Barabbas to us!"

  • The crowd shouted

  • louder and louder.

  • It was the custom

  • to release a prisoner during the Passover season.

  • The crowd was demanding that a

  • terrible criminal be set free.

  • And that innocent Jesus be put to death.

  • Pilate was the governor.

  • But he was afraid of the people.

  • And at last, he let them have their way.

  • Pilate knew Jesus was not guilty of any crime.

  • But he turned Him over to the mob.

  • And he let Barabbas out of prison.

  • Thousands of people lined both sides of the road

  • as Jesus struggled along.

  • He staggered under the weight of His cross.

  • Most people shouted and jeered at Jesus.

  • His friends and followers, wept.

  • Finally Jesus fell down.

  • He had no strength left

  • after being beaten by the soldiers.

  • The soldiers grabbed a strong looking man

  • who was standing nearby

  • Simon,

  • a traveler from the town of Cyrene,

  • was forced to carry Jesus' cross.

  • They reached the place called Calvary,

  • the place where criminals were crucified.

  • The soldiers pushed Jesus roughly

  • down on the cross.

  • They pounded long, iron spikes

  • through His wrists and His feet.

  • Then they lifted the cross

  • and dropped the bottom of it

  • in a hole in the ground,

  • so it would stand upright.

  • The pain was terrible.

  • Crucifixion was the most painful

  • and cruel way to put someone to death.

  • But Jesus prayed,

  • "Father,

  • forgive these people,

  • they don't know what they're doing."

  • The crowd watched as leaders made fun of Jesus.

  • "He saved other people, but He can't save Himself!"

  • They jeered.

  • The soldiers made fun of Jesus too.

  • They made a sign and nailed it above His head.

  • "This is the King of the Jews!"

  • It declared.

  • Two thieves were crucified along with Jesus.

  • One of the men mocked Him.

  • "So you're the Messiah!

  • Prove it by saving Yourself, and us too!"

  • The other thief responded

  • "We deserve to die." He protested.

  • "But this Man, has done nothing wrong!"

  • He turned to Jesus and said

  • "Remember me when you come into Your Kingdom."

  • And Jesus promised that He would.

  • At noon, the light from the Sun completely disappeared.

  • The darkness lasted

  • until 3 o' clock when Jesus cried.

  • "Father!

  • I entrust My Spirit into Your hands!"

  • And then, He died.

  • The earth shook.

  • The curtain in the temple was torn

  • into two from top to bottom.

  • Only God or His angels could have ripped

  • the thick curtain!

  • A good man named Joseph went to Pilate,

  • and asked for Jesus' body.

  • Joseph put Jesus' body in a new tomb.

  • One that had been carved out of a rock.

  • The very tomb that Joseph had made for himself.

  • A big stone was rolled in place to seal the tomb.

  • It was very late Friday afternoon.

  • All was quiet.

  • Everyone knew something powerful... had just happened.

  • This podcast is read by Frenita Buddy

  • for

  • Created and produced by Falvo Fowler

  • Post produced by Faith Toh at Studio Elpizo

  • The theme music is by Clayton Kinney

  • Animation and artwork by Diogo Godoy

  • The audio engineer was Karel Holness

  • For more infomation please visit


  • Close captioning and subtitles by Wyman Loke

Hello everyone, it's Aunt Frenita.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

小学1年D組 第1四半期 第11話 "私のために!" (Primary Year D Quarter 1 Episode 11: "For Me!")

  • 18 0
    davidcwling に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日