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  • Translator: Michele Gianella Reviewer: Riaki Poništ

  • So, if there was one word that you could use

  • to describe current society,

  • what might it be?

  • For me, it's the word "polarity."

  • This is the idea that people are pulling apart in politics and culture

  • in terms of their economic opportunities, in terms of their identities.

  • And it's deeply concerning to me. Why does it matter?

  • So, we've been told that diversity is a good thing, right?

  • People from different backgrounds, perspectives, different experience

  • coming together to solve common problems.

  • But that's diversity.

  • Polarity is different.

  • Diversity is when people pull together; polarity is when people pull apart.

  • And this is one of the big challenges facing modern society.

  • Why is this?

  • I think there's lots of reasons,

  • but one stands out for me - it's becoming increasingly prevalent -

  • and that's the spread of digital connecting technologies.

  • And when connecting technologies spread,

  • they start to distribute power in different ways.

  • Power, wealth, opportunity -

  • it matters who you are, your skills, your luck

  • and the geography you're in, the place that you live in.

  • And it goes in all sorts of different ways,

  • and we've got to be alert to this.

  • And so what does it look like, this spread of connecting technologies?

  • Well, people are connected, which is a good thing.

  • But then power, wealth and capital start to accumulate.

  • Places benefit, some places:

  • Millions flock to new skyscrapers;

  • headquarters are built; thousands flock to them.

  • There are a huge accumulation of wealth.

  • But there's a great swell of insecurity and precariousness alongside this.

  • And in fact you can see financial crashes as instability starts to increase,

  • and then the cracks in society start to become exposed.

  • What happens then?

  • You see the rise of populist movements;

  • people start to challenge the status quo.

  • And then we're stuck for answers: what can we do?

  • This is the world of the Internet

  • and spread of global financial capital, surely.

  • But no, that's not the world I'm talking about.

  • It's the world of the railroads in nineteenth-century America.

  • And we saw, then, the spread of connecting technologies,

  • and the enormous impact they could have on society.

  • Some benefits enormously, the robber barons,

  • in what was called the Gilded Age,

  • and some suffered mass insecurity and inequality.

  • It was very similar to the current time:

  • suddenly people were connected in new ways,

  • but then power was distributed in new ways as well.

  • And the simple point is this:

  • if we are not alert to what happened then,

  • we may be doomed to replicate the mistakes of the past.

  • Now, I'm worried about one thing in particular.

  • I'm worried most particularly about economic insecurity.

  • What is economic insecurity?

  • It's when your access

  • to economic opportunity, income, skills today

  • means you can't have confidence

  • you can maintain a standard of living and well-being in the future.

  • And for too many, they can have too little confidence

  • they can maintain their standard of living and well-being in the future.

  • And at the Royal Society of Arts,

  • we've been looking into this and what it means.

  • We've been looking at the current state of modern work.

  • We were doing survey work, but we're speaking to people too.

  • So take, for example, the young woman

  • who had taken postgraduate qualifications in pharmaceuticals.

  • She couldn't get a job in the pharmaceutical industry

  • so she went into retail,

  • temporarily, or so she thought.

  • But then she started to raise a family, and she had responsibilities.

  • Her husband had insecure income, volatile income;

  • it went up and down.

  • Suddenly, she couldn't use her qualifications

  • to get into the career she wants; she became stuck.

  • And too many people have become stuck.

  • She wants to go back and replenish her qualifications and move on up.

  • But it's too difficult to do so

  • because the hit on the family finances would be too great in the short term.

  • This stuckness is a feature of economic insecurity.

  • We discovered that only 40 percent of people

  • think that they have good opportunities to progress.

  • She's precarious.

  • Or think about the care worker we spoke to.

  • She's got a secure job; it's just low paid.

  • She doesn't get paid in between visits to her patients.

  • It's extraordinarily, mentally, and physically stressful.

  • She's had some training,

  • but she's increasingly monitored and controlled

  • in the work that she does.

  • By the way, as digital technology spread,

  • the opportunity for monitoring workers will become far greater.

