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Yuen Method Intro - Healing Demonstration with Elma Mayer
Hi I'm Elma Mayer with Now Healing and I'd like to give you a quick
demonstration of the instant healing technique known as the Yuen
Method of Chinese Energetics. It's really easy to learn. If you're a
beginner with no experience as a healer, you can start using it right
away to heal yourself and other people. It even works for skeptics. I
was a total skeptic. But anybody can do it. I've taught six year old
kids how to do it and medical doctors how to do it. Because it also
works if you are an experienced healer. You can integrate it with your
other healing modalities and exponentially improve your healing
results immediately. You can use the Yuen Method to improve any kind
of problem, any kind of pain, illness, life issue. And I could do the
healing session for you but I'd really rather not, I'd rather teach
YOU how to do it yourself. So let's do a really brief demo: I'll
guide you through the steps and since there's no time in this video to explain
why this works or what it all means, I'm going to ask you to suspend
your disbelief and your belief and just go through the steps without
over thinking it right now. So let's go through the process really
quickly. find one part of your body that's not comfortable
right now. It could be a pain, an ache, an itch, or just somewhere
that feels a little stiff. Somewhere that actually feels like
a problem right now at this very moment. Just chose one specific place,
don't chose your whole leg and your shoulder and your head, just one.
Now remember how that feels and we'll come back to that a little bit
later. But for now let's put it aside and move on.
First, let's learn how to do a Yuen Method correction. This is going
to strengthen your energy instantly. The way to do it is you just make
mental contact with the mid-line of your body, your spine area. Just
tune into your spine area for a second. Okay, that's it, you just did
a correction. Let's do another correction, but this time for
neutrality. Neutrality is essential for doing this kind of work. And
you don't even have to know HOW to get tehre, this correction will get
you neutral automatically. So just say to yourself “correct for
neutrality” as you think about your midline for just one second. Okay,
now you're neutral and you're ready to work.
So now, we're going to find the weak energy that's causing your
discomfort. THe trick to this is that it won't be coming from the
actual place that's bothering you. Like if your elbow hurts, the
weakness could be coming from anywhere else except your elbow. So
don't focus on the actual place that bothers you right now but instead
ask yourself where else is the weak energy that's causing this
discomfort coming from. Is it coming from body, mind, or spirit? Now
allow yourself to get that answer intuitively. That means you're going
to go with the first answer that comes to your attention even if it's
not the answer that you logically assume it should be . Since you
already corrected yourself for neutrality, it's going to be the right
answer. So ask yourself “show me the weakness! Is it coming from body,
mind or spirit?” Okay now when you've got the answer, do a correction
on the weak energy. So if the weakness is coming from mind just say
“correct mind” as you think about your mid-line. If the weakness is
coming from spirit say “correct spirit” as you think about your
mid-line. And if it was from body say “correct body” and think about
your mid line. Okay, so the energy has already changed, whether you
noticed it or not. Now, feel into your original discomfort. How
does it feel? Is there any change? Move around a little. Check it
out. If you're like most people you will be experiencing some kind
of difference and you did that yourself. I did not do that for you.
So obviously this was a super quick preview and there's more to
learn. You probably have lots of questions like “How did that work?”,
“What just happened?”, “Why do I have to get neutral?” and “What does
that even mean?” and “How can a pain in my body have a weakness that doesn't
come from my body?” and “How can I figure out where that weakness
is?” Well we will talk about this during the Yuen
Method Intro four hour class. You will learn where to find the hidden
energy weakness that all problems have. You will learn how to sense
weak energy versus strong energy using something like intuition
but not quite, we call it testing. And you'll learn more about how
to do a correction. And this can work for any problem that you have or
that other people have. And you can learn this from the comfort of your
own home. At the end of this four hour class, you will be able to
use the basic Yuen Method techniques of finding weak energy and correcting
it. I'll take you through the basic techniques step by step
and I'll make sure you really get it. I'll make sure you can actually
use it. So if you want to be your own healer, and heal others too,
take this four hour intro course. I would love to teach you how to do
it yourself. If you're on the website just scroll down to see what you
get. If you're on youtube then please go to my website for more details.
That's nowhealing.com/learn-yuen-method.
Thank you.