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Hello guys and welcome
to my channel
Today I wan to share
5 reasons why I decided to apply to American Universities
instead of going to study in other countries.
Now these reasons would vary
from one person to another
because this is my video
I wanted to share my five reasons.
The first reason is being in the centre of the world.
You can say so
I can compare with studying in Germany
When I was in Germany
I thought that
everything was comfortable
everything was nice and easy
I had free weekends when everything was closed
I had days when I had to study in the university
But at the same time
I didn' have a feeling that I am
in the centre of events.
I thought like everything else is happening
somewhere else
not where I am right now.
When I travelled to United States
in 2013
I realised this is where the centre of the world is.
Every day we're using Facebook,
which is headquatered in California,
every day we use Apple
which is headquatered in California.
We use google.
Which is headquatered in California.
There's MIT.
where they develop the newest
thing we're going to use in 20-30 years
And I thought yes
this is the place where the future is born
and for me
as an active and innovative person
this is really important to be
where things are happening and where the future is born
The second reason is
Now I know many of you
are dreaming of studyimg in Great Brtain
Believe me, I've been there
when I was 14
I traveled to the UK for he first time
And I thought this is the country where I want to live in
And this is the country where I want to study
Oxford and Cambridge are basically the best universities
in the world.
Then I started researching my options
in terms of funding
because my parents told me
we're never gonna give you 60 K
in pounds to study in the UK
So you have to figure out yourself
I started researching
The only steep-end scholarship
was Chevening scholarship
It was so complicated
I thought I would never be eligible for it.
I just left my dream of studying abroad
before 2014
when I was scrolling through my Facebook feed
I saw a story of a girl
who got full financial aid
to study in the United States
I was like is it even possible?
Studyimg in the USA is also very expensive
if we take top American Universities
and Master's degree
the minimum tuition fee would be like $ 60 K a year
and that's just tuition fees.
Then I started my own research
on funding
from American Universities
I realised there are several
funding options that you can choose
assistanship when you work
on American campus,
University compensates your tuition fees and housing.
There's scholarship
which is the best when you get money and continue study.
There are fellowships
and work/study programs
if you guys want to see a full video on
financial aid
in the American Universities
I'll leave a link below
I made a whole video of how I got
full funding to do my MBA
and Master's in the USA.
The third thing about studying in the USA
which really applies to me
you'd have a lot of prominent lecturers
coming to your University and telling you what's happening in the world.
I got my first degree in Russia
What I noticed is that
we were taught economics by people
who were born and raised
in the Soviet Union.
Soviet Union and Modern Economics
have nothing to do with each other
I was suprised that
people who have never ever traided
on financial markets
actually taught us how to do that.
In America it's completely different
For example, in Stanford
you'd have Elon Mask or Peter Thiel
who are the best enterpreneurs in the world right now.
You'll have them giving lectures
to students who study enterpreneurship.
You'll have Tim Ferris in Columbia
He wrote a book how to be productive
and how to work 4 hours a week.
I'll leave a link below
because I'm reading this book right now
and it's changing my life completely
You'll have these people who actually have
real life experience
teaching subjects
It's really important for any sphere
America is one of the best countries
in terms of having great people teaching
The fourth thing which is important
for everyone
how much money will you get after you graduate
If we take top American business schools,
for example the average salary would be around
100 000 $
and this is really amazing.
It differs from one subjest
to another
and if you're a teacher
you won't be getting that much money.
If you're doing anything connected with science,
I think there are great opportunities in America.
I have a couple of friends
kind of friends
adult friends
professors in American Universities
and they live a happy life
If you want to become a professor in the United States,
you'd have 4 years of work
and then 1 year of travelling.
I don't remember the word.
If you know the word, please write it down.
In the comments.
They have this freedom
amd they have resources to
to conduct research and
phD students
working for them.
Opportunities after you graduate
from American Universities
are bigger than in other countries
And the last thing
but not the least
If you're international student
like me
you'd be interested in
staying in the country where you got education.
and applyig what you've learned
in real life.
Now in Great Briatain
it's almost impossible right now
you have to pack your bags
in 3 months after you graduate.
In America
it's easier
If you graduated from an American University,
got an American degree,
you're eligible for OPT
which is 1 or 3 years.
You can stay in the United States,
apply what you've learned.
If you're studyimg STEM,
subjects like technical, engeenering,
You get up to 3 years.
This is great.
There's be an opportunity
for you to find an employer
if you want to stay in the United States.
If you just want to get
work experience in the States,
which is considered everywhere
in the world as one of the best
then you have this opportunity
and you don't have to go home
after you finish university.
These are my 5 reasons to study in the USA.
I hope you guys enjoyed this video.
If you want to add something
please comment below.
I think this would be useful
for people who're deciding where they want to study.
Don't forget to subscribe to my channel
because I post a lot about education
abroad, about passing exams
and about being an immigrant in the USA.
If you're interested in those topics,
I'll find my channel amazing.
I hope to see you in the next video.
Thank you for watching this one.
Bye bye.