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  • I was involved in this shoot for a magazine.


  • Photographing the most powerful people in America


  • and one of the people we had to photograph with Steve Jobs.

    Steve Jobs氏に白羽の矢が 立ちました。

  • We had him for an hour.


  • Nine o'clock he was due to turn up and he turned up at one minute to nine.

    9時までに終わる予定でしたが、 姿を見せたのは9時になる1分前でした。

  • And just before he arrived the PR person came up to me and said

    彼が到着する直前に広報担当が 私のところへやって来て

  • "I just want to let you know Steve hates photographers"


  • and I took a chance on something, I said "Mr Jobs, I have some good news for you"

    と言ってきたので、 「Jobsさん、ご安心ください。

  • I said "I believe I have you for an hour". He said "You do".

    1時間で終わります」と申し上げました。 「それは何より」と彼は言いました。

  • I said "I think I can get this done in half an hour"


  • and he just looked at me like I've even had a Christmas present or something.

    まるで私がクリスマスプレゼントでも 用意しているかのように私を見つめ、

  • He said "Oh, my god, that would be great. I've got so much to do today".

    「それはすごい。 今日はやることがたくさんあってね」と言いました。

  • And I thought well why don't I just approach it like it's a passport picture?

    それならば、減光部が小さくなるように、 パスポート写真を撮るようなアプローチで

  • so that I had a little bit of fall-off. Shoot it against white.

    撮影してみようと思いました。 ホワイトを背にして、

  • give it a little bit of graphics but to keep it very very simple.

    少し奥行きをつけ とてもシンプルな撮影にします。

  • I said "I'd like you to just slightly lean forward towards the camera

    「カメラに向かって少し身を 乗り出してください。

  • I would like you to imagine that you're across a table from four or five people

    テーブルの向こうに4、5人いて、 あなたの意見に反対しているけれど、

  • who don't agree with you, but you know you're right".


  • and he said "Easy for me, I do that every day"


  • and then he just leaned forward and kind of looked. He just put his thumb here

    身を乗り出し、注文通りのポーズを 取ってくれました。親指を軽くあごに置き、

  • and he just he gave a little smile, but it wasn't smile. He was like

    少し微笑んでくれましたが、 目は笑っていませんでした。まるで

  • "don't question what I'm doing".


  • He was actually out of there in about 20 minutes

    実際の撮影時間は 約20分ほどでした。

  • so I did a cut from the knee up and then a close up, that close up shot.

    膝上から、徐々に 接写していきました。

  • When he was leaving, the polaroid was there and he said "Can I have this?", I said "Sure"

    去り際にポラロイドを見て、 「もらっていいかい?」と聞かれたので、「もちろんです」と答えました。

  • and he said "That's maybe the best picture ever taken of me"

    また、「今までで一番男前に 撮れてそうだ」とも。

  • so I thought at this point he was just being very polite


  • but then I got a call years later from California


  • saying "I need that photograph you did of Steve, if you still have it."

    「あの時の写真を、まだ持っていたら 送っていただけませんか」と言われました。

  • I said "Of course I have it".


  • We sent it out there and that night I actually went to Lincoln Center

    送付先に送りました。 その夜、リンカーン・センターに向かう途中で

  • and my phone beeped and then up on my phone came

    携帯電話が鳴り Steve Jobbs氏の訃報を

  • he had died that afternoon


  • that photo was there on the website, so he did like in the end.

    写真はウェブサイトに掲載されました。 Jobs氏がこの写真を選んだのでしょう。

I was involved in this shoot for a magazine.



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