字幕表 動画を再生する
This is Trinity. The healer, the equalizer.
Specializing in support, she can provide much needed reinforcements in battle.
Trinity's abilities focus on restoration and preservation, rather than destruction.
Well of Life highlights and transfers health from its targets to Trinity
or any ally who attacks it, providing restoration in the heat of battle.
Well of Lifeは対象の敵を空中に拘束し その敵を攻撃したプレイヤーのヘルスを回復します
Energy Vampire radiates energy to nearby players every few seconds, while causing damage to its target.
Energy Vampireはターゲットに 時間経過によるダメージを与えつつ
Link reduces incoming damage away from Trinity and transfers it to nearby enemies at full strength.
Did you call for backup, Tenno? Blessing immediate restores the health and shield of all teammates
regardless of their position, with the addition of temporary invulnerability.
Blessingは分隊全員のヘルスとシールドを即座に全回復し 一時的に無敵状態にします
Trinity is an incredible support frame and equipping mods will help to increase her ability to
いろんなMODを装備しアビリティを強化することで Trinityはいかなる状況でも仲間を支援できます
assist her allies in the heat of battle.
A duration mod will benefit all of Trinity's abilities and, combined with strength mods,
さらに威力MODでWell of LifeとEnergy Vampireの回復量を 大幅に増加します
Well of Life and Energy Vampire will see marked increases in their health and energy extraction.
範囲MODを装着することで 支援できる仲間の人数を増やせます
Adding a ranged mod to the mix will also increase the area of effectiveness of her healing abilities.
Trinityは戦場では必須の存在です 彼女は命の恩人となることでしょう
Trinity is a must for any high-stakes mission; she'll save your life, Tenno.