  • If you work in an Amazon distribution center,

  • you know exactly what this means.

  • But she can't move on

  • because actually she doesn't have access to any savings

  • to change jobs and take the risk.

  • The welfare state doesn't support her.

  • If you go to the welfare state today,

  • you have to actually just get into a job, any job.

  • That's all it cares about.

  • It doesn't care whether it's the right job or not.

  • This is the reason that increasing numbers are going to food banks,

  • that there's increasing on-street homelessness,

  • and people are increasingly precarious.

  • So, she's stuck.

  • And we found that 32 percent of people have access to less than £500 of savings.

  • When you have access to less than £500 of savings,

  • you can't say no.

  • You have to take what's on offer to you.

  • You are just one redundancy or a washing machine breaking down away

  • from being in a very difficult situation in terms of debt and credit.

  • But it's not just the precarious who are facing challenges.

  • We spoke to a flexi worker,

  • a guy who was setting up a photography business.

  • You'd think he'd be better off, but something went wrong.

  • He just started setting up his photography business,

  • and unfortunately his family had a bereavement.

  • And he was left in a situation

  • where he had to choose between his family and his business.

  • No one wants to be in that position; he had nothing to fall back on.

  • There was no basic foundation on which he could make decisions.

  • So we're seeing a spread of economic insecurity all around.

  • The big risk

  • is that this state will become persistent

  • as digital connecting technologies spread.

  • We know digital connecting technologies

  • can create enormous accumulations of wealth and power.

  • And just last week,

  • we had Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook,

  • appearing before Congress.

  • And he described Facebook as a series of tools,

  • which sounds pretty benign.

  • But it's far more than that.

  • It actually is a way of distributing power and relationships

  • and access to jobs, income, wealth, in vastly different ways.

  • Increasingly, digital connecting technologies

  • are becoming tapestry of our lives.

  • They're woven into our personalities,

  • our personal, economic, political relationships.

  • So the warning signs are there, but we know it can be different.

  • How do we know?

  • We know because we've taken this on before.

  • In the Gilded Age that I described in 19th century America,

  • in the early 20th century,

  • a group of visionary journalists, writers, activists, trade unionists, politicians

  • started to campaign against it.

  • Visionary presidents started to use the power of the state

  • to take on economic power,

  • to put resource and income in the hands of people,

  • to put in fair taxation,

  • and started to reverse the polarity.

  • We need to learn from that today.

  • And the picture of the current world,

  • as we go into a wider spread of digital technologies,

  • is one of polarity.

  • The wealthiest 10 percent earn half of the wealth.

  • The bottom have access to less than £500 of savings.

  • And only 40 percent of people have good opportunities to progress.

  • This is what a polarized society looks like.

  • But we know it can be different.

  • This is a time for ideas, for big ideas and action,

  • and I'm going to share one idea with you today.

  • One idea is not enough, by the way.

  • But I'm going to share with you the idea of the universal basic income.

  • Universal basic income is a really simple concept.

  • It's giving everyone access to a small amount of resource

  • so that they have a base level of security as of right.

  • Everyone gets it, it's unconditional.

  • It's universal.

  • So you have that bedrock of security

  • on which yuu make better decisions to learn, earn, set up a business, care,

  • whatever it may be.

  • Now, will this work?

  • The answer is emphatically yes.

  • How do I know?

  • I know because it's been tried.

  • It's been tried in Alaska.

  • They've had a basic-income-style payment for the last 30 years.

  • The critics say, about basic income, "People get lazy. It won't work."

  • No evidence for that in Alaska.

  • People carry on working,

  • but they manage their household finances better.

  • It's been tried in India and Kenya.

  • And rather than social collapse,

  • it's led to a spread of entrepreneurialism,

  • of civic activity, of women leaving the home,

  • of greater equality.

  • It's been tried in North Carolina.

  • The critics said,

  • "Basic income? Well, people will just sit back, kick back.

  • They'll drink more, take drugs, have a good time, whatever."

  • The evidence? Drug addiction and alcohol addiction went down.

  • Mental health improved.

