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  • Translator: Michele Gianella Reviewer: Alessandra Tadiotto

  • As a data scientist, I literally spend my day predicting the future.

  • I try and model systems and businesses,

  • and I use really cool tools, like artificial intelligence or blockchain

  • to help understand what makes humans tick.

  • And what I found most fascinating from the past few years of my experience

  • and what's also been the most frustrating

  • is that all those expressions and all those clichés are true.

  • It bothers me; I don't know why.

  • The fact that the journey is more important than the destination.

  • The fact that to go further and look further,

  • you stand on the shoulders of giants.

  • That those who don't understand what history was

  • are doomed to repeat it.

  • In "The Tempest," William Shakespeare wrote that "What's past is prologue."

  • I think a lot of people recognize this expression

  • to mean that everything that happened before was exposition,

  • that to live in the present is what's important.

  • Data has shown me that that's different.

  • To me, "What's past is prologue" means

  • is that the future can be based on a barometer of the past

  • and understand the trends, signals, and patterns of where we've been

  • can show us what we've done before, and where we're going to go.

  • This presentation is an argument for basic income.

  • Let me show you how I get there.

  • I start in 1696 in Britain, as part of the glass tax.

  • In an effort to raise revenue,

  • the British Parliament created a prohibitive tax

  • on glass and window panes, and the like.

  • It meant that glass and windows were so expensive

  • that, literally, lords and ladies would take glass out of their houses

  • and bring them up to their summer castles for fear of theft or breaking.

  • If you were just a person living in the city,

  • you lived most of your internal life in darkness.

  • It affected things that people had never considered before

  • in different ways.

  • Architecture, interior design -

  • your dining room didn't have a table in the middle,

  • you'd hit your shins in the darkness.

  • People had a bench by the side of the room

  • and a large board up against the wall.

  • When it was time to have a meeting or have a meal together,

  • they would take the benches, sit everyone down,

  • bring the board on everyone's lap.

  • That's where they had their meeting. That's where they had a discussion.

  • That's where we got the term "board meeting."

  • (Laughter)

  • Not only that, that guy at the end, that guy in the chair,

  • he was in charge, he ran the show.

  • That's right.

  • That guy was the chairman of the board.

  • (Laughter)

  • To me, it is fascinating how arbitrary choices from the past

  • can affect the future centuries later

  • in ways people can't understand or think about at all.

  • And we are coming to one of those critical junctures

  • and choice points again soon.

  • I'm going to skip ahead a couple of decades

  • to the British countryside.

  • The Church of England, in an attempt to reorganize themselves,

  • split up the country into various plots and created parsonages.

  • Each one of these sections had a reverend.

  • His job was to help guide the flock and all the things that reverends do.

  • These people were given a strong education.

  • They were given enough resources

  • to understand where their next meal was coming from,

  • and they were sent on their way.

  • This was arguably one of the first times a society had a class of people

  • who were academic, well read, and didn't really have that much to do.

  • What did these reverends do?

  • They changed the world.

  • The Reverend Edmund Cartwright created the power loom

  • and brought up part of the Industrial Revolution as we know it today.

  • Automation, improving in process, happened because of that.

  • The Reverend John MacKenzie Bacon

  • was the father of modern aerial photography.

  • He showed us the first pictures of cities from above,

  • revolutionized urban planning and city design.

  • The Reverend William Buckland

  • wrote the essay on the principle of population.

  • You know this already what he learned back then.

  • Cities only grow when there's an excess of food

  • more than is needed to sustain the population.

  • The Reverend William Greenwald was the father of modern archaeology.

  • Before him, people would just go to dig sites

  • and grab stuff because it looked cool and brought it home.

  • He was one of the first people to suggest

  • that we apply proper scientific rigor and scientific method,

  • and revolutionized the field of archaeology.

  • It wasn't just the reverends, too,

  • it was their families, their children, their spouses.

  • When people knew there was a roof over their head

  • and a meal coming to not worry about, their creativity flourished.

  • I bet you know at least half a dozen names on this list of people

  • who were either children or spouses of these reverends -

  • Hook, Wren, Bronte, Tennyson, Carroll, Jane Austen.

  • These people were so profound

  • in their ability to push arts and science further

  • that even centuries later, we still consume their art

  • and the ways it affects us that have never been considered before.

  • We as a society, we as a culture, push further and go farther

  • when we take the tools that have been built before us

  • and go to the next obvious step.

  • Because those expressions are true, those clichés are all true.

  • Most people thought it was actually Isaac Newton who said it,

  • but it was Bernard de Chartres who said,

  • "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

  • The fact that every time that we want to try to push culture further

  • and make society go that little bit further,

  • that we don't need to go back to the beginning

  • is because we use the tools and processes of people who were built before us.

  • And that's how we advance as a society and as a people.

  • It has never been easier

  • to try and push these ideas ahead and move forward.

  • The ability to take this thing over here and combine it with that thing over there

  • and produce something new has never been easier, faster,

  • less expensive or less involving risk than it is right now.

  • I can't guarantee you

  • that the idea of combining this thing and that thing will work,

  • but you'll know quickly if it's going to fail, or if it has legs.

