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Principles For Success.
- [ナレーター] 成功の本質
An ultra mini-series adventure in 30 minutes, and in eight episodes.
Episode one, The Call to Adventure.
Before we begin, let me just establish the fact that I don't know much relative to what I need to know.
エピソード1 アドベンチャーへの招待
Whatever success I've had in life has had more to do with my knowing how to deal with my not knowing than anything I know.
まず始める前に私は 知るべきことに関する事は
That I should be telling other people what to do. Sounds kind of presumptuous to me.
あまり知らないという事を お伝えさせてください
But I'm going to do it, because I believe that the principles that have made me successful could help others achieve their own goals.
I'm now at a stage in my own life in which it is much more important to me to pass along what I've learned about how to be successful, than to seek more success for myself.
What you choose to do with these principles is up to you.
どのように対処するのかという面が 大きかったと言えます
You have to be an independent thinker, because only you can develop your own principles based on your own values.
This brings me to my first and most fundamental principle, which is that you need to think for yourself about what is true.
So let's get started.
Early on, I discovered I needed principles.
Principles are smart ways for handling things that happen over and over again in similar situations.
There are principles for everything, from skiing to parenting to cooking, and so on.
他の人が目標を達成するにおいて 役に立つと考えているからです
I'm going to share some of my most important, overarching life principles that influence how we approach everything that we do.
I didn't start out with principles.
I acquired them over a lifetime of experiences.
成功する為のノウハウを 他の人に継承するという
Mostly, from making mistakes and reflecting on them.
My life principles are simple, but they're not complete.
この本質をもってあなたが何をするのかは あなた次第です
I still struggle to make the best decisions, and I still make mistakes and learn new principles all the time.
This is the reality.
なぜなら自分の本質を発達させるのは 自分自身の価値観を持った
At the beginning, I needed to escape the conventions that surrounded me, which meant that I needed to think for myself.
Unless you want to have a life that is directed by others, you need to decide for yourself what to do, and you need to have the courage to do it.
But I didn't know that at first.
私に最初で最も基本的な 何が真実なのかという
I only learned that from going on my adventure.
Looking back on my own journey, I now see that time is like a river that carries us forward into encounters with reality that require us to make decisions.
We can't stop our movement down this river, and we can't avoid the encounters.
早い時期に私は 本質が必要だと気付きました
We can only approach them in the best possible way.
本質は似たような状況が 立て続けに起こる際に
In your lifetime, you will face millions of decisions.
それらを対処するためには とてもスマートな方法です
The quality of your decisions will determine the quality of your life.
Over the course of my lifetime, the most valuable things I've learned were the results of mistakes I reflected on to help form principles.
スキーや子育て 料理から何までこれから人生に影響する 最も重要で包括的な 全ての物事に対するアプローチに関する 人生の本質をご紹介します
So I wouldn't make the same mistakes again.
These principles took me from being a very ordinary middle-class kid from Long Island to becoming very successful as judged by conventional measures.
長い人生の経験から得たのですそのほとんどは失敗して それに向き合う事で得たものです 私の人生の本質はシンプルです しかし完成している訳ではありません 今でも最善の決断を下すのは 難しいですし
They also gave me the meaningful work and meaningful relationships that I value even more than these conventional successes.
失敗をしてしまう事もありますそして新しい本質を今でも 毎日学んでいます これが現実です
People often ask me how I did it.
I can assure you it wasn't because of my uniqueness as a person.
しきたりから逃げ出す必要がありましたというのも自分の為に 考える必要があったのです
It was the result of a unique approach to life I believe almost anybody can adopt.
他人に指示されて動く 人生を送りたくない限りは自分のしたい事を 自分の為に決める必要があります
It starts with embracing reality and dealing with it.
The path you take in life is your most important decision.
In my case, I wanted my life to be great, and I feared boredom and mediocrity more than I feared failure.
冒険に出たからこそ 得る事が出来ました自分自身の冒険を振り返ってみると 時間は川のようで
Since I didn't start out with money, and I didn't need much more than a bed to sleep in and food to eat, I could skew my decisions to pursue my adventures.
私たちを決断が必要な 現実へ遭遇する状況へ連れていってくれます この川を下る過程で 止まる事は出来ません そして様々な状況との遭遇は 避ける事が出来ません
So ever since I was a kid, I ran after the things I wanted, crashed, got up and ran again, and crashed again.
We can only approach them 考え得る最善な方法で それに近づくことしかできません人生の中であなたは 無数の決断と直面します あなたの決断の質が
And each time I crashed, I learned something, got better, and crashed less.
the quality of your life. あなたの人生の質を決めます私の人生で学んだ中で
By doing that over and over again, I learned to love this process, even the crashing part of it.
