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  • WHAT


  • FOR?

  • Feel free to call me slow but,

  • I spent 16 years going to school

  • and I still don't know.

  • When I finished,

  • I didn't know how to do my own taxes,

  • purchase a home,

  • or apply for a loan.

  • I didn't know a thing about investments,

  • building credit or getting a job.

  • I graduated at the top of my class

  • and what did I have?

  • This fancy diploma to sit at home with...

  • my mom.

  • But luckily,

  • they did teach me some important skills

  • like factoring trinomials and

  • how mitochondria

  • is the powerhouse of the cell.

  • I'm so happy I remember

  • the Pythagorean theorem

  • 'cause it helped me a lot.

  • Ok, I'm lying let me stop.

  • Because all the stuff they taught me

  • truthfully, I forgot.

  • Mom, remember when you would ask me:

  • "What did you learn in school today?"

  • And I would say:

  • "Nothin' much."

  • I wasn't being modest

  • The truth about it mom is

  • I had already forgotten.

  • And it's not just me--

  • millions of students sing the same song.

  • How many of you guys

  • avoid eye contact with the teacher

  • to try not to get called upon?

  • Afraid to raise your hand

  • for fear of being wrong,

  • which proves that school

  • isn't an environment

  • for learning or building up the intellect.

  • It's just a game you play for grades

  • and how many A's you can collect.

  • But I guess what do you expect

  • when the most commonly

  • asked question in class is:

  • "Is this gonna be on the test?"

  • Is this gonna be on the test?

  • See if school really put learning

  • instead of testing and memorizing

  • as the top standard

  • then the letter "F"

  • would not stand for "Failure."

  • It would stand for

  • "Find another Answer."

  • And if school was really interested

  • in our personal and academic success,

  • students would wake up later,

  • have more freedom and homework...

  • a lot less.

  • And that's not my opinion,

  • this conclusion has been

  • scientifically tested and proven.

  • And any teacher that doesn't believe me

  • feel free to check

  • my works cited page to inspect.

  • Oh, and I did it in MLA format

  • because I know that's all you will accept.

  • See students would get more benefit

  • from an extra hour of sleep

  • than putting them through

  • the torture of an extra essay,

  • reading 150 pages,

  • doing problems 1-60 on the worksheet,

  • and having 3 projects

  • due by the end of the week.

  • Not only is it pointless pain

  • but it's also dim-witted.

  • Because we get so much work,

  • but they don't teach

  • the time management skills

  • to deal with it.

  • See in school we are controlled by bells.

  • We have to learn in rooms

  • with the Feng shui of a prison cell.

  • We have to ask permission

  • to relieve bodily functions

  • but not before the teacher

  • asks a million questions like:

  • "Why Didn't you go before class"

  • I'm sorry

  • my bladder is kinda on its own schedule

  • and it's not always timely.

  • See teachers always say:

  • "Use your time wisely."

  • But that never made sense to me.

  • 'Cause these six cruel hours

  • of our lives we call "school"

  • might literally be the worst use of

  • time management ever in history.

  • Think about it,

  • the traditional teaching method is foolish.

  • No, it's useless

  • multiplied by the square root of...

  • stupid

  • What they do is:

  • They cram information in your head,

  • force-feeding ya

  • And then you throw it up on the test.


  • that's bulimia.

  • And the more bulimic you are

  • the better you will do on assessments.

  • So it's no wonder why

  • so many students graduate

  • mentally and emotionally anorexic.

  • See school teaches you

  • how to memorize dots.

  • TRUE education SHOULD teach you

  • how to connect them.

  • TRUE education teaches you

  • how to catch a fish.

  • School teaches you:

  • yeah you caught the fish

  • but u didn't show your work

  • so it doesn't count.

  • Throw it back!

  • I'm just asking

  • What is school for?

  • It's not education,

  • that's just not true.

  • If you still think that, you

  • might be sniffing the glue.

  • See the word education

  • comes from the Latin root "educe"

  • meaning "bring out"

  • i.e bring the gifts out of a person

  • and make them viable.

  • But school doesn't bring out much.

  • It just stuffs more facts inside of you.

  • Now some of that stuff is justifiable.

  • We need reading, writing,

  • and some arithmetic-- that's fair.

  • But are you telling me metamorphic

  • and igneous rocks

  • are more important than self-care?

  • If suicide is the 3rd leading cause

  • of death of ages 10-24

  • and Harvard studies suggest

  • the biggest predictor for success

  • is self-control and emotional health,

  • then why the heck

  • aren't we taught how to handle stress,

  • bullies or rejection?

  • How about anxiety or depression?

  • You know-- skills we need

  • for our entire lives.

  • Bro, I don't even know how to cook.

  • I'm honestly surprised I'm still alive.

  • But hey at least I can name all the battles

  • that happened in the civil war.

  • Seriously, what is school for?

  • Some say you need it to be successful

  • and that's something we do not doubt.

  • But do you own a MacBook or iPhone?

  • Did you know they both

  • were created by a dropout?

  • Are you watching this video

  • on Facebook or YouTube?

  • Doesn't matter which you choose.

  • They both were created by dropouts.

  • Ever used Snapchat, WhatsApp,

  • shopped at Whole Foods?

  • Well, Thanks a dropout.

  • Does your home furniture come from IKEA?

  • OK don't get the wrong idea--

  • he was not a dropout,

  • don't be a fool.

  • I mean how could he drop out,

  • Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA

  • never even went to school.

  • I know what you're thinking:

  • "He's just picking and choosing,

  • there's millions who didn't go to school

  • that aren't successful.

  • Who is he fooling?"

  • And You're right!

  • But open your history books

  • and start perusing.

  • You'll find the very people

  • we idolize in school

  • never really had formal

  • and/or secondary schooling.

  • I'm talking George Washington

  • Abe Lincoln

  • Americas best presidents

  • had zero school between them.

  • Ben Franklin

  • Thomas Edison

  • Shall I proceed?

  • Ernest Hemingway

  • Mark Twain

  • Teddy Roosevelt

  • Margaret Mead

  • Now, please!

  • I'm not saying drop out.

  • 'Cause some schools are great

  • and many teachers are rare treasures.

  • I'm saying that there's a difference

  • between people who are smart

  • and people who score better.

  • I'm saying that your future

  • is something no test

  • will ever measure.

  • Even if that test begins in 3 letters

  • like SAT, ACT.

  • It's BS if they say those determine

  • your L.I.F.E

  • No, your destiny is in your hands.

  • You must shape it to be great.

  • So don't expect school to open doors

  • 'Cause it's more likely to slam them

  • in your face.

  • Sometimes I wonder

  • about all the dreams lost in school

  • and how much potential goes to waste.

  • If it wasn't for music

  • and YouTube then I

  • would have been just another lost case.

  • Everybody watching this

  • please close your eyes.

  • Imagine a child sitting in the back

  • of some teachers class

  • in some town,

  • he never raises his hand,

  • he fails most of his classes

  • but inside of him lives a passion.

  • And if nurtured and brought out

  • will lead him to discover

  • the cure for cancer.

  • But you see,

  • I'm afraid that child's gift

  • will never come out.

  • He will never win the Nobel Prize award

  • because in class he was ignored

  • and his worth was judged only

  • by his scores.

  • So teachers, principals,

  • parents, advisors, and students,

  • I ask one more time:

  • "What

  • is school

  • for?"



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    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日