字幕表 動画を再生する
Hi! I'm Patricia
In "Tag Question Part One" We talked about both grammar and tone
In Part Two We are going to do some practice
For this practice
I kindda upgrade Tim a bit
Up Up, Upgrade!
Let's get him out
And ask him if he is ready
Tim, you are ready, aren't you?
Up Up, Upgrade!
No, I was asking if you are ready or not
Up Up, Upgrade!
No, I wanted to ask...
Up Up,Upgrade!
Forget about it...
Let's just go ahead!
(Last night, something nuts happened.)
(Someone went nuts and stole Chocolate Mama's son's nut.)
Help! Help!
(Somebody stole my son's nut...)
(So they hired the one and only pastry who could solve this case...)
(Tim-Lock Holmes and Huan-Shen)
What do we have...
OMG! What is he?
This is our suspect, nougat
A nougat is a kind of confectionaries
Ahh..never mind
You just go ahead and get the nut out of him
He is the one who stole the nut
We have all the evidence
We just need him to confess
And release Chocolate Mama's son's nut
Just..just send your assitant "Hua-Shen" first, ok?
Okie dokie
You were at home last night, [ ]?
And you were cleaning something, [ ]?
Si, I was cleaning my nuts
You did it all by yourself, [ ]?
So... You don't have an alibi, [ ]?
But...but that doesn't prove anything, signore
He is right
We might need some help from our top agent this time
Hold on...
Let me ask him a few more questions
You were cleaning nuts at home by yourself last night, [ ]?
Si, all five of them
But..you have more than 5 nuts, [ ]?
No, no, signore!
Let me show you
See? All 5 of them
You are lying
You have one more with you, [ ]?
What do you mean?
Last night you cleaned more than 5 nuts, [ ]?
No, no, no.. uh uh..no, signore
And the extra nut you were cleaning
It does not belong to you, [ ]?
Which means
Last night you were cleaning someone else's nut, [ ]?
That is sick, signore
I'm telling the truth
Alright, you leave me no choice
Hua-Shen,please summon our top agent from the bureau
I'm done dealing with...
His "nuts"-sense
Right away, sir
Hit it!
(I confess!!)
My Justin!
(Case Closed)
♫I wanna see your peanut,nut,nut♫ ♫your peanut nut♫