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  • We regret to inform you that Skyscraper has collapsed.

  • Pitched as "Die Hard meets The Towering Inferno," the Dwayne Johnson-led action movie premiered

  • to a significantly lower-than-expected financial reception, coming out of its first weekend

  • in third place at the box office.

  • As a result, the would-be franchise starter will be lucky to make its money back, much

  • less spark a new series.

  • More likely than not, you can forget about a sequel already.

  • So why is this disaster movie proving to be such a… disastrous movie?

  • Could the Rock's star be fading?

  • Is the movie actually that bad?

  • Let's tally up the numbers and figure out the real reasons Skyscraper couldn't stand

  • tall at the box office.

  • What's the damage?

  • According to a breakdown by The Hollywood Reporter, Skyscraper only managed a domestic

  • total of $25.5 million in its opening weekend.

  • The unexpectedly small take falls below Universal's projected opening of $30 million or more.

  • Against a budget of more than $125 million and a marketing budget of at least half that,

  • those numbers are a pretty poor showing, one which Box Office Mojo predicts will translate

  • into a $65 to $75 million domestic total.

  • Since these projected earnings wouldn't even cover half of Skyscraper's total cost, that

  • leaves a huge deficit to bridge in the international market, just for the sake of breaking even.

  • But with only $40.4 million coming in from the movie's global audience on opening weekend,

  • the chances of even that happening are looking vanishingly small.

  • I think I've seen this

  • If Skyscraper feels too familiar to be all that interesting, that's actually partially

  • by design.

  • Prior to the movie's release, Johnson described the movie on his social media as "a film that

  • paid homage and respect to the classic action movies that inspired me and entire generations

  • - Die Hard to Towering Inferno to The Fugitive."

  • The thing about those classic action movies is not just that we've seen them before, but

  • that we've also already seen them all get ripped off.

  • We've seen Cliffhanger, we've seen Speed, we've seen Daylight - and they all feel a

  • lot like Skyscraper.

  • So as much as Johnson and the movie's producers would like to praise Skyscraper as a modern

  • classic, it's not a quality that feels all that earned.

  • It doesn't help that Skyscraper comes off as feeling similar to some of Dwayne Johnson's

  • other recent movies, from San Andreas to Rampage to even The Fate of the Furious.

  • But that's not this movie's problem - that speaks to issues with the movie's marquee

  • star.

  • Over-exposed

  • Over a 14-month span starting in April 2017, Dwayne Johnson has been a lead star in five

  • different movies, including Baywatch, Jumanji, and now Skyscraper.

  • The avalanche of content shows no signs of stopping, but it might already be bringing

  • in diminishing returns.

  • In short, Johnson has opened himself up to the possibility of serious overexposure.

  • With no less than ten movies potentially coming down the pipeline for the actor, you'd have

  • to be crazy not to think that we're at risk of some serious Rock fatigue.

  • If it can happen to Star Wars, it can happen to the People's Champion.

  • Could Skyscraper's failure inspire Johnson to tone down the full-court press?

  • Maybe.

  • After all, how is the country ever going to elect him president if everyone's burned out

  • on his movies?

  • The competition

  • Whatever its own faults may be, Skyscraper was also outmatched at the box office by more

  • critically acclaimed competition.

  • On one side, there's Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation, another entry in the Adam

  • Sandler-starring animated series about Dracula and friends.

  • That family-friendly sequel won the weekend with $45 million, easily trouncing Skyscraper's

  • debut showing.

  • In second place, there's Ant-Man and the Wasp, with nearly $29 million.

  • According to both Rotten Tomatoes scores and Cinemascores, people walked out of these two

  • movies feeling satisfied, and ready to spread some positive word of mouth.

  • To its detriment at the box office, Skyscraper is proving more divisive, and without good

  • word of mouth behind it, things are only going to get worse from here.

  • Catch it later

  • So does Skyscraper really deserve this belly-flop of a reception?

  • Well, yes and no.

  • Put simply, Skyscraper is not the kind of appointment viewing that makes you want to

  • schlep out to the cinema, regardless of how bombastic its special effects might be.

  • Instead, it's the kind of thing you see accidentally, killing time with an in-flight movie while

  • you're on a plane.

  • Multiple reviews emphasized the movie's nature as something slight and inessential - enjoyable

  • enough as a nice diversion, but not good for much else.

  • In a crowded movie landscape, "good enough" often doesn't cut it - not when other movies

  • are competing for the same audience.

  • In these days of razor-thin profit margins, sometimes that's all you need to make a box-office

  • bomb.

We regret to inform you that Skyscraper has collapsed.


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    Imelda66 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日