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  • Hello. My name is John Marlin. I am a Program Manager on the Windows Server Team.

  • This video will give you a brief introduction into a new feature in Windows Server 2019 called Cluster Sets.

  • So what is Cluster Sets? Cluster Sets is a loosely coupled grouping of Failover Clusters.

  • Combining those clusters together to, in essence, make one large Cluster.

  • It allows for virtual machine fluidity across clusters for balancing and maintenance tasks.

  • It has a self-managed and dynamically updated single unified namespace that it uses.

  • And most importantly, Cluster Sets is all about scale without the loss of resiliency.

  • So how it work? As you see here, I have four individual clusters.

  • Creating a Cluster Set will combine those Clusters together using that single namespace for centralized Cluster Set Management.

  • So how does it work with virtual machines?

  • When creating a new virtual machine, you will specify this unified namespace.

  • Based on minimum memory and CPU criteria that you have set, Cluster Sets will determine the best Cluster to put it on.

  • Repeat the action for any additional virtual machines that you create.

  • In some cases, high end virtual machines need to go to a specific Cluster for whatever reason.

  • This virtual machine, as an example, could be SQL Server.

  • Specifying a "tag" on a Cluster allows you to point that new virtual machine to that specific Cluster.

  • So does it interfere with any normal clustering operations?

  • The answer is no.

  • Everything will continue to work that you would traditionally see on a Cluster.

  • Things such as preferred owners, node isolation, load balancing within the same cluster,

  • normal failovers, normal failbacks between individual nodes of the same cluster.

  • All still continue to work as normal.

  • One of the things that it does give you is the ability to move virtual machines across the different Clusters.

  • Cluster Sets will keep track of the location of the clusters the virtual machines are on.

  • The individual cluster determines which node it should run on.

  • Cluster Sets is ideal for compute end of life and let me give you an example.

  • Here, I want to move all the virtual machines off of a cluster.

  • In this case, Cluster 1 I am going to decommission.

  • Once they are all moved off, remove that cluster from within Cluster Sets and,

  • at that point, remove the cluster.

  • Decommission it, repurpose it for other cluster means,

  • whatever you need to do.

  • So for more information regarding Cluster Sets,

  • if you are currently not a Windows Insider, join from the following web site.

  • Join up on the Insider Program.

  • Download the latest Windows Server 2019 Insiders Build.

  • All documentation is available at

  • We even have a hands-on lab on GitHub that will walk you through

  • creating a Cluster Set, creating virtual machines,

  • moving virtual machines between the clusters, all provided for you.

  • And please provide feedback through the Windows 10 Feedback hub or,

  • if you prefer email,

  • Thank You for Watching this video and I hope you give Cluster Sets a try.

Hello. My name is John Marlin. I am a Program Manager on the Windows Server Team.


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Windows Server 2019 クラスターセットのすべてを知る (Learn all about Windows Server 2019 Cluster Sets)

  • 48 4
    Weithenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日