最も価値のあるもの同じ失敗を二度と繰り返さないための 本質の形成を手助けをする
Through it, I encountered reality, and I learned how to deal with it, which inspired another one of my most fundamental principles, which is that truth is the essential foundation for producing good outcomes.
失敗の結果ですこれらの本質が私を ごく普通の中流階級の子供から どんな人から見ても とても成功した人間にしてくれたのです
By truth, I don't mean anything more than the way the world works.
They also gave me the meaningful work 更に成功よりももっと私が大切にするやりがいのある仕事や
I believe that we were given the laws of reality by nature.
Humans didn't create them, but we can use them to foster our own evolution and achieve our goals.
よくどのようにして成功を 掴んだのかと聞かれますそれは私が決して特別だから
Realizing that made me a hyper-realist, by which I mean I became someone who has discovered the great rewards of deeply understanding, accepting, and working with reality as it is, and not as I wish it would be.
という訳ではありませんそれは誰もが実践できる 人生へのユニークなアプローチからです それは現実を受け止め 対処していくところから始まります 人生の中で道を選ぶ事は 最も大切な決断です 私の場合は人生をより充実させたくて
When I say I'm a hyper-realist, people sometimes think I'm saying that dreams can't come true.
失敗する事よりも退屈と平凡を恐れていました 私はお金から始めたわけでは無く
That's absolutely not true.
Without pursuing dreams, life is mundane.
What I mean is that, to me, hyper-realism is the best way to choose one's dreams and then achieve them.
全ての決断を自分の冒険に 捧げる事が出来ました子供のころからずっと 欲しいものを追いかけて 失敗して
Having big dreams, plus embracing reality, plus having lots of determination will bring you a successful life.
また立ち上がって追いかける そしてまた失敗するそして失敗する時はいつでも 何かを学んで 成長して失敗を減らしてきました
I believe this formula is true for everyone.
But what does a successful life look like?
We each have to decide for ourselves what success is.
I don't care whether you want to be a master of the universe or to live under a palm tree, or anything else.
その過程で現実に直面し自分の基本的な本質の一つを インスパイアするような
I really don't.
Each of us chooses goals based on our values and decides on the best path to achieve them.
But we all need approaches to making decisions that work well, especially when facing problems, mistakes, and weaknesses that stand in our way.
ここでの真実とは言葉そのものの真実です 私は人間にはもともと 真実の法則が与えられていると信じています 人間が作り出したのではありませんが 人間の進化を育て目標を達成する為に
To succeed, we must embrace all our realities, especially the harsh realities that we wish weren't true.
人間はそれを利用できますそれを理解したことで 私は超現実主義者になりました
At first, looking at these harsh realities caused me a lot of pain.
But I learned that this pain was just psychological, and that my seeing things differently made all the difference.
共存していくという素晴らしい恩恵に気づいた 人になったという事です
I came to view problems like puzzles that would reward me if I could solve them.
They would help me deal with the problem at hand, and they would give me principles for dealing with similar problems in the future.
捉えられる事がありますそれはもちろん間違いです 夢を追いかけなければ人生は平凡に終わります
I learned to treat pain as a cue that a great learning opportunity is at hand, which led me to realize that pain plus reflection equals progress.
そうではなく私が思う超現実主義は各々の夢を 最適に選んで 達成する方法です 大きな夢をもって現実を受け止め
Meditation has been invaluable in helping me see things that way.
I found that when I calmed myself down and embraced my realities, and dealt with them, the rewards brought me pleasure, and the pain faded.
私はこの法則は誰にでも 当てはまると考えますしかし成功した人生とはどのようなものでしょう? 成功の定義は人それぞれです
Each of us has the unique capability to think logically, to reflect on ourselves, and our circumstances, and to direct our own personal evolution.
あなたが宇宙の支配者に なりたいとしてもヤシの木の下で 住みたいのであろうと関係ありません 本当に関係ありません
Doing this well is just a matter of following a simple five-step process.
各個人はそれぞれの価値観に基づいて 目標を選択しますそしてそれを達成する為に 最適な道を選択します
We've discussed how important it is to reflect carefully after experiencing pain.
When I did this, I was usually able to discover principles that would prevent me from repeating the same mistakes in the future.
特に道をふさぐような問題や失敗弱さに直面する時は それが必要になってきます 成功するためには全ての現実
And I could see that being successful simply consisted of five steps.
特に信じたくないような現実を 全て受け入れる必要があります最初は厳しい現実を見れば
Step one is to know your goals and run after them.
What is best for you depends on your nature, so you need to really understand yourself and know what you want to achieve in life.
