字幕表 動画を再生する
Being laddered is an easy mistake for beginners to make.
But don't worry,
top players also made this mistake.
Let's have look at this game,
Wang Mingwan vs Cho Sonjin.
They are fighting for the Honinbo title.
It's a very important game,
and Wang Mingwan made a mistake
which are usually make by beginners,
didn't see the ladder.
Wang Mingwan is also known as O Meien.
He is a Taiwanese,
so I just use the Chinese name, Wang Mingwan.
OK, let's have a look at this game.
Cho Sonjin took B.
Wang Mingwan took W.
W two-space high kakari.
It's Go Seigen's style.
B keima.
This stone is light.
So W can tenuki.
Locally, if B nobi,
W jumps.
B wedges.
W kakari.
B connects.
W connects.
In the future,
B can keima or extend.
If B nobi here,
W can jump here.
B wedges.
W atari.
B connects.
W connects.
In actual game,
W tenuki and takes this corner.
B shimari.
Then W presses.
B can't retreat.
W will not play like this.
W will attach.
B hane.
W angle wedges.
B kosumi.
W nobi.
B nobi.
W jumps.
B's position is too low.
It's bad for B.
If B nobi,
W bumps.
B blocks.
W hane.
B hane.
It's a large avalanche joseki,
It's playable but not popular now.
In actual game,
B bumps.
W turns.
B descents.
W jumps.
Now B can tenuki.
This point,
and this one,
are miai for B.
In actual game,
B turns to get territory.
This move is very big.
Then W jumps.
The W stone is also very useful.
It's hard to say
this exchange is good or bad.
Now B can't kakari here.
If B kakari here,
W pincers.
With W's influence,
there will be no good for B.
B can kakari here.
If W shimari.
B blocks.
W descents.
Then B jumps.
It's normal.
In actual game,
B kakari here.
It's also Go Seigen's style.
this move
and this move
are miai for B.
If W jumps san-san,
B extends.
W's influence will be useless.
In actual game,
W pincers.
If B jumps,
W jumps.
After this exchange,
B can't extend.
B must jump san-san.
W seals B in.
B takes sente to play a splitting move.
Now B has many territory,
and gets the splitting move here.
I think most of players would like to choose B.
W shimari.
If B extends,
W caps.
B jumps.
W peeps.
B connects.
B is very heavy.
B can simply jump.
B has already got a lot of territory.
B can give up some territory
just jump to the center.
If W extends,
B caps.
Next B can play here or kakari here.
In actual game,
B keima.
W can extend.
It's too slow.
B jumps.
B's shape is good and B's speed is fast.
So W caps.
It's the vital point.
B keima to get out.
W jumps.
B peeps.
W connects.
In actual game,
B keima.
It's too greedy.
The corner is already a living group,
the keima is just for territory,
not for life.
B should attach directly.
W can't hane here.
B nobi.
W bumps.
B nobi.
Now you see,
This stone is just at a very good position.
If W connects,
B turns.
B is comfortable,
and W has a cutting point here.
If W presses,
B nobi.
W is hard to reinforce.
If W connects,
B turns.
W's shape is bad.
In actual game,
when B attaches,
if W hane here,
B cuts.
W atari.
B nobi.
W nobi.
B turns.
W connects.
Compare to the actual game,
W doesn't have a stone here.
So B is much easier to fight.
B can simply nobi.
W connects.
B kosumi.
W jumps.
It's a fight and B will not be afraid.
W still has a weakness here.
All B can just double atari.
W nobi.
B captures.
W kosumi.
B is also not bad.
In actual game,
B keima.
This move is very big,
but not urgent.
B is too greedy.
W will not respond,
and W also doesn't have a proper move to respond.
If W attaches,
B bumps.
W has too many cutting points.
So W certainly tenuki.
W caps again.
B contacts. It's a probe.
If W kosumi to protect the corner,
B descents.
W hane.
B turns.
Now B is a living group.
W's center is too thin,
if B is a living group.
In actual game,
W nobi.
In the future,
if W reinforces here,
the exchange would be very bad for B.
But if B plays in the future,
B hane.
W hane.
B kosumi.
W atari.
B connects.
W connects.
B can get the corner.
B can also consider to attach.
W hane.
B budges.
If W atari,
B just makes the ko.
The ko is very, very heavy to W.
So B played a probe here,
and B got some aji.
Then B attaches.
You see now W has a stone here.
If B attached directly before the keima,
B would be much better.
W hane.
B cuts.
Now W can't nobi.
If W nobi.
B nobi.
W nobi.
B kosumi.
W reinforces.
B presses.
W turns.
B keima.
B can push here,
and the kosumi is also B's sente.
So B is a living group.
W is a floating group and very heavy.
This diagram is bad for W.
In actual game, W atari.
B nobi.
The sequence is very good.
B can't push.
W atari.
And atari here.
B will be killed.
In actual game,
B turns.
Then W connects.
This exchange is bad for B.
It's B's absolute sente.
B should reserve.
If B didn't make this exchange,
just played like the actual game,
B atari here.
W connects.
Then B pushes.
W still can't hane.
this is B's absolute sente.
W still has to jump.
Then B attaches.
W hane.
B connects.
W still has to reinforce here.
Because this B's sente.
So if W still has to play in this way,
why made this exchange?
If B didn't make this exchange,
this move will be B's sente.
B will be easy to make a life.
And B also has this technique.
B can attach.
If W atari,
W nobi.
W connects.
This result is good for B.
W's moyo is gone.
In actual game,
this exchange has been made,
so the kosumi is not B's sente.
Of course, B also doesn't have this technique.
In actual game,
B just hane.
B plays like this,
because B wants to make use of this stone
and play this technique.
If W nobi,
B will use this technique.
So W double hane,
and tries to get a sente.
B atari.
W connects.
B nobi.
Now it's honte for W to nobi.
Wang Mingwan didn't notice the ladder.
So W presses.
W may think, B would hane.
If B hane,
W atari.
B connects.
Then W turns.
B made a very bad exchange here,
then W still gets the corner.
This diagram is very good for W.
In actual game,
B nobi.
Now W should have realized the ladder.
It's honte for W to hane.
B hane.
W nobi.
B jumps.
Though this move becomes a bad move,
W has to play in this way.
In actual game,
W didn't even think of the ladder.
W still nobi.
B atari.
W atari.
B counter atari.
Now the ladder appears on the board,
W still responds.
That's very funny.
Till the last moment,
W still doesn't think about it.
It's true, W has many stones here,
there's no reason that B can ladder W.
But unexpectedly,
B really can.
W plays here,
and thinks B will net.
But B just atari.
W suddenly realized it's a ladder.
W has nothing to do other than resign.
It's only the move 59
and Wang Mingwan resigned.
Let's see what will happen.
If W escapes,
W is connected.
But B will atari here,
then atari here,
then atari here.
Now it's very clear.
Wang Mingwan made a huge mistake,
didn't see the ladder.
It's an interesting story.
I fully respect Wang Mingwan
and I like his playing style very much.
A single mistake doesn't mean anything.
He lost this game,
but finally he got the Honinbo title.
He was a top player at his age.
OK, here is the commentary.
See you next time.
Subtitled by: Small Qing.^_^