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  • Brainy Dose Presents:

  • 12 Ways To Improve Communication Skills Instantly

  • Effective communication is one of the most important life skills that a person can have.

  • Whether you want to have better conversations in your personal and social life, or get your

  • ideas across better at work, there are some key things you can do to help improve your

  • communication skills.

  • After having watched this video, and the 12 points we outline, if you apply them, you

  • should become a better communicator instantly!

  • Number 1 - Show Respect & Appreciation

  • Appreciation and respect can go a long way

  • People will be more open to communicating with you if you convey respect for them and

  • their ideas.

  • Even simple actions like using a person's name will make them feel appreciated.

  • It's also important to be respectful and considerate of other peoples' time.

  • Number 2 - Listen Actively

  • People want to know that they are being heard.

  • Instead of just focusing on formulating a response, really listen to what the other

  • person is saying.

  • The person speaking to you should be the most important thing, at that moment.

  • Also, when you're talking to someone on the phone, do not respond to an email, or

  • send a text at the same time.

  • The person will know that they don't have your undivided attention.

  • Number 3 - Ask Questions And Paraphrase

  • Asking questions will not only help you understand what the other person is saying, but it also

  • indicates that you're actually interested in what they're saying.

  • This opens up the conversation, and signals that you want to see them, hear them and understand

  • them.

  • And if you want to show that you really understand, then paraphrasing is a great tool.

  • All you need to do is repeat back to someone what they just said, before you comment yourself.

  • Number 4 - Make Eye Contact

  • It's important that you connect with the person you are talking to, and eye contact

  • is essential when having a meaningful conversation.

  • Looking at the floor or out the window signifies you don't care, are bored, or aren't really

  • listening to them.

  • By looking the other person in the eye, you are proving that you're interested in what

  • they're saying.

  • This also keeps you focused and less distracted.

  • Number 5 - Pay Attention To Body Language

  • Your non-verbal and non-written cues often reveal more than you think.

  • Remember that you're constantly communicating, even when you're not saying a word.

  • So make sure that you have open body language when interacting with others.

  • Face your conversational partner, pay close attention to your gestures, and don't cross

  • your arms.

  • Number 6 - Get Rid of Conversation Fillers

  • 'Um' and 'ah' does little to improve your speech or conversations.

  • Cut them out to be more persuasive, and to feel and appear more confident.

  • One way is to start keeping track of when you say words likeumorlike.”

  • You could also try simply relaxing and pausing before you speak.

  • Trust me, those silences seem more awkward to you than they do to others.

  • Number 7 - Be Brief, But Specific

  • For written and verbal communication, practice being brief, yet specific enough, that you

  • provide enough information for the other person to understand what you are trying to say.

  • And if you're responding to an email, make sure that you read the entire email before

  • crafting your response.

  • With enough practice, you will learn not to ramble, or give away too much information.

  • Having said that, you should take the time to edit your messages!

  • If you send a sloppy, confusing email, the recipient will think you don't care enough

  • to think through your communication with them.

  • Number 8 - Put Away Devices

  • Somehow, most people just don't get this one

  • But it's quite rude to have your head buried in your phone while someone's talking to

  • you.

  • So, put down your devices and look at the person who is speaking to you.

  • Don't answer calls, check texts or notice vibrations.

  • Let it all pass.

  • Stay focused on what the other person is telling you.

  • Your body language, words and emotional tone will let them know that you're really taking

  • in what they're sharing.

  • Number 9 - Validate Others' Thoughts and Feelings

  • When someone feels a certain way, they feel that way for a reason; and even if you wouldn't

  • react the same way, it's important to acknowledge the emotions they're experiencing.

  • You don't have to agree with the other person to validate them.

  • You can make them feel important by simply letting them know that you hear what they're

  • saying, and accept their perspective.

  • Number 10 - Never Talk Over People

  • By talking over someone, what you're basically saying is “I don't care what you're

  • saying - what I have to say is more important.”

  • And this demonstrates a real lack of respect!

  • On the same note, refrain from finishing people's sentences for them.

  • By doing this, you are dis-empowering the other person, because you're taking control

  • of the conversation.

  • So bite your tongue!

  • Number 11 - Watch Your Tone

  • While it's sometimes necessary to be assertive in order to make your point, don't be aggressive.

  • There's a fine line between the two.

  • Try not to cross it.

  • A combative tone is not in any way productive.

  • Be confident and direct, while maintaining a calm, cooperative tone.

  • Number 12 - Smile And Have A Positive Attitude

  • When you smile often and exude a positive attitude, people will respond positively to

  • you.

  • Even when you're talking on the phone, smile, because your positive attitude will shine

  • through, and the other person will know it.

  • You see, the more you pay attention to how you express yourself to others, the better

  • you'll get at communicating effectively.

  • So give it a try!

  • Apply these tips in your day-to-day interactions, and you will improve your communication skills

  • instantly.

  • What are your greatest challenges when it comes to communication?

  • And how does social behavior differ between your online and offline interactions?

  • Let us know in the comments below!

  • If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up, and share it with your friends.

  • It really does help us out!

  • For more videos like this, hit the SUBSCRIBE button, and remember to click on the notification

  • bell.

  • Also, be sure to check out our other videos.

  • Thanks for watching!

Brainy Dose Presents:


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A2 初級

コミュニケーション能力を瞬時に向上させる12の方法 (12 Ways To Improve Communication Skills Instantly)

  • 50 5
    Alvis Mock に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日