  • Never was that way before.

  • Technology usually got in the way more than it helped.

  • This is special.

  • Back then, it was a problem.

  • Example number one, let's talk about audio recording.

  • The ability to take a song or music and record it to a wax disc

  • was incredibly difficult.

  • And if someone made a mistake, if a microphone screwed up,

  • or if someone dropped something on the ground,

  • you had to throw it away and start all over again.

  • Oh, you're already on hour two?

  • Sorry, it doesn't care. Start all over.

  • In fact, the audio engineers, too, they had a huge problem.

  • Let's say you're recording a symphony in a concert hall.

  • Let's say if the sound got all screwed up.

  • You can't have a violin and a clarinet near each other next to the tuba,

  • the tuba would be too loud.

  • The hack from the sound engineers was to actually move the instruments

  • around the entire theater.

  • So you'd have the flutes nearby.

  • You'd have the tubas in the background.

  • The drums were so loud,

  • they actually were down the hall, down the stairs in a separate room.

  • They had to create a series of mirrors

  • so the drummers can see the conductor to know when to play.

  • If you were a soloist, you were pushed on a little dolly.

  • When it was your turn,

  • they'd push you up to the front, right near the microphone to hear it.

  • When you were done, they'd pull you right back again.

  • And if at any time in any one of those songs

  • if someone, one person, made a mistake, you threw it out, and you started again.

  • You didn't take risks.

  • You didn't have the time or the opportunity.

  • Now if I want to try something new,

  • if I want to see what it sounds like when a guitar gets loud,

  • I just press the guitar knob and turn it up a little bit.

  • Never before have we had the ability for technology

  • to make our life easier and push our creative drive further

  • than we have right now.

  • But it wasn't always like that.

  • It was difficult.

  • If you go back to the war,

  • planes coming overhead as part of a bombing run

  • was a huge problem.

  • Before radar,

  • people didn't really have good solutions to figure when the planes were coming.

  • Planes are high. Planes are fast. Planes are far away.

  • We took the best people in the allied resource.

  • We took the entire knowledge of what we have to do

  • to figure out how to find planes,

  • and we came up with this.

  • Giant earphone-like tubes.

  • (Laughter)

  • And a soldier who's hopefully really good at hearing stuff.

  • (Laughter)

  • Listening,

  • hoping to hear their propellers.

  • Stretching, yearning, going that little bit further

  • just to hear, to buy an extra minute or two,

  • so people can run down to safety.

  • We don't have this problem anymore.

  • Radar has basically solved the problem in many respects.

  • I can go to the store

  • and for a couple of bucks buy a little radar in a box.

  • I can put it in my car, on my bike.

  • I can put it in my hat and do a lot of cool stuff if I wanted to.

  • It has never been easier to give a chance and see if it works.

  • Will that idea work?

  • I got no clue,

  • but I'll know quickly if I can move on and try something else.

  • It wasn't always like that.

  • Technologies often got in the way.

  • Do you ever wonder why people in old photos don't smile?

  • Yeah, I see some nodding heads.

  • I'm going to be embarrassed about this.

  • When I was a kid, I literally thought

  • that everyone born pre-1920 was just miserable, sad, and surly.

  • (Laughter)

  • Turns out this was a technical problem.

  • To actually exist

  • and have a camera take a picture back then required a huge amount of light.

  • It required a huge amount of time

  • to sit there and let the light expose the film.

  • So if you're going to take a photo of someone moving,

  • it's going to screw up.

  • So when they'd say "Don't move,"

  • you don't move.

  • Because you know if you move,

  • you're going to ruin the photo,

  • and then you've got to start again.

  • This was a huge technical problem at the time.

  • That's why people were told to not keep their smiling face

  • because I don't know about you,

  • but smiling for a minute starts to look insincere.

  • (Laughter)

  • Instead, they said, "Use your resting face.

  • If you don't have a nice looking resting face,

  • sorry, that's the photo that you get."

  • (Laughter)

  • It's not like that anymore, right?

  • We've solved a lot of these technical problems.

  • Most people have a camera in their own pocket.

  • I take a thousand photos, pick the best three that I like,

  • and I throw the rest away.

  • I don't need to know about focus and aperture

  • and all these types of technical terms to take a fairly good photo.

  • Technology has made it

  • so that the creativity can push us further than we have before.

  • If you want to build different tools,

  • if you want to bring these things together,

  • it's super easy.

  • Machine learning, too.

  • If you want to take some cool new AI things

  • and move to the next step and go forward, it's fine.

  • You want to take yourself a chatbot or recognize emotional detection

  • or look at text or videos and see what's going on,

  • you can do it for fractions of a penny.

  • I just tried this last night. I built something for this presentation.

  • I went online, didn't write a bit of code,

  • and I can make something that looked at my face.

  • It can tell if I'm smiling.

  • It can tell if I'm yawning or not. It can tell when I'm blinking.

  • All without writing a single bit of code.

  • If you have an idea

  • where you're taking this piece and this piece

  • and mashing them together,

  • you can do it now easier and faster than ever before.

