字幕表 動画を再生する
There are Teslas everywhere in this city.
Up until today I'd seen a total of about five Teslas my entire life.
And three of those five were behind glass
そのうち3台は高級モールの ショーウインドーの向こう側でした
cases in luxury malls.
00:00:21,180 --> 00:00:26,180 オスロにきてまだ数時間ですが、 50台は見ました
I've been in Oslo for like a couple of hours and I've seen like 50 Teslas.
There's one right there.
They're beautiful, they're sleek, they are
efficient, they're fast and they're $70,000.
Here comes another one up the road.
ほら!またもう一台やってくる (※音は黄色い車からのもの)
Oh yeah.
00:00:41,820 --> 00:00:45,640 100%電気、ゼロガソリン
100% electricity, no gas, and it can go from like zero to 100 kilometers
in like five seconds. I have no idea, I'm not a car person, so I don't know if that's right.
Here in Norway in 2014, Tesla actually broke a record for number
of cars sold in a month for a single model, of any kind of car not just
2014年 ここノルウェーでテスラは
electric cars. And you look around for a few minutes and you realize it's not
「1つの車を1ヶ月でどれだけ多く売ったのか」 という記録を更新させました
just Teslas. There are electric cars everywhere. Like, I see electric cars in
電気自動車だけじゃなくて、 すべての種類の車でです。
the United States but nothing like this. Oh, there's a Tesla, there's a Tesla.
見回してみると テスラだけじゃにことに気が付きます。
There it goes.
Turns out that Oslo is actually the epicenter of electric cars generally.
EVはアメリカでも見かけますが、 ここほどじゃないです
You can tell which cars are electric by their license plate. So this "E" at the
beginning determines if it's electric. In 2016 in the United States of all the new
ここオスロが電気自動車の震源地だと いうことがよくわかりました。
cars that were purchased about 1% were electric, more like 0.9%.
ナンバープレートを見れば EVかどうがか分かります
In Norway it was 29% and that trend is only speeding up: in January this year the share was like
37% or something of all the cars purchased being electric.
Where on earth have I ended up? I've been kind of wandering around and I feel
2016年 アメリカで新しく購入された車のうち 1%はEVでした。
like I'm about to enter a secret cave. The real question is can I fly my drone
over this amazing waterfall? I've never flown a drone in Norway before so we'll see how this goes.
99% of Norway's electricity comes from hydropower which is like dams.
So you have really cheap clean energy that can be used to power these electric cars.
The real core explanation here, the reason why there are so many Teslas and so many
electric cars on the road comes down to government policy.
The government incentivizes very very strongly people to buy electric cars.
This happens in various forms: you get free parking if you drive an electric
car, you get access to the HOV Lane, which has way less traffic,
you don't have to pay registration fees, you get tax deductions on your income tax,
この素晴らしい滝の上にドローンを 飛ばしてみてもいいかな?
and perhaps the biggest incentive of all is on the business side: companies like
ドローンをノルウェーで飛ばしたことないから、 どうなるか見てみよう
Tesla don't ha ve to pay sales tax for selling here in Norway and so all of
ノルウェーの電力のうち99%は ダムのような水力発電で賄われている
this combined makes it actually way way cheaper for someone to buy a Tesla here
つまり 安くてクリーンなエネルギーが EVを動かすのに使われているわけだ
in Norway than to buy one in the United States.
これほど多くのテスラやEVが走っている 本当の理由は、
Well it's been fun exploring this random little area I think the big takeaway
from this whole entire journey so far is even thugz cry.
国がとても強くEVを買うように インセンティブを設定しているんだ
So just remember: even thugz cry.
Alright, this is perhaps my favorite sight so far.
EVを使っているなら、 無料の駐車場が使えて
There are 2,000 of these charging stations here in Oslo.
HOV車線っていう渋滞になりにくい 優先道路が使えて、
Excuse me can I ask you a couple, I'm so curious about - can I record it? Yeah, of course.
登録料を払わなくていいし、 所得に対して減税も適用されるし
So it's it's all free. It's free? Yeah, it's free.
This is what you get from buying an electric car. You get free charging and
テスラみたいな会社は 売上が課税対象じゃないんだ
you can go in and out of Oslo without paying for the "bompenger" (toll).
All of these subsidies we're talking about that, help fund these electric cars are funded
こういったことが全部合わさって ノルウェーでテスラを買うととても安くなる
by what's called sovereign wealth fund. It's this huge fund that Norway has it's
worth almost a trillion dollars. The government owns it it's basically their
rainy day fund and this is what they use to fund the subsidies.
この旅の全体的なポイントがなにかって 考えてみたけど、それは、
The sovereign wealth fund in Norway is comprised almost entirely of oil money,
oil and gas money, fossil fuels. Norway's a huge producer of oil and gas and they sell
覚えておこう 「チンピラでも泣く」
that to other countries and reap the benefits in terms of revenue and put
この景色 もしかしたら一番好きかもしれない
that into the sovereign wealth fund which then gets funneled into subsidies
for electric cars. So they're not burning the oil here and releasing carbon into
(すみません。とっても気になってて…) (録画してもいいですか...?) (もちろん)
the atmosphere but they're sending off to go be burned somewhere else.
全部無料です (Johnny)無料 !? そうです。
I asked my friend Tor what he thinks about this. Tor, what do you feel about Norway being
this green sustainable society, but really depending at the end of the day
無料で充電出来て、 オスロから出入りするのに…えーっと…
on fossil fuels in order to make that happen?
Is that a tension within the Norwegian psyche? So I think the way we resolve it
"Bompenger"を! ("Bompenger" = 通行料)
is basically that the world needs oil. It needs, you know there's a lot of
ここまで話してきたような、 EV関連のすべての助成金は
countries are developing: China, India, that will always need energy and we
would argue that we extract it more greenly than other countries.
We're buying good conscience for sure yeah but like it's better than
doing anything. We're fully aware that there's like green shift we're talking
about is funded by you know oil money. The irony is not lost on us in any way.
So I think Tor is right -- I think that the fact that Norway is exporting its carbon
ノルウェーの”国王福祉基金”は ほぼオイルマネーによって出来上がっています
footprint to other countries, it doesn't cancel out all of the wonderful
オイルとガスのお金です 化石燃料。
progressive green things that they're doing here.
This is a story about incentives and green infrastructure and a green society but it's also a story
about how fossil fuels continue to make the world go round.
I am tired and jet-lagged and haven't slept in like twenty three hours.
それを基金に納めます。 それがEV助成金に流れるんです
I'm gonna go to bed. It was a fun day chasing Teslas. Tomorrow, we go to the North Pole.
国内でオイルを燃やして 二酸化炭素を出してはいないものの、