しかしこの痛みは単に 心理的な物であり自分の物事への見方がその違いを 生み出している事に気づきました
Step two is to encounter the problems that stand in the way of getting to your goals.
そこで私は問題を解いた時に 報酬が貰えるようなパズルのように問題を見る事にしました
These problems are typically painful.
そうする事で問題を簡単に 対処できるようになりました
If handled badly, some of them can lead to your ruin.
そしてそれが今後似たような問題が 起こった時に対処するための
But to evolve, you need to identify those problems and not tolerate them.
Step three is to diagnose these problems to get at their root causes.
きっかけとして扱う事を学びましたwhich led me to realize that pain それは痛みとそれに対する対処は 進歩と同じだという考えに
Don't jump too quickly to solutions.
plus reflection equals progress. 行きつかせてくれました
Take a step back and reflect in order to really distinguish the symptoms from the disease.
熟考する事は物事を そのように見る事に関してかけがえのないものでした
Step four is to design a plan to eliminate the problems.
This is where you will determine what you need to do to get around them.
And step five is to execute those designs, pushing yourself to do what's needed to progress toward your goal.
人それぞれ自分自身や状況に対処するユニークな論理的思考を持ち合わせています そしてそれが個人的な進化に 導いてくれます
A successful life essentially consists of doing these five steps over and over again.
これをうまくやる為には 以下のシンプルな5つのステップを踏む事で可能になります (暖かい音楽)
This is your personal evolution, and you see this process everywhere.
これまで痛みを体験した時に 慎重に対処するという事がどれだけ重要なのかを話してきました
It's just a law of nature.
私がこれを実践した時は 大体のちに起こる同じ失敗を
Think of any product, any organization, or any person you know, and you will see that this is true for them.
繰り返さない為の本質を見つけ出す事が出来ました そしてストレスを感じる時は
Evolution is simply a process of either adapting, or dying.
5つのステップを踏んでいることが 分かりました
Conceptually, it looks just like the five-step process I've described.
ステップ1は目標を知って それに向けて追いかける事ですあなたに何が最適なのかは その人の本質に基づきます
As you push through this often painful process, you'll naturally ascend to higher and higher levels of success.
なので自分自身をよく理解し何を人生で成し遂げたいのかを 知る必要があります ステップ2は目標を邪魔する
I found that when I did it better, my struggling never became easier, because the more capable I became, the greater the challenges I would take on.
問題と遭遇する事ですそのような問題はほとんどの場合 痛みを伴います 対処法を間違えれば 人生を狂わせる可能性もあります しかし進化するためには そのような問題を見つけ出し
Because different people are strong and weak at different things, most people can't do all five steps well.
容認しない必要がありますステップ3は原因を探るための 問題の診断です
Not facing this reality means you could stretch further than you should.
And as the heights get greater, your falls could also be greater.
熟考しましょうステップ4はプランを練って その問題を排除します ここで問題を対処する為に 何をすべきなのかを
Sometimes terrible things happen to all of us in life.
They can ruin us, or they can profoundly improve us, depending on how we handle them.
そしてステップ5では そのプランを実行に移して必要なところに力を入れて
Something like this happened to me in 1982.
We progress forward until we encounter setbacks.
Whether or not we get out of them and continue forward or spiral downward depends on whether or not we're willing to face the failure objectively, and make the right decisions to turn the loop upward again.
この5ステップを何度も 繰り返すことが含まれますこれはあなたの個人的な進化です そしてこのプロセスは いたるところで見る事ができます これは単に自然の法則なのです
Something terrible happened to me in 1982, when I bet everything on a depression that never came.
あなたの知っている商品でも組織でも人でも思い浮かべて下さいそうするとこれが真実であることが 分かるはずです
The period between 1979 and 1982 was one of extreme turbulence, for the global economy, the markets, and for me.
進化は順応するか絶滅するかの シンプルなシステムです概念上は先ほど紹介した 5つのプロセスのようなものです
And I believed that the US economy, with the world economy tied to it, was headed toward a catastrophe.
この痛みを伴うプロセスを続ければ自然とあなたは上昇していき どんどん高く成功のレベルに近づきます
This view was extremely controversial.
I wanted the great upside, and very publicly took a big risk and was wrong, dead wrong.
苦労が和らぐことが無い事に気づきましたなぜなら私が成長するにつれて より大きな挑戦が待ち受けているからです
After a delay, the stock market began a big bull market that lasted 18 years, and the US economy enjoyed the greatest growth period in its history.
人それぞれ特定な物に強みを持っていたり 弱みを持っていたりします ほとんどの人はこの5ステップ全て 上手くやり遂げる事が出来ません 現実に直面しないというのは
This experience was like a blow to my head with a baseball bat.
