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  • Hey guys, what's up its Mike Chen.

  • Before we start,

  • I just want to say that there will be no food in this video

  • So if you're here for that, sorry.

  • That's not what this video is gonna be about.

  • Wait actually you know what?

  • You have some drama snacks here. I mean I could eat this and talk at the same tim- all right

  • We're not gonna do any food in this video

  • This is the first comments video on this channel that I'm doing.

  • I've been getting a lot of comments from you guys

  • So I want to thank you all so much for doing that.

  • Um, I do try to read as many as possible

  • And I don't always get a chance to respond.

  • So I wanted to just start making videos. Maybe once a month

  • Uh- to respond to the comments

  • But we're going to do something a little bit different on this particular video

  • Because like I said, this is the first comments video for this channel.

  • And we wrapped up probably hundreds of thousands of comments before this.

  • And there had been a lot of comments where a lot of

  • questions that had been pretty similar; it comes up a lot.

  • So I want to address all those in this video

  • So here we go!

  • Frequently asked question number one.

  • Are you related to Jackie Chan?

  • I get this a lot through all my channels.

  • Are you related to Jackie Chan? Are you his son?

  • Uh- you look like Jackie Chan or I don't want to be racist, but you look like Jackie Chan.

  • Um, here's the thing guys.

  • I-I-I want to address this because it's been weighing on me for years.

  • I-I wanna talk about this and finally get it out of my chest.

  • And I wanna talk about it because this is a secret that

  • I just don't feel like I can keep anymore and

  • the truth of the matter is

  • Yes, I am related to Jackie Chan.

  • I am his long-lost child.

  • I just want to convey that i-it's it-it's been really difficult and

  • If he wants to compensate be in some way, like add my name to his will

  • That'll make me feel a lot better.

  • I mean money won't fix the years of neglect

  • And the- and the pain that I feel

  • Never hearing from him. But.. I mean, it'll help.

  • The next question a lot of people ask me is: do I get nervous filming my food video?

  • So you guys know for uh- a lot of my food videos?

  • I-I'm really in the restaurant when it's really busy in cases like Hong Kong, Taiwan

  • I'm sitting on a table full of uh- just random strangers filming m-my food videos. And do I get nervous?

  • Uh, N-not anymore. It's kind of like you're in a bubble just doing your own thing.

  • And then as time went on, it just became easier and easier

  • And now because there are a lot of people vlogging around the world

  • so it's not as strange for people

  • to see someone talking into the camera.

  • I definitely get a lot of looks, like i-in places like Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries where

  • Vlogging may not be as popular as it is here.

  • I am a little nervous and we're getting in to our third question

  • Which is, a lot of people ask me do you tell the restaurant at the time that you're coming?

  • I am a little nervous sometimes when I do not tell them I'm coming.

  • I try to I try to give them a heads up

  • Um, but there are circumstances where I feel like uh-

  • there's some restaurants there, that they have their own marketing company

  • And it's really a pain to try to tell them "Hey I want to come and film a video."

  • because they don't get back to you for like a month

  • And then there's this back and forth.

  • It just makes things really complicated.

  • Or maybe there's a restaurant that has an owner who doesn't really understand

  • what Youtube is; i-is really kinda suspicious of anybody with the camera

  • So in some cases I just walk in, order food and film the video

  • and hope that nobody really says anything to me.

  • But usually when I know that the decision maker is in the restaurant

  • I'll typically talk to them because it's always

  • Easier to be able to come in and to be able to take your time

  • and not be too nervous about whether the owner is looking at you weird.

  • This next comment I get a lot.

  • People always say "yeah, you think everything tastes good. Y-you like everything in your videos"

  • Well, there's a reason for that.

  • When I go somewhere and film, 95% of the time I've been there before.

  • So basically in my spare time I'm going out

  • trying all these places if I find a place that's absolutely amazing

  • I want to share with you guys. I want to share with you the location

  • I want to share with you all the dishes that I really like in that particular restaurant

  • So when I go in there to film,

  • I'm ordering all the stuff that I love. Which is why when you see the video

  • I love everything because I make sure

  • I loved it before I went and filmed it.

  • And what I try to do on this channel is make sure that all the food that I'm featuring

  • all the places that I'm featuring is really good

  • They are places that you should go to because their food is delicious

  • I don't want to make a video and make you guys watch a complete video called

  • I don't know- New York Wontons

  • and show you a place where I go in and try the wontons.

