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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • The best way to explore a new world is to land on it.


  • That's why humans have sent spacecrafts to the Moon, Venus, Mars, Saturn's moon Titan, and more.


  • But there are a few places in the solar system we will never understand as well as we'd like.


  • One of them is Jupiter.

    その 1 つが木星です。

  • Jupiter is made of mostly hydrogen and helium gas, so trying to land on it would be like trying to land on a cloud here on Earth.


  • There's no outer crust to break your fall on Jupiter, just an endless stretch of atmosphere.


  • The big question then is: Could you fall through one end of Jupiter and out the other?


  • Turns out, you wouldn't even make it halfway.


  • First things first, Jupiter's atmosphere has no oxygen, so make sure you bring plenty with you to breathe.


  • The next problem is the scorching temperatures, so pack an air conditioner.


  • Now, you're ready for a journey of epic proportions.


  • For scale, here's how many Earths you could stack from Jupiter's center.


  • As you enter the top of the atmosphere, you're traveling at 110,000 miles per hour under the pull of Jupiter's gravity.

    木星の大気圏に入ったら、木星の重力の影響を受け、時速 11 万マイル(約 18 万 km)の速さで移動することになります。

  • But brace yourself.


  • You'll quickly hit the denser atmosphere below, which will hit you like a wall.


  • It won't be enough to stop you, though.


  • After about 3 minutes, you'll reach the cloud tops 155 miles down.

    3 分後には、155 マイル(約 250 km)下の雲の上にたどり着きます。

  • Here, you'll experience the full brunt of Jupiter's rotation.


  • Jupiter is actually the fastest rotating planet in our solar system.


  • One day lasts about 9 and a half Earth hours.

    木星の 1 日は、地球で言う 9 時間半程度で終わります。

  • This creates powerful winds that can whip around the planet at more than 300 miles per hour.

    これにより時速 300 マイル(約 483 km)の惑星内をうねるような強風が発生します。

  • About 75 miles below the clouds, you reach the limit of human exploration.

    雲から 75 マイル(約 120 km)下に着くと、人間の探査の限界に達します。

  • Galileo probe made it this far when it dove into Jupiter's atmosphere in 1995.

    木星探査機ガリレオは 1995 年に木星の大気に潜り込んだとき、ここまでたどり着きました。

  • It only lasted 58 minutes before losing contact and was eventually destroyed by the crushing pressure.

    通信が途絶えるまで 58 分ほどしかかからず、探査機はそのうち木星の圧縮圧によって破壊されました。

  • Down here, the pressure is nearly 100 times what it is on Earth's surface, and you won't be able to see anything,

    そこでは、地球上の 100 倍近く気圧が高く、何も見ることができません。

  • so you'll have to rely on instruments to explore your surroundings.


  • By 430 miles down, the pressure is 1,150 times higher.

    そして 430 マイル(約 692 km)降下すると、気圧は 1,150 倍にもなります。

  • You might be able to survive down here if you were in a spacecraft built like the Trieste submarine, the deepest-diving submarine on Earth.


  • Any deeper and the pressure and the temperature will be too great for the spacecraft to endure.


  • However, let's say that you could find a way to descend even further.


  • You will uncover some of Jupiter's grandest mysteries.


  • But sadly, you'll have no way to tell anyone.


  • Jupiter's deep atmosphere absorbs radio waves, so you'd be shut off from the outside world, unable to communicate.


  • Once you've reached 2,500 miles down, the temperature is 6,100 degrees Fahrenheit.

    2,500 マイル( 4 千 km 超)下まで行くと、気温は華氏 6,100 度(摂氏 3,370 度)です。

  • That's hot enough to melt tungsten, the metal with the highest melting point in the universe.


  • At this point, you will have been falling for at least 12 hours, and you won't even be halfway through.

    ここに来るまで 12 時間ほど降下をしていますが、まだ半分も来ていないのです。

  • At 13,000 miles down, you'll reach Jupiter's innermost layer.

    13,000 マイル(約 21,000 km)降下すると、木星の最も内側の層に到達します。

  • Here, the pressure is two million times stronger than that of Earth's surface, and the temperature is hotter than the surface of the Sun.


  • These conditions are so extreme that they change the chemistry of hydrogen around you.


  • Hydrogen molecules are forced so close together that their electrons break loose, forming an unusual substance called metallic hydrogen.


  • Metallic hydrogen is highly reflective.


  • So if you tried using lights to see down there, it would be impossible, and it's as dense as a rock.


  • So, as you travel deeper, the buoyancy force from the metallic hydrogen counteracts gravity's downward pull.


  • Eventually, that buoyancy will shoot you back up until gravity pulls you right back down, sort of like a yo-yo.


  • And when those two forces equal, you'll be left free-floating in mid-Jupiter, unable to move up or down, and no way of escape.

    そしてこの 2 つの力が均等な場合、木星の中心周辺で浮いた状態になり、上にも下にも行けません。脱出する方法もないのです。

  • Suffice it to say, trying to land on Jupiter is a bad idea.


  • We may never see what's beneath those majestic clouds.


  • But we can still study and admire this mysterious planet from afar.


The best way to explore a new world is to land on it.


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