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  • Fit like 'en loons and quines, welcome to Aberdeen, also known as the Granite City.

  • Quite often we get asked by students, will I be able to understand the

  • language when I come to Aberdeen?

  • The dialect we speak here is called Doric,

  • and we have got some very helpful phrases to help you understand things when you come to our city.

  • We have got a bonny library where you will find ah-hin.

  • So, on a Saturday afterneen you can come doon the road tae Pitodry and watch the Dandy Dons play fitba.

  • I've been kicking a ba aboot for a gye lang time and I am fair wappit, and my heed is full of mince. So, I'm awa for a cup of tea.

  • So, I've got my fly cuppa and a fine piece.

  • And this looks like an affa fine piece.

  • Fit rare!

  • Come to Aberdeen oor city by the sea,

  • and come and see our famous scurries, 'cause we've got hunners of them and they are absolutely massive.

  • So, when you come to Aberdeen there is absolutely heeps of things tae de in yer spare time

  • and there is stuff happening aawye oor the city. In fact, come doon the harbour

  • and come to the fantastic award winning Maritime Museum.

  • Well, we hope you have enjoyed yer wee tour of Aberdeen, this really is a city for aabudy.

  • Slainte!

Fit like 'en loons and quines, welcome to Aberdeen, also known as the Granite City.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

アバディーン周辺のドリック (Doric from around Aberdeen)

  • 5 0
    Makoto に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日