まだ成長できる余地を残している という事を意味しますそして高みを極めるにつれて
I had to cut my losses so that my company, Bridgewater, was left with one employee, me.
落ちる時はより大胆に落ちます(風の音) 時には酷いことが人生の中で 起こる事があります
I was so broke, I had to borrow $4,000 from my dad to pay my bills.
人生を台無しにしてしまう 可能性もありますが対処法によっては私たちを 深く成長させてくれます
But even worse was having to let go the people I cared so much about.
1982年にそのような事が 私の身に起きました私たちは挫折に直面するまで 進歩していきます
I wondered whether I should give up my dream of working for myself and play it safe by working for someone else in a job that would require me to put on a tie and commute every day.
挫折を抜け出そうとも そのまま前に進もうと負のスパイラルに 陥ろうとも 私たちは客観的に失敗に 向き合い 正しい選択をして また上昇する事ができます
Though I knew that for me, taking less risk would mean having a less great life.
起こることの無かった恐慌に 全てを賭けていた1982年に酷い事が私の身に起きました
Being so wrong, and especially being so publicly wrong, was painfully humbling.
(衝突) (鳥のさえずり)1979年から1982年の間の期間は
I am still shocked and embarrassed by how arrogant I was in being totally confident in a totally incorrect view.
世界経済や世界市場 そして私にとって大きな混乱期でした
Though I had been right much more than I had been wrong, I let one bad bet erase all my good ones.
そして私はアメリカ経済と 世界経済は悲劇的結末に向かっていると 信じてやみませんでした
I thought very hard about the relationship between risk and reward, and how to manage them.
But I couldn't see a path forward that would give me the rewards I wanted without unacceptable risk.
公に非常に大きなリスクを取りましたそれは間違いでした 大きな間違いでした 遅れをとって株式市場は のちに18年も続く
This kind of experience happens to everyone.
It will happen to you.
更にアメリカ経済は 歴史の中で最も大きな
You will lose something, or someone you think you can't live without.
Or you will suffer a terrible illness or injury, or your career will fall apart before your eyes.
叩かれたようなものでした損失を食い止める為に 私の会社ブリッジウォーターに
You might think that your life is ruined, and there's no way to go forward.
残った社員は私一人になりました(ドアを閉める音) (紙の音)
But it will pass.
私は一文無しになり 4000ドルを父親から借りて
I assure you that there is always a best path forward, and you probably just don't see it yet.
生活費を払いましたしかし一番つらかったのは 大好きな人たちから
You just have to reflect well to find it.
You have to embrace your reality.
Sometimes things happen that are hard to understand.
Life often feels so difficult and complicated, it's too much to take in all at once.
My deep pain led me to reflect deeply on my circumstances.
It also led me to reflect on nature, because it provides a guide for what's true.
より小さな人生を歩むことになる という事は分かっていました失敗をする 特に公然に失敗するというのは
So I thought a lot about how things work, which helped to put me, and my own circumstances, in perspective.
痛い程プライドを傷つけました今でも当時の私の傲慢さは 恥ずかしくショックを受けます 完全に間違った見解を 自身をもって信じていたのです
I saw that at the big bang, all the laws and forces of the universe were created and propelled forward, interacting with each other as a perpetual motion machine, in which all the bits and pieces coalesce into machines that work for a while, fall apart, and then coalesce into new machines.
しかし正解だったことの方が 失敗よりも多いのは確かですが一つの過ちが全ての成功を消したのです (オーケストラ音楽) 私はリスクと報酬についての 関係性と対処方法を 熟考しました しかしリスクを負わずして 自分が求める報酬が得られる
This goes on into eternity.
I saw that everything is a machine.
このような体験は誰しもが 一度はしているはずです
The structure and evolution of galaxies, the formation of our own solar system, the make-up of earth's geography and ecosystems, our economies and markets, and each of us.
あなたにもいずれ訪れますあなたの人生に必要な 何かを無くしたり誰かを無くします もしくは怪我に遭ったり 病気になるかもしれません
We individually are machines, made up of different machines.
Our circulatory system, our nervous system, that produce our thoughts, our dreams, our emotions, and all the other aspects of our distinct characters.
人生が終わったと思うかもしれませんもう進む道が無いと思うかもしれません しかしそんな感情はいずれ消えます
All of these different machines evolve together through time to produce the realities we encounter every day.
正解の道は常に存在していると 私は保証できますそしてあなたは恐らくそれにまだ 気付いていません
And I realized that I was just one tiny bit in one nanosecond, deciding what I should do.
それを見つける為には 自分と上手く向かい合わなければなりません現実を受け止めなければなりません
While that perspective might sound very philosophical, I found that it was very practical, because it showed me how I could deal with my own realities in a better way.
