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Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! Each year thousands of people visit Australia
to enjoy its beautiful beaches and spectacular outback. However, the land down under is also
known for something more sinister – its vast array of killer creatures – and that's
what we're interested in. For this installment, we'll once again be omitting humans from our
list. As we get started, help us out by hitting that like button, and be sure to leave us
a comment because we're always looking to engage in interesting conversations with you!
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10. Blue-Ringed Octopus Don't be fooled by their bright and bubbly
appearance, these colorful creatures are deadly. Packed with enough venom to kill ten healthy
adults, their weapon, known as teTROdotoxin, is also around 1200 times deadlier than cyanide.
The good news, there has only been two confirmed deaths caused by this vibrant octopod, and,
because of their docile nature, most attacks occur while trying to disturb their habitat.
9. Stonefish This ultra-venomous breed of scorpionfish
is known for being almost impossible to spot thanks to their stone-like appearance. Poor,
unsuspecting beach-goers often fall prey to the camouflaged stonefish, and accidentally
stepping on one is far from a pleasant experience. The neurotoxin that they release is so painful,
victims have demanded that the afflicted limb be amputated to end their misery. Although
deaths from stonefish are rare, they've earned a place on this list for the frequency
of their attacks as their anti-venom is the second most frequently administered in Australia.
8. Irukandji jellyfish Responsible for the deaths of one or two people
on average annually, this smaller relative of the box jellyfish packs a punch that is
said to start off mild but slowly grow into a pain that courses through the victim's body.
As tiny as the size of your thumbnail, you'd think twice to mess with these little creatures
again if you survive your first encounter. Stings bring on Irukandji syndrome, marked
by symptoms including lower back pain, cramps, sweating, anxiety, and nausea.
7. Sharks Responsible for roughly four to ten attacks
annually and with a fatality rate of roughly 25%, sharks aren't quite the killers that
the movies make them out to be. All of the “Big Three” can be found along Australia's
coastline, and although great white and tiger sharks are thought to have caused more deaths,
it's actually the unpredictable bull shark that should make you nervous. These bullies
are happy to stray into freshwater and were even seen window-shopping in the streets of
Brisbane during heavy flooding in 2010. 6. Box Jellyfish
With the second most powerful venom of any creature, it's easy to see why this fearsome
sea dweller is often listed as the most dangerous creature down under. Their sixty-or-so tentacles
grow up to ten feet or three meters in length each, and every tentacle has roughly 5,000
stinging cells. The agonizing pain of their sting causes a person to go into shock, often
causing cardiac arrest within minutes, which makes getting back to shore by yourself nearly
impossible. Like the Irukandji jellyfish, Box Jellyfish will kill 1 to 2 people on average
annually. 5. Sydney Funnel Web Spider
Pure aggression and venom twice as powerful as cyanide makes this eight-legged brute an
Australian joy! With fangs as long as some snakes', they've been known to pierce
through fingernails and even leather shoes. Funnel Webs are sensitive to light, so they
do what they can to keep out of the sun. In residential areas, piles of bricks and logs
are popular hiding places, but shoes are a favorite, too. On average, 2 people died per
year before an anti-venom was introduced in the 1980's, but, since death can occur within
15 minutes, a swift response and identification of the arachnid are vital to survival.
4. Eastern Brown Snake Although the Inland Taipan has the most powerful
venom of any snake, the Eastern Brown snake is fast, aggressive, bad tempered, and nervy.
Responsible for half of all snake deaths in Australia, at least two people succumb to
their attacks each year. Many victims have confirmed that their initial bite is almost
painless - often times were even unaware they were bitten at all. If you don't get to
that all-important anti-venom quickly, you'll fall victim to paralysis and uncontrollable
bleeding, eventually leading to death - often in less than an hour.
Saltwater crocodile 'The Saltie' is the largest living reptile
on earth and is responsible for around two to three deaths per year, although that number
is on the rise. The largest authenticated croc held in captivity measured in at 6.17
meters or about 20.24 feet, and weighed an incredible 2,370-pounds or roughly 1,075-kilograms.
Saltwater crocodiles are as happy in the sea as they are in fresh water and swamps, so
you're never safe if you're near water. They're opportunistic hunters and will eat
anything that nears their murky depths. 2. Dogs
Aussies love dogs: they make movies about them, they have landmarks dedicated to them,
and one creepy town even has a pet cemetery devoted to them. But it seems that the love
isn't always mutual. Responsible for approximately three deaths a year, dog attacks prove that
literally everything in Australia has a taste for human flesh. Even more frightening, 78%
of these occurrences are committed by family pets.
1. Honey Bees With roughly ten people dying per year, the
honey bee causes more deaths in Australia than spiders, snakes and sharks combined.
Bees and wasps are responsible for 33% of all admissions to the hospital due to a bite
or sting compared to spiders and snakes, which are responsible for 30% and 15%, respectively.
If you're caught by the bee's barbed stinger, you'll probably just suffer pain and swelling,
unless you're allergic. Then you can expect your airway to close up and die from asphyxiation
if you don't seek immediate medical attention. Even if you're not allergic, disturbing
a nest can lead to deadly mass attacks. Now let's watch some bees mess up some spiders!