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we all make mistakes from time to time
and nobody is perfect so learning how to
give an effective apology is a useful tool
apologizing can rebuild trust or
even repair a strained relationship
one : Regret
it's important to start your apology by
clearly conveying your regret over your
behavior acknowledge the pain
disappointment or inconvenience you
caused and having empathy towards the
person you've heard
two : Responsibilities
this means owning up to your mistake and
taking the blame except complete
responsibility for what you did in the
consequences of your actions for your
apology to be effective you can't try to
shift the blame to someone else
which brings us to
three : Make no excuses
its natural to want to make excuses for
your actions when apologizing but it may
come off as insincere on the other hand
by taking responsibility for your
actions without making excuses you will
likely gain respect and forgiveness from
the person you're apologizing to
Four : Remedy
offer a way to make up for the
damage you've caused this can be done in
a number of ways such as promising not
to do it again we're paying for any
physical damage you caused
Five : Requests for forgiveness
make it a point to ask
for forgiveness
this may seem obvious but you have to
make sure that the person you're
apologizing to knows that you want to
gain their forgiveness not just relieve
yourself of any kill you feel
keep intention and attitude in mind when
you're apologizing coming across as
insincere will lower your chances of being forgiven
it's important that you reflect on what
you've done wrong and truly feel sorry
for what you did before attempting to
try putting yourself in the shoes of the
person you're apologizing to
would you be upset if you were them?
What would you want to hear as far as an apology goes?
also don't forget that intention and
attitude can be translated non-verbally
as well through eye contact
facial expressions and body language
take some time to think about the last
time you apologize to someone or someone
else apologize to you do you think it
was effective
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thanks for watching and have a wonderful day