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  • Hi! I'm Patricia

  • In "Tag Question Part One" We talked about both grammar and tone

  • In Part Two We are going to do some practice

  • For this practice

  • I kindda upgrade Tim a bit

  • Up Up, Upgrade!

  • Let's get him out

  • And ask him if he is ready

  • Tim, you are ready, aren't you?

  • Up Up, Upgrade!

  • No, I was asking if you are ready or not

  • Up Up, Upgrade!

  • No, I wanted to ask...

  • Up Up,Upgrade!

  • Forget about it...

  • Let's just go ahead!

  • (Last night, something nuts happened.)

  • (Someone went nuts and stole Chocolate Mama's son's nut.)

  • Help! Help!

  • (Somebody stole my son's nut...)

  • (So they hired the one and only pastry who could solve this case...)

  • (Tim-Lock Holmes and Huan-Shen)

  • What do we have...

  • OMG! What is he?

  • This is our suspect, nougat

  • What?

  • A nougat is a kind of confectionaries

  • What?

  • Ahh..never mind

  • You just go ahead and get the nut out of him

  • He is the one who stole the nut

  • We have all the evidence

  • We just need him to confess

  • And release Chocolate Mama's son's nut

  • What?

  • God!!

  • Just..just send your assitant "Hua-Shen" first, ok?

  • Okie dokie

  • You were at home last night, [ ]?

  • Si

  • And you were cleaning something, [ ]?

  • Si, I was cleaning my nuts

  • You did it all by yourself, [ ]?

  • Si

  • So... You don't have an alibi, [ ]?

  • But...but that doesn't prove anything, signore

  • He is right

  • We might need some help from our top agent this time

  • Hold on...

  • Let me ask him a few more questions

  • You were cleaning nuts at home by yourself last night, [ ]?

  • Si, all five of them

  • have more than 5 nuts, [ ]?

  • No, no, signore!

  • Let me show you

  • Louis

  • Harry

  • Liam

  • Zayn

  • And...Niall!

  • See? All 5 of them

  • You are lying

  • You have one more with you, [ ]?

  • What do you mean?

  • Last night you cleaned more than 5 nuts, [ ]?

  • No, no, no.. uh, signore

  • And the extra nut you were cleaning

  • It does not belong to you, [ ]?

  • What?

  • Which means

  • Last night you were cleaning someone else's nut, [ ]?

  • That is sick, signore

  • I'm telling the truth

  • Alright, you leave me no choice

  • Hua-Shen,please summon our top agent from the bureau

  • I'm done dealing with...

  • His "nuts"-sense

  • Right away, sir

  • Hit it!

  • Ahhhhhh...

  • Ahhhhhh....

  • #%^&*...

  • (I confess!!)

  • Mama!

  • My Justin!

  • (Case Closed)

  • ♫I wanna see your peanut,nut,nut♫ ♫your peanut nut

Hi! I'm Patricia


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

英語543★★★★★★★★ 追加問題集その2:ティモシー・モースティモシー・モース・ブック・オブ・ザ・イベント(英語・中国語字幕版 (英文543★★☆ - 附加問句 Part 2: 提姆.摩斯事件簿 (中英字幕))

  • 1712 110
    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日