  • Let's say you want to build a camera-tool-thingiemajob

  • that if someone takes a picture of someone blinking,

  • it deletes the photo automatically.

  • You don't need to know how cameras work.

  • You just take the camera thing someone built.

  • You don't need to know how neural networks recognize if you're blinking,

  • you just go grab that software and put it together.

  • Could you go to market with that idea?

  • Probably not.

  • But you'll know right away if you've built something

  • that has required you to know if it has momentum or not,

  • whether or not, you call in an expert to make it world class.

  • These are the opportunities we have now to go further and push harder.

  • How good are these tools?

  • They're incredible.

  • Just last year, Microsoft released a tool for real-time language translation.

  • So picture those guys at the UN

  • with the little earphones talking in real-time really quietly.

  • Average human error rate for that is about six percent.

  • That's that little dot over there in the corner.

  • Machines are now as good as humans

  • at translating language in real time, at scale, 24/7.

  • Just so you think I'm not throwing you a red herring,

  • let's talk about image classification.

  • The problem of taking a photo or video and identifying all the things in it

  • is actually surprisingly hard.

  • Humans will get it right only about 93 times out of 100.

  • Error, about seven percent.

  • Just last year, Microsoft released a tool, a machine learning thing with AI,

  • that got it down to three-and-a-half percent.

  • As of right now, machines are twice as good as humans

  • at identifying images and objects and videos and pictures.

  • IBM beat them, too. They're down to three points this year.

  • Not only that, look at that chart.

  • That's a 10-times drop in error in only five years.

  • I can't wait to see what the next five years brings us.

  • Now there's two schools of thought here.

  • Yes, automation is coming.

  • Yes, a lot of jobs will be made redundant.

  • Now, the first school of thought says,

  • "Well, Jim, I don't churn my own butter anyways."

  • You're not wrong.

  • The progress goes forward

  • and pushes us further than we've been before.

  • The second school of thought argues that that's true,

  • but is a most fortunate opportunity that we have as a people

  • to be able to look in advance

  • and recognize that massive change is coming.

  • Almost never before have a people looked in advance and said:

  • That's coming, and we can have a discussion about what we want to do.

  • We can have a debate and a cultured conversation

  • about what happens when lots of people don't have their jobs anymore.

  • I would suggest that for these people, if we give them an education,

  • if we gave them enough income

  • to make sure that they have a roof over their head,

  • and if they have enough food on the table,

  • that we can create a class of people

  • who are academic, well read, and really don't have that much to do.

  • We've seen before in history that these people can change the world

  • in ways that are still affecting us centuries from now.

  • This is the opportunity we have.

  • This is the discussion that we need to have

  • in the next five years, 10 years, maybe 20.

  • It has never been easier

  • for us to take this thing and that thing and mash it together,

  • and try a new idea to see if it has legs.

  • Let me give you a very quick example.

  • This is a Sphero. Anyone seen a Sphero before?

  • It's a fun little toy.

  • I got one for my kid for Christmas.

  • It lets you actually use your phone and connect things together and play.

  • I got one right here. It's a cute little toy.

  • Totally made for kids for Christmas.

  • And it's great because it lets my kids learn how to code

  • without them even knowing that they're learning how to code.

  • Here's what I'm going to do.

  • Without writing any code at all, what I'm going to do

  • is take a picture of my face with my cellphone.

  • Then I'm going to connect it

  • to a world-class, Microsoft deep learning network

  • to look at my face.

  • We're going to tell if it knows if I'm smiling or not.

  • I'm going to change the color of this device,

  • based on whether I'm smiling or frowning.

  • Remember, we talked about pictures and smiling.

  • Let's see how this works.

  • (Laughter)

  • Okay, there we go.

  • There we go, and there we go yellow.

  • Woo-hoo!

  • Now, the important part I want to get across to you

  • is I did this writing ridiculously small amounts of code.

  • Someone already built the tool that connects to the cloud.

  • Someone already built the world-class network up there

  • that can look at someone's face,

  • recognize their age, their gender, and if they're smiling

  • for fractions of a penny.

  • Someone out there was kind enough to take this little Sphero tool

  • and build a library I can connect into

  • and not worry about all the stuff about it.

  • But in the abstract, think about what I just did there.

  • For fractions of a penny, and maybe a day's worth of my time,

  • I connected to a world-class, deep learning network

  • that recognized my face.

  • I then used it to change a wireless IoT device using Bluetooth,

  • just like that.

  • It has never been easier for us to take tools, to take toys,

  • to play with them, to see what idea comes further,

  • to see how we can push ourselves further.

  • I look forward to the next five years because I can't see what's coming.

  • I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you

  • who has a brilliant idea

  • to take this thing over here, and that thing there,

  • and combine them together, and to push us as a people further.

  • Thank you very much.

  • (Applause)

Translator: Michele Gianella Reviewer: Alessandra Tadiotto


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A2 初級

ベーシックインカムの議論。| ジム・プロボスト|TEDxKanata (An argument for basic income. | Jim Provost | TEDxKanata)

  • 28 1
    王惟惟 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日