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  • - Now when you read headlines such as,

  • "How to make your ex miss you,"

  • what immediately comes to mind?

  • Jealousy.

  • Manipulation.

  • Secret spells to bring him back into your life.

  • By the way, I'll tell you a little story

  • at the end of this video about secret spells.

  • You'll wanna hear it.

  • But I'm here to tell you that you don't have to resort to

  • any of that in order to make your ex miss you.

  • Now, if you're going through a breakup

  • or you're suffering from heartbreak,

  • then definitely watch this entire video.

  • Keep watching.

  • (upbeat music)

  • Hey there, Adam Lodolce from,

  • where I help the 21st Century Woman create a love life

  • that she absolutely freaking loves.

  • And this is the first video out of a series of videos

  • as part of my special launch for a brand new resource

  • that I've created that's called

  • Heal Your Heart and Win Him Back.

  • And you can find that at

  • We'll put a URL right here.

  • Go ahead and check that out.

  • Now if you are ready to heal your heart and win him back,

  • or you decide that you wanna find someone better,

  • then that URL,,

  • is definitely the place to go.

  • Now let's get back to making your ex miss you.

  • For starters, you want to have a no-contact period

  • for at least three weeks.

  • When a relationship ends, the last thing you wanna do is

  • give him all of your emotional energy,

  • especially all your emotional energy that

  • he clearly doesn't want right now.

  • He ended it for a reason, which means that he needs

  • a little bit of time to kind of think things through

  • and really process his emotions.

  • And at the same time, give yourself a enough time to

  • heal from the breakup before you do anything.

  • He cannot miss you if you're texting him every 10 minutes.

  • He can't miss you if you're drunk calling him

  • every Saturday at 1:00 a.m.

  • So give him that time and that space,

  • and take that three weeks to really heal your heart

  • and kind of patch up that wound that exists

  • in your heart right now.

  • Trust me, once you get through that time period

  • and you start to go through this healing process,

  • it's amazing what is possible as far as

  • making your ex miss you and want you back.

  • Next, plan some sort of trip or vacation.

  • Now I remember a few years ago I went through

  • a pretty rough breakup of about a two-year relationship.

  • And I remember, once I got out of that relationship,

  • the first thing that I wanted to do

  • was just get out of Dodge.

  • I wanted to just get out of town,

  • and luckily my brother was living in Washington, D.C.,

  • so I immediately just booked a flight to see him

  • and visit him for the weekend.

  • And the thing is, once I finally got out of Boston,

  • got into Washington, D.C., it kind of opened my eyes again

  • to the world and the reality that,

  • look, life goes on beyond just the breakup.

  • And by taking that time and kind of getting yourself

  • out of your own head and out of your own world

  • and bring yourself to a new world,

  • it really does give you that kind of new sense of self

  • and that new sense of adventure and excitement

  • that really is going to be a part of your single life.

  • And at the same time, make sure you take a few pictures

  • of that vacation, and certainly you can post that

  • on your social media.

  • Your ex will definitely notice that.

  • Next, unfollow your ex on all social media.

  • Here's the thing, if you are creeping on Facebook

  • and you see him, what is going to happen?

  • You are not going to resist being able to reach out,

  • like it, being able to comment, send him messages.

  • So the best thing you wanna do is just avoid.

  • Now I don't think that you necessarily have to unfriend him

  • or unfollow him, depending on what social media

  • we're talking about, Snapchat, Facebook,

  • Instagram, whatever it is.

  • But you wanna make sure that you're not

  • seeing him in your feed

  • because the more that you see your ex,

  • the more it's gonna make you do things

  • that you might regret later.

  • And when you go to,

  • I have an amazing resource called

  • The Post Breakup Guide to Dealing With

  • Social Media and Your Ex.

  • And this is part of my full program that's really

  • designed to deal with heartbreak in a very healthy way

  • and either win him back or go ahead

  • and find someone even better.

  • And finally, take time to heal your heart.

  • Literally, your heart, when you're going through a breakup,

  • is like an open wound.

  • And you wanna make sure that you repair that

  • and really work on that and work on yourself

  • before you go ahead and take any action,

  • whether that action is trying to win him back or it's

  • move on and find someone better.

  • And really at the end of the day I want you to

  • be able to heal your heart first and focus on that,

  • and then you can take the steps and decide

  • whether or not you want him back.

  • So again, last time I just will say,

  • head on over to

  • I have amazing resources there that'll help you

  • through that breakup and really be able to

  • get through this in a very healthy way.

  • Now as promised in the beginning of this video,

  • I wanna tell you kind of a ridiculous story

  • about spells and spell-casters.

  • Now every single day we get hundreds of comments

  • either on my blog at

  • or on this YouTube channel,

  • and sometimes we get these comments from so-called

  • spell-casters who give you an email address and they say,

  • "If you email me, I will get your ex back."

  • Now every single day, me and my team,

  • we're deleting these emails 'cause it's total spam

  • and it's total bull(bleep).

  • But one day, I was kinda bored, and I was just

  • cruising on the web, and I was like,

  • "You know what?

  • "I'm gonna email one of these spell-casters,"

  • 'cause I was (bleep) curious.

  • I wanted to see how much does one of these spell-casters,

  • how much do they charge for such a scam?

  • 'Cause people must be actually emailing this guy,

  • or else why would he be commenting on my blog?

  • So I go ahead and email him, and I was like,

  • "How much do these services cost?"

  • That was my first mistake.

  • Then that night I went to bed and completely forgot,

  • only to wake up in the middle of the night

  • with my phone just ringing off the hook.

  • It just kept going off.

  • And the thing is, normally, my phone is on do not disturb,

  • so people can't just reach me.

  • But apparently, this spell-caster somehow hunted down

  • my WhatsApp email or phone number.

  • I don't even know how this was possible.

  • And this random guy in Nigeria was leaving me

  • voicemails, leaving me messages, asking me

  • if I was ready to cast a spell to get my ex back.

  • Needless to say, I was so freaked out and weirded out

  • by this entire experience that I made myself a cup of coffee

  • and I was up from that point forward.

  • So long story short, please, ladies,

  • never email a spell-caster to get your ex back

  • or make him miss you or anything like that.

  • Trust me, it's total BS, you don't wanna

  • do anything like that and you don't wanna

  • get freaked out like me.

  • And just follow these tips and make sure, of course,

  • if you are ready to go through that healing process

  • and get your ex back or be able to find someone better,

  • then definitely check out

  • the resource at

  • Again, we'll put a URL right here or we'll

  • leave the link in the description.

  • Thank you so much for watching.

  • If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like

  • on YouTube, and don't forget to subscribe on YouTube.

  • And finally, make sure you leave a comment right there below

  • if you've used any of these strategies in order to

  • really either get your ex back or to make him miss you.

  • Thank you so much for watching and I will see you

  • in the next video in the series coming up.

  • Speak to you soon, buh-bye.

- Now when you read headlines such as,


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A2 初級

元カレに寂しい思いをさせる4つのパワフルな方法 (4 Powerful Ways to Make Your Ex Boyfriend Miss You)

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    zoe に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日