  • Health outcomes are improved.

  • Educational outcomes are improved.

  • Wherever it has been tried, it has worked.

  • The same happened when it was tried in the province of Manitoba in Canada.

  • It's now being tried in Finland.

  • So we know wherever it has been tried,

  • it has worked.

  • It's a big step to a universal basic income,

  • but there's things that we can do now to move toward it.

  • At the Royal Society of Arts,

  • we have proposed what we are calling a Universal Basic Opportunity Fund,

  • which is something that we can do right now.

  • And the idea here is that we would give a fund,

  • a 200-billion-pound endowment from government,

  • borrowing, using the low interest rates available to us,

  • and with that endowment, we would invest:

  • invest in our economic and social future,

  • and invest in digital, transport, housing, energy infrastructure.

  • And when those investments delivered a return,

  • we'd then make payments to people

  • so they could have two years of basic income

  • to make different decisions about their lives.

  • So they could invest in their training.

  • They could assume care and responsibilities.

  • They could try a new business.

  • They could change their work if they wanted to.

  • This could be an enormous step up, a helping hand rather than the slap-down

  • that the current welfare state too often delivers.

  • And how would we replenish this fund over time?

  • Well, we'd look at those high flyers,

  • and we'd say, "You could make a bit more of a contribution."

  • We'd look at some of the digital platforms and we could, by the way,

  • levy the data that we provide to those big digital platforms.

  • Some people have called this a "Facebook Levy."

  • And we would look for corporates

  • who have had a 20-billion-pound tax break in the last 10 years

  • to make a contribution as well.

  • Then this fund becomes sustainable.

  • But this is a step that we can make today.

  • Does this sort of fund work?

  • Well, yes.

  • They've tried it in Norway.

  • And it's delivered a return and invested in public infrastructure,

  • it invested in the social infrastructure, on the back of it.

  • We can do it here, too.

  • The payments are made from this fund.

  • The basic opportunity dividend can make all the difference

  • to that retail worker I talked about.

  • It can enable her to step away for a year or two

  • to replenish her qualifications and improve her opportunities.

  • To the care worker who's at risk of being monitored

  • and is stuck and can't make a different decision to change work -

  • even though her job is secure, she's not economically secure -

  • she could make a different choice.

  • The flexi worker setting up a new business

  • could have had a better platform or foundation for his business

  • as he went forward.

  • They wouldn't have had to choose between his family and his business.

  • The high flyer, well, they may have to contribute more.

  • But you know what?

  • That's a small price to pay

  • for a society that is more economically and socially stable.

  • These are things that we can do today.

  • We don't have to accept polarity.

  • We know from history what happens if we don't act.

  • We can reverse polarity.

  • We can think of new ways of connecting.

  • We can invest in people in different ways.

  • And there are cities across the world

  • that are volunteering to have basic income experiment

  • because they know it can make a difference.

  • There's some in the UK.

  • North Ayrshire, Fife, Edinburgh and Glasgow

  • all want to have basic income experiments.

  • The Scottish government is supporting them and exploring that.

  • In Finland, in Barcelona, in the Netherlands, in Canada,

  • in Stockton and Oakland in California, in India,

  • there is a movement behind trying this because people believe it can be better.

  • We can give people a more secure footing.

  • Greater Exeter could volunteer to host a basic income pilot here too.

  • That's a sort of action you can take to say,

  • "We want to do things differently here."

  • We can do the things differently.

  • We can look at the past and learn from it.

  • We can act now.

  • Let's not wait the decades it took after 19th century to act.

  • Let's learn from that and let's do it now.

  • Let's put more power back in people's hands.

  • And let's cultivate a society,

  • a society where opportunity, creativity,

  • security, freedom are shared.

  • (Applause)

Translator: Michele Gianella Reviewer: Riaki Poništ


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二極化の少ない社会を望む?普遍的なベーシックインカムを試してみよう|アンソニー・ペインター|TEDxExeter (Want a less polarised society? Try a universal basic income | Anthony Painter | TEDxExeter)

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    王惟惟 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日