時に理解し難い事が 身に降りかかる事があります人生は難しく複雑だと感じる事は しょっちゅうあり 全て一度に受け止めるのは不可能です 私の痛みは自分の置かれた状況について 深く向き合う機会をくれました
For example, I observed that most everything happens over and over again in slightly different ways.
状況だけでなく本質についても何が真実なのかについての ガイドを貰いました
Some in obvious short-term cycles that are easy to recognize, so we know how to deal with them, like the 24-hour day.
物事の動きについてたくさん考え自分自身について 自分の状況について 熟考しました
Some so infrequently that they haven't occurred in our lifetimes, and we're shocked when they do, like the once in a 100-year storm.
私はビッグバンで すべての部品とピースが合体して 、、。しばらくの間稼働して壊れ その後新しいマシーンに合体する 絶え間ないモーションマシンとして
And some we know exist, but are encountering for the first time, like the birth of our first child.
宇宙の秩序と力が創造され推し進められ 人々を繋ぎ合わせている 296 00:13:56,300 --> 00:13:58,710 という事に気づきました
Most people mistakenly treat these situations as being unique, and deal with them without having proper perspective or principles to help them get through them.
この法則は永遠に続きます全てがマシーンだという事が 分かったのです 構造や銀河の進化 私たちの太陽系の配置
I found that if instead of dealing with these events as one-offs, I could see each as just another one of those, and approach them in the same way a biologist might approach an animal.
地球を形成する地理や生態系私たちの経済や市場 私たち自身 私たち個人個人は異なる マシーンで出来たマシーンなのです 考えや夢や感情を生み出す
First, identifying its species, then drawing on principles for dealing with it appropriately.
私たちの循環器や神経系そして異なる特徴の 他の全ての部分
Because I could see these events transpire in pretty much the same ways over and over, I could more clearly see the cause-effect relationships that govern their behaviors, which allowed me to develop better principles that I could express in both words and algorithms.
私たちが毎日直面する 現実を生み出す為にそれらの異なる全てのマシーンが 時を越えて共に進化します 私が何をすべきか決めることなど たった10億分の1秒の中の ごく小さな部分だという事に 気付いたのです この見解が哲学的だと 思われるかもしれませんが 私は実践的だと考えています
I learned that while most everyone expects the future to be a slightly modified version of the present, it is typically very different.
なぜならそれは自分の現実に より良い方法でどのように対処するべきか教えてくれたからです 例えば物事のほとんどは 何度も何度も
That's because people are biased by recent history, and overlook events that haven't happened in a long time, perhaps not even in their lifetime.
少し違った形で起こります短期間のサイクルで起こり 気付きやすいものは
But they will happen again.
どのように対処すれば良いか分かり いつでも対処できます
With that perspective, I realized that what I missed when I mistakenly called for a great depression was hidden in the patterns of history, and I could use my newfound knowledge of these patterns to make better decisions in the future.
ほとんど起こらないような 頻度の低いものは起こった時にショックを受けます 例えば100年に1回の大嵐など 初めての子供の出産など 存在は知っていても
And when I thought about my challenge, balancing risk and reward, I realized that risk and reward naturally go together.
初めて直面するようなものもありますほとんどの人は 適切な見解や本質無しに
I could see that to get the most out of life, one has to take more risk, and that knowing how to appropriately balance risk and reward is essential to having the best life possible.
間違った方法でそのような状況を扱い対処します このような状況への対処を 一回きりと思わずに 生物学者の動物へのアプローチのように
Imagine you were faced with the choice of having a safe, boring life if you stay where you are, or having a fabulous one if you take the risk of successfully crossing a dangerous jungle.
多くの中の一つとして 対処する方法を学びました適切に対処するには まずはその種類を特定し 本質の上に描く必要があります このような状況は何度も 同じで起こるため
That is essentially the choice we all face.
For me, the choice was clear, but that doesn't mean the path forward was without challenges.
関係性は明確に見る事ができますそれによって言葉やアルゴリズムで 340 00:16:03,400 --> 00:16:05,970 表現できるような より良い本質を育てる事が可能になります
I still needed to face two big barriers that we all must face.
ほとんどの人は将来を現在と少し違ったバージョンで 予想しますが 大体それとは全く異なるものになります
I can't tell you which path in life is best for you, because I don't know how important it is for you to achieve big goals relative to how important it is for you to avoid the pains required to get them.
それは人は最近の出来事によって 偏見を持っているからで長い間起こっていない出来事を 見落としているからです もちろんこれまでに起こっていない 出来事もです しかし出来事はまた起こります この見解で行くと 私が誤って大恐慌予言した時に
This is the courage I spoke of earlier, and we each have to feel these things out for ourselves.
