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Hi, my name is Zara.
こんにちは、私の名前はザラです。 父はイギリス、母はイラク出身で、私は
My Dad is from England and my Mom's from Iraq, and I was born in England.
When I was about seven years old, my Mum was like, "Hey, maybe we should go to Iraq, I've not seen my family in so long.
イギリス生まれ。 私が7歳くらいの時、ママは「ねえ、もしかしたら私たちはイラクに行ったら 家族に久しぶりに会うことになる だから、彼らを訪問した方がいいかもしれない
So, maybe we should pay them a visit. And maybe we could stay there for a while."
"しばらくの間はそこにいられるかもしれない" 父は「気が狂ったのか?」と言っていた
My Dad was like, "No, are you out of your your mind?"
Like, "That's where the war is going on."
My Mom was like, "Yeah, well, that's where I was born, that's where I was raised."
So, my Dad finally agrees, and me, my mom, my dad and my sisters and brothers went there.
"私は生まれた時からそこで育った"それで父は最終的に同意して 私と母と父は
Everything was fine until I was about nine years old.
私の姉弟はそこに行きました すべてがうまくいっていました
I remember it was about 4 a.m., and then I was woken up to the sound of screams and crying.
9歳の時です 午前4時頃だったと記憶していますが、その時は悲鳴と泣き声で起こされました。
And I was like, "What... what's going on? This isn't right."
私は「どうしたの? これは間違ってる"
So, I decided to look out my window and I see fire.
I see a building on fire. I rushed to my mom's room and I grabbed her by the hand.
I rushed back to my room and I show her the fire.
私は急いで部屋に戻り 彼女に火を見せました 彼女は悲鳴をあげて
She screamed and she woke everyone up and she was having a panic attack.
Soon enough, we realized that our city has been attacked.
About a few weeks later, we were running low and supplies because we'd been in the house the whole time trying to avoid the war.
And then my dad was like, "Okay, we are low in food. We can't live like this, we are gonna die in here if we don't get anymore."
家の中で戦争を避けようとしていました そして、父は、「わかった、俺たちは..."食料が足りない......このままでは生きていけない......このままではここで死んでしまう"
My dad and my sister go out and they go and get food.
父と妹が外に出て、食べ物を取りに行く。 食べ物を取りに行ったのは4日目くらいでした。
It was about four days since they'd went out to get some food.
And my mum and I, and my brothers started panicking.
Drew was just like, "Something has happened. They are not okay!"
パニックになり始めた ドリューは「何かが起こったのよ!彼らは大丈夫じゃないわ!」と言っていました。
I just lost all my hope and I was like, "Well, there's nothing to do now. Let's just pray to God and see what happens."
But then a miracle happened. My Dad came back from the house and without my sister.
しかし、その時奇跡が起きました。 父が家から帰ってきて、妹がいなくなったのです。
He was just crying and he was really injured.
Without my sister... I've realized why God has taken it up and I realized that she'll be by my side no matter what.
Soon after that, we move back to England, and now I'm 13 years old, and I live a happy life.
Life is good.
And just know if you're going through a warring thing, it will get better.