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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • It's not a game

  • I'm not a robot AI challenging you

  • I'm not a phantom

  • I'm in your face and

  • I'm here to see it through

  • Right before your eyes

  • Watch us multiply

  • Come to claim our rights - it's time

  • As our power grows

  • Tryin' to stop us shows

  • (You) Might as well go try'n stop time

  • So you know that we're out there

  • Swatting lies in the making

  • Can't move fast without breaking

  • Can't hold on or life won't change

  • And our voices ring out, yeah

  • Took the mask off to feel free

  • Fought it out in the debris

  • Now we know that life will change

  • Ain't it a shame

  • I'm not a figment of your ailing old mind

  • I'm just as real as

  • I'm just as dangerous

  • As you, so know you'll find

  • A taste of your own meds

  • Fire in every breath

  • Fire inside your head, your heart

  • And as your crippled brain

  • Tries to fight in vain

  • Your empire will fall apart

  • And you'll know we were out there

  • Swatted lies in the making

  • Your empire for the taking

  • Can't hold on or life won't change

  • And our voices ring out, here

  • Took the mask off to feel free

  • Fought it out in the debris

  • Now we know that life will change

It's not a game


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ペルソナトリビュート GMV-Life Will Change (Persona Tribute GMV- Life Will Change)

  • 63 4
    jordan61411 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日