After my big mistake in calling for a depression, I had come to one of life's forks in the road, as we all do.
If I made the choice to take a normal job and play it safe, I would have ended up with a very different life than the one I had.
そして挑戦やリスクと報酬のバランスを考えた時 リスクと報酬は 常に共にある事を学びました 私たちの人生でも それを見る事は出来ます
But as long as I could pay the rent, put food on the table, and educate my kids, the only choice for me was to risk crossing the jungle in pursuit of the best life possible.
リスクを取って適切にリスクと 報酬のバランスを取れる人は 基本的に あり得る最高の人生を手にします
My big mistake in betting on a depression gave me a healthy fear of being wrong.
現状から動かずに 安全でつまらない人生と危険を潜り抜けて
In other words, it gave me deep humility, which was exactly what I needed.
リスクを取った 素晴らしい人生の2つの選択肢を想像してみて下さい
At the same time, it didn't stop me from aggressively going after the things I wanted.
これは人間誰もが直面する選択です私にとって選択は容易でした しかしだからといって
To succeed, I needed to see more than I alone could see.
But standing in my way of doing that were the two biggest barriers everyone faces.
私でもみんなが直面する2つの壁に直面しなければ なりませんでした
Our ego and blind spot barriers.
These barriers exist because of how our brains work.
私はあなたがどちらの方向に 進めば良いかを教える事は出来ません
First, let's explore the ego barrier.
When I refer to your ego barrier, I'm talking about the parts of your brain that prevent you from acknowledging your weaknesses objectively, so that you can figure out how to deal with them.
どれほど重要なのかが 分からないからですそして目標達成の際に起こる 痛みをどれだけ避けたいのかも 分からないからです これが最初に話した勇気という所であり
Your deepest seated needs and fears reside in areas of your brain that control your emotions and are not accessible to your higher-level conscious awareness.
自分自身の為に感じなければならない 感情なのです大恐慌の予言の失敗後 他の人と同じように人生と言う道の 分岐点に立たなければなりませんでした もしそこで安定した普通の仕事を 取っていたとしたら
And because our need to be right can be more important than our need to find out what's true, we like to believe our own opinions without properly stress-testing them.
私の人生は今ある人生よりも大きく違っていたでしょう (ドアの音) (紙の音) しかし家賃さえ払えれば
We especially don't like to look at our mistakes and weaknesses.
食べる事が出来れば 子供に教育を与えられれば私にとっての選択は リスクを取って危険の中に飛び込み
We are instinctively prone to react to explorations of them as though they're attacks.
We get angry, even though it would be more logical for us to be open to feedback from others.
間違っているという事への 大きな恐怖を与えました他の言葉で言うなら 大きな羞恥心を与えました
This leads to our making inferior decisions, learning less, and falling short of our potentials.
ただ私にはそれが必要だったのですそれと同時にそれが 欲しいものを追い求めるという事を
The second is the blind spot barrier.
Everyone has blind spots.
成功する為により大きなものを 見る必要があったのです
The blind spot barrier is when a person believes he or she can see everything.
(マッチ点灯) (炎の音)自分の行く道を阻む
But it's a simple fact that no one alone can see a complete picture of reality.
Naturally, people can't appreciate what they can't see, just as we all have different ranges for singing, hearing pitch, and seeing colors, we have different ranges for seeing and understanding things.
これは人間の脳が働くために 存在している壁ですまずエゴの壁から見ていきましょう エゴの壁と言うのは 対処法を見つける為に あなたの脳が弱さを 客観的に認める事を阻む
For example, while some people are better at seeing the big picture, others excel at seeing details.
Some are linear thinkers, and others are more lateral.
While some are creative but not reliable, others are reliable but not creative, and so on.
Because of how are brains are wired differently, everyone perceives the world around them differently.
By doing what comes naturally to us, we fail to account for our weaknesses and we crash.
Either we keep doing that, or we change.
Aristotle defined tragedy as a terrible outcome arising from a person's fatal flaw.
A flaw, that had it been fixed, would have instead led to a wonderful outcome.
それらに直面するのが苦手なのです他の人からフィードバックを 貰う方が論理的なのに
In my opinion, these two barriers are the main impediments that get in the way of good decision-making.
私たちは怒りますこれは劣った決断 より少ない事の学習 ポテンシャルの低下に陥らせます
Taking risks and occasionally being ruined wasn't acceptable and neither was not taking risks and not having exceptional results.
2つ目は見えない壁です誰しもが死角を持っています 見えない壁は人間が至る所まで
I needed an approach that would give me the exceptional upside without also giving me the exceptional downside.
全て見えていると考えるおごりですしかし実際は 現実の全てを見る事が出来る 人間は誰一人いません
When I discovered it, it turned out to be my holy grail.