  • It is absolutely horrendous, and the whole video is like

  • "Yeah, I went to this place, it's just really bad"

  • The next frequently asked question is do you finish everything?

  • I try to I really hate wasting food.

  • I hate it. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. I hate wasting food

  • So I really try to finish everything I can.

  • Do I always do it? No.

  • So usually when I go to a place I know I'm gonna get a lot of dishes

  • where I know there's gonna be a big quantity of food I usually try to bring a lot

  • Of friends with me so they can uh-

  • share the food, and that's why you guys see a lot of co-hosts even then though

  • [there's] some times where the food is [just] is just way too much how the next frequently asked question is how come you're not?

  • Bats with Okita through that you eat. Well, I don't you like that every single day. It's not like every day

  • I'm going out and eating you know like a whole pizza or something I?

  • Work out every single day. I credit a [lot] of this to the Asian metabolism

  • I don't know

  • I don't know if that's a real thing

  • But I feel like it has really helped me next question I get a lot is what do you do for work [um] well?

  • this I'm a full time youtuber this is just one of my lot of you guys know [I] [have] a lot of channels a

  • little too many, but

  • Yeah, I have a team of people that I work with or all awesome

  • And we try to put an awesome content to everybody and by far

  • This is my favorite channel to work on because my biggest passion in life is food

  • I love eating I love going to different places and trying out new food. Everything's just to me everything revolves around food

  • I work out to eat. I travel to eat is just everything it revolves around eating [ah] next

  • Faq um

  • Where should I go eat in New York, okay? I get this question a lot lot of people message me

  • I'm heading to [New] York this weekend

  • What should I eat a lot of the places I've done videos for on this channel?

  • So I know that's been convenient right you can't just like pull up a Youtube channel and just start like looking through all the videos

  • A player sure that's kind of a pain. I understand that that's why I am [gonna] be working on an e-book

  • Hopefully they'll be out. I don't know

  • Early next year, and it's going to have all my favorite eating spots in New York City, Asian

  • Whatever all different spots in some places

  • I like to go I would recommend as a tourist not times square next question. I always get is what camera equipment?

  • Do you use actually did a video about this on my vlog channel you guys don't follow me on [my] blogs

  • You know you should it's really kind of I think it's fun anyway

  • [my] documents on my trips I do you put a lot of eating stuff in there because they might not be so good

  • I need to feature on this channel

  • But they are like random places I go eat when I'm traveling so [oh] that's on a vlog channel and the camera equipment video is

  • Over there x well you can check that out and finally I get a lot of comments from you guys

  • Tell me you got to come to [singapore]. You got to come to Japan. I want to let you guys know that next year

  • I'm going to be traveling a lot

  • I want [to] make traveling to foreign places eating different foods from different countries different regions of the us

  • Whatever. I want to make that a big part of this channel end up this year

  • I'm going to camp for about a week and a half and I'm going [to] singapore that maybe MalaySia

  • So I'll definitely keep you guys updated to where I'm traveling to please guys follow me on

  • Facebook Twitter Instagram this way I can easily get information out to everybody oh one bonus question I wanna

  • I want to address a lot of people asking me about the cooking videos um they are coming because I moved to this new location

  • I've been working on a lot of other videos. Well with my team so haven't got around to the cooking videos. I'm really sorry

  • But they are coming the next one. I'll let you guys know what the next one is I'll probably be filming this hopefully next week

  • Taiwanese beef noodle soup as you know I've had a lot of beef noodle soup in my lifetime

  • So I put together this recipe is finally to the point where I think it tastes really good

  • So can't wait to share with you guys. I want to start doing a live stream

  • session with you guys, so I could just be like a qa or maybe a live cooking demo or

  • [nofa] I don't know what it could be so that's right now going to be on Facebook

  • So again like my [Facebook] page because live streaming on YouTube. It's just I don't know it for some reason. It's so cumbersome

  • It's really difficult on Facebook

  • It's the simplest thing so if you are interested in that definitely let me know in the comments below and thank you guys so much

  • For watching this first comments video see you later

Hey guys, what's up its Mike Chen.


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A2 初級

よくある質問/コメントの回答10選 (10 Frequently Asked Questions/Comments Answered)

  • 117 3
    Michelle に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日