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  • An IPO is an Initial Public Offering, the first time a company offers its stock for

  • sale to the public. Following an IPO, a company ceases to be a private enterprise, or in the

  • case of privatisation, a government-owned utility. It becomes publicly listed and its

  • shares are traded on a stock exchange. Facebook and Twitter have held two high profile IPOs

  • in recent years. But flotations like this come in all shapes and sizes. So why would

  • a private company choose to go public? Primarily, it's about generating capital. If a company

  • needs funds to invest in its expansion, it could either borrow the money or sell shares

  • via an IPO. An IPO has the added benefit of generating publicity for the company, boosting

  • its reputation as a successful, established business. So what does this mean for traders?

  • Well IPOs often see a flurry of activity as investors buy or sell new stock they believe

  • to be under or over valued. This can create volatility, which while risky, can mean opportunities

  • to trade. One way to take a position before the IPO is by trading on a grey market. For

  • example, you might open a CFD that settles on the size of the company's market capitalisation

  • following the first day of trading. Grey markets can also gauge trader sentiment in the run

  • up to the IPO. And of course, after the IPO you can trade the shares just like any other

  • listed company. As ever though, it's important you do your research and keep up to speed

  • with all the breaking news. Because the better you understand the company, its sector and

  • the circumstances surrounding the IPO, the better you can assess how accurately the stock

  • is valued, and the level of risk involved.

An IPO is an Initial Public Offering, the first time a company offers its stock for


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IPOとは? (What Is An IPO?)

  • 46 4
    garyline に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日