みんな異なる歌唱力や聞く力 声のピッチや色の見え方の
To get it, I needed to replace the joy of being proven right with the joy of learning what's true.
This need prompted me to seek out the most thoughtful people I could find who disagreed with me.
普通人は見えないものに感謝する事はありません 例えば大きな絵を見る事が得意な人も居れば
I didn't care about their conclusions, I just wanted to see things through their eyes, and to have them see things through my eyes, so that together we could hash things out to discover what's true.
細かい所を見る事が得意な人も居ます考え方も人それぞれ違います 創造的で信頼できない人も居れば 信頼出来ても創造的でない人 なども居ます 脳が違う形で設定されているため
In other words, what I wanted most from them was thoughtful disagreement.
自分の周りの世界を違う形で 見ています自然にやるべきことをする事で
Going from seeing things through just my eyes, to seeing things through the eyes of these thoughtful people was like going from seeing things in black and white to seeing them in color.
私たちの弱点を説明することができず 壊れてしまいますそれをやり続けるか 自分が変わるしかないのです アリストテレスは悲劇を 人の致命的な欠点から来る 酷い結果と定義しました しっかりと修正された欠点なら
The world lit up.
代わりに素晴らしい結果を もたらしてくれるはずです私の意見ではこの2つの壁が 良い意思決定を阻む 最も大きな障害だと考えます
That's when I realized that the best way to go through the jungle of life is with insightful people who see things differently from me.
(オーケストラ音楽)リスクを取ってたまに失敗する というのは受け入れられませんでした そしてそれはリスクを取る という事でもなく
Think about the five-step process I described earlier.
As I said, because we are wired so differently, not everyone can do all the five steps well.
But you don't have to do them all alone.
You can get help from others who are good at what you're not, who are wired to perceive things you can't.
それを発見した時 それが私の究極の目標であることが分かりましたそれを得るには正解である喜びを 真実を学ぶ事の喜びに 置き換える必要がありました
All you need to do is let go of your attachment to having the right answers yourself, and use your fear of being wrong to become open-minded to these other views.
この必要性は私の意見に反対してくれる見つけられる限りの思慮深い 人たちを見つけさせてくれました 私は彼らの結論には興味がありませんでした
In this way, you could point out the risks and opportunities that you would individually miss.
彼らの見解から見えるものを見たかったのですそしてその意見を聞いたうえで 私の目で見えるようになるものを
I found that taking this radically open-minded approach and believability-weighting people's thinking significantly increased my probabilities of making the best decisions possible.
その二つを組み合わせれば真実を整理する事ができます 他の言葉で言えば 私が彼らから欲しかったのは 思慮深い否定意見だったのです
This enabled me to ascend to greater heights and greater challenges.
自分の目で見る物事から始まり他の思慮深い人の目で見える 物事を見ることは
In the past, I would have always wanted to do what I, myself, thought was best.
But now I sought out the strongest independent thinkers I could find.
I still do.
There is nothing better to be on a shared mission with extraordinary people who can be radically truthful and radically transparent with each other.
(風の音)That's when I realized that the best way これが人生のジャングルを抜ける為の 最適な方法は 物事を自分とは違い視点で見る洞察力のある人と
This approach led me to create a company with the unique idea meritocracy, operating in a unique way, that produced unique successes.
一緒にいる事だと気づいた時でした先ほど説明した5ステップを 思い出してみて下さい 私たちは異なるシステムを持っているため
In an idea meritocracy, you get the best of everybody.
全員がこの5ステップを 上手くできるわけではありません
Everyone thinks independently, then we work through our disagreements to get at what's best.
しかしこの5ステップを一人で やり遂げる必要はありませんあなたに持ってない物を持っている 人からの助けを借りる事ができます
However, not every opinion is equally valuable.
あなたの目では見えない物が見えている 他の人です
And we had to learn to distinguish between good ideas and bad ones to get the best decisions.
In other words, we needed to believability-weight people's thinking.
そして失敗の恐怖を利用して他の意見に対して 頭を柔らかくすることです
But that's another story I will explain in my work principles.
そうすれば自分一人では 逃してしまいそうなリスクや機会を指摘できるようになります
Right now, there are many wonderful opportunities and dangerous risks surrounding you that you don't see.
If you saw them free of the distortions produced by your ego or your blind spots, you would be able to deal with them more effectively.
最適な意思決定を行う可能性を非常に高める事が分かりました This enabled me to ascend これは私をより高いレベル
If you could acquire this ability, and with practice you can, you will radically improve your life.
