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  • - Hello, and welcome to Iceland!

  • (chill electronic music plays)

  • - I've lived in Iceland for 14 months

  • and I love this country.

  • Whenever my friends come to visit,

  • this is the list that I give them

  • to make sure that they've seen everything.

  • So you are in good hands.

  • (bell dings)

  • Use this as a checklist for yourself

  • to check that you've done all of these things.

  • You can start your first day in Reykjavik

  • exploring Harpa, the little cafes downtown,

  • and also the church on top of the hill.

  • The next day you can hit the Golden Circle,

  • which includes (foreign name),

  • no it doesn't. (laughs)

  • Which includes they Geysir, Gullfoss,

  • and Pingvellir National Park,

  • and you can also go diving there

  • if you are ready to brave the cold.

  • Pretty, but cold.

  • The same day you can probably

  • also squeeze in Seljalandsfoss

  • and Skogafass, which are two very beautiful waterfalls

  • that you have to see before you go.

  • Day three you can explore Reynisfjara Beach, Vik,

  • and the Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon

  • which is absolutely my highlight,

  • and oh, the glacier lagoon, it's got seals.

  • You have to go see this place, it's unbelievable.

  • Because you're coming in winter,

  • that means that you get to do two extra activities

  • that you can't do in summer,

  • which includes checking out the ice caves

  • and, yeah, they look like this.

  • It is worth seeing.

  • If you can't do that, substitute it

  • for the glacier hike.

  • And, of course, the number one thing

  • on most people's bucket list,

  • which is the northern lights.

  • (surprised shrieking)

  • (laughter)

  • The lights come first, forget about sleep,

  • because it can happen that they're out one night

  • and they're not seen for weeks after that.

  • So if the forecast is good, go.

  • (laughs)

  • And I recommend going in Blue Lagoon,

  • you have to by the way,

  • just before you catch your plane.

  • So either the night before you're flying,

  • if you're flying in the morning,

  • or just a few hours before your flight

  • because it's a perfect way to unwind

  • and relax after your big trip.

  • But do not forget to prebook online.

  • It's pretty packed out all the time,

  • so book well in advance.

  • If you're here for longer,

  • here are some of my extra suggestions.

  • You can go to Reykjadalur, which is

  • the natural hot springs about

  • a 45 minute drive outside of Reykjavik

  • and a one hour hike uphill.

  • It's a bit of an effort, but it is beautiful.

  • And Hvitserkur, which is in the northwest.

  • This one isn't my top suggestion

  • because it's so out of the way,

  • but it is pretty spectacular

  • if you have the luxury of

  • a bit of extra time in this country.

  • And a couple of things to know:

  • It is wintertime, so your sunlight is limited,

  • so you wanna make sure that you get

  • the most out of your day, so rise early,

  • check out as much as you can,

  • and bear in mind that there's

  • a lot of ice everywhere right now.

  • So be super careful when you're driving

  • and when you're walking around some sites,

  • it's slippery in a lot of areas,

  • so don't go up to any ledges,

  • especially also the wind.

  • The wind is pretty hectic.

  • I've mentioned a lot of things here,

  • don't panic if there's way too much

  • for your time constraints, that's fine.

  • Go to the places you're most excited about

  • and take your time there.

  • It's much better than just rushing,

  • and taking a quick photo and driving off.

  • Take your time to appreciate the Icelandic nature,

  • because it might be the last time you're here.

  • (gasps)

  • and you need to make that you

  • absorb everything about this place.

  • And, as always, check out my instaagram

  • for inspiration for your Icelandic travels.

  • Oh, also, I'm really interested

  • to find out who's visiting Iceland,

  • so put where you're from down in the comments below

  • and any extra questions you might have.

  • Okay, that's it!

  • I hope you love Iceland as much as I do

  • and I look forward to seeing

  • your pretty faces around Iceland.

  • Bye!

  • (laughs)

  • There's never a gracious way to finish these.

  • (laughs)

  • - Don't!

  • What?

  • (giggles)

  • Look at that, you're missing the volcano!

- Hello, and welcome to Iceland!


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A2 初級

はじめての人のためのアイスランド 冬編(やること&見ること! (Iceland for First-Timers Winter Edition (Things to do & See!))

  • 101 10
    Zoe16152 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日