そしてより困難な挑戦に 導いてくれました昔は自分がベストだと思う事 だけをしたいと思っていました
So far I described how I learned to confront my own realities, my problems, my mistakes, and weaknesses.
でも今は自分が見つけられる限りの強力な他の意見も取り入れました そして現在もそうしています
And how I surrounded myself with others who could do things better than I could.
This was the most effective way I discovered for making great decisions.
素晴らしい人たちとミッションを共有するよりも 優れた方法はありませんこのアプローチで 私はユニークなアイデア集団と共に
This is not the normal way of being, but through this approach, I became very successful.
ユニークな運営方法でユニークな成功を生み出す 会社を立ち上げました
And being successful enabled me to meet extraordinarily successful people and see how they think.
アイデア能力主義では 全ての人から最高の案を手にできます全員が単独で考え
I've discovered that their journeys were similar to mine.
You might not know it, but they all struggled, and they all have weaknesses that they all get around by working with people who see risks and opportunities that they would miss.
最適な案を生み出しますしかし全ての意見が同等に 価値がある訳ではありません そして最高の選択をする為には 良い案と悪い案を 分別する能力を学ぶ必要があります
Over time, I leaned that by nature, most people's greatest strengths are also connected to their most significant weaknesses.
言い換えるならば 様々な人のアイデアに対して信頼度を測る必要がありました しかしこちらはまた後で
And striving hard for big things is bound to lead you to painful falls.
働くことに関する本質で 説明します今はあなたの見えない たくさんの素晴らしい機会や
It's just part of the process.
Such setbacks will test you.
もしあなたのエゴや死角によって 歪められていない状態で
They sort people.
Some think hard about what caused their setbacks, learn lessons, and continue progressing toward their goals, while others decide that this game is not for them, and get off the field.
その機会やリスクを より効果的な方法で対処できるはずですこの能力を手にして 実践を重ねれば 人生を驚異的に上向きにさせる事ができます
I've come to realize that success is not a matter of attaining one's goals.
I've found that when I reached each new higher level of success, I rarely remained satisfied.
弱さに立ち向かうのかについて説明してきましたそしてどのように物事を自分以上に 上手に処理できる人に囲まれているのかを 上手に処理できる人に囲まれているのかを
The things we are striving for are just the bait.
これが私が思う素晴らしい 意思決定をするための
Struggling to get them forces us to evolve, and it is this struggle toward personal evolution with others that is the reward.
最も効果的な方法ですこれは決して 普通の方法ではありませんが このアプローチを通して 私は成功しました
I no longer wanted to get across the jungle, but instead wanted to find greater and greater challenges to go after, surrounded by great people working together on a shared journey.
そして成功する事で 究極に成功した人と出会いその人たちの考えを 感じる事が出来ました 成功した彼らの道のりは 私のものと似ている事に気づきました 知らないかもしれませんが 成功している人も
Eventually the success of the mission and the well-being of the people alongside me became more important than my own success.
苦労してきて弱点を持っていますしかしリスクや機会を 逃さないような人たちと居る事で それらを克服してきたのです
I also started to see beyond myself, and wanted others to be successful when I'm no longer here.
時間を重ねるごとに 生まれ持った人間の一番の強みは人間の一番大きな弱点と
I realized that if I fail to do that, I will be a failure.
I struggle with this now.
We all struggle with different things at different times, until we either choose to give up, or until we die and become part of the larger evolutionary story.
痛みを伴う転落と共存していますこれはプロセスの一部なのです そのような挫折があなたを試しているのです
This is how all machines work, and are recycled through time.
When a machine breaks down, its parts go back into the system to become parts of new machines that also evolve through time.
学び続けて目標に向かう人もいれば向いていないと言って 諦める人も居ます 私は成功とは 目標を達成する事では無い
Sometimes this makes us sad, because we become very attached to our machines.
But if you look at it from the higher level, it's really beautiful to observe how the machine of evolution works.
満足したことはほとんどないという事に気づいたのです 私たちが必死に努力している物事は ただのエサなのです
Now you must decide for yourself how you will evolve.
それに向かうための困難は 私たちを進化させます
Forget about where these principles came from.
Just assess whether or not they are useful to you, and evolve them to suit your own needs.
他の人たちという報酬と個人的進化に 向かっています私はもうリスクのジャングルを 通りたくはありません
As with all of life's decisions, what you do with them is ultimately up to you.
しかしその代わりに他の素晴らしい人と共に歩む 共有の歩みとして
My only hope for you is that you have the courage to struggle and evolve well to make your life as great as it can be.
もっと大きな困難を探したくなりました最終的にミッションの成功と 私の周りに居る人の健康が
Thank you, and goodbye.
自分自身の成功よりも大切に思うようになりました更に私が居なくなってからも 自分を超越して