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smoke weed m9.
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Hello, and welcome.
You suck. (Yes)
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay. How about something lighter? You're not that great. Sorry for sounding a bit smug.
I promise I mean well. Don't worry. I'm not that great either. Okay, so let's just say it together.
I suck at pretty much everything
I suck at pretty much
Everything, you're not even saying it out loud!
You're not even saying it out loud. Listen, I don't actually care about helping you here
Listen. I don't actually care about helping you here
It's just that this is something that I've learned from being a high profile
Personality online over the couple years and that is it's better to just acknowledge that you're not that great
And I don't mean it in a self destructive kind of way. I'm just talking about ego
It's something that I used to struggle with or at least. I think it's a constant struggle when you are this handsome
That was a funny joke right?
For someone that's gone through somewhat of an ego trip
I think it's so easy to spot when other people are going through it
And it's such an ugly behavior that I can't even
Sympathise with the person going through it and a lot of times. I criticize through videos when these sort of things happen
We don't need to get into any names okay, when I first received my first bit of
hate or criticism
I'm gonna use the term hate very loosely in this video because that's how I think people do in general and that's kind of a
Problem in itself when I received my first bit of "hate"
It was about six seven years ago, and I had just been making videos
And it was just me and my audience and no one had really sort of interfered with that
And we just had our own special group and bubble, and it was it was a beautiful time honestly
Looking back, but then I did get criticized for being squeaky screaky humor
sexual content
like sexual jokes for kids and
Inappropriate humor in general and very childish, and I I just was not equipped to handle it
I never faced any sort of criticism especially in the way
They as ruthless as the Internet can be as well you might be criticized by one person
But then a whole army of the internet cult sort of joins in my sort of first reaction to it was
There's nothing wrong with me, okay
There's something wrong with you, and why by the way why are you even criticizing me?
If you don't like my content, then don't watch it, and that's a classic ego
Response I think because you're sort of saying that oh, I'm above criticism just because you don't like me
It's your problem and not mine and it makes sense and that's sort of the sentiment. That's been carried out
I think for a long time that
You should just brush off hate comments and never pay attention to them in retrospect and looking back. I'm really glad.
I listened to hate comments.
I'm really glad I I was able to pick out at least.
What I thought I could improve on and I think if I didn't do that.
I probably wouldn't even keep making videos at this point because I would either number one.
Let all the hate actually build up and get to me or number two I would have justed stay the same.
I would have done the same super squeaky content as I've always done and no one would care to watch that for
for that long at least so I
Feel pretty sure that that wouldn't be the case and I also think that it made me want to improve
I think opening up in a way it made me improve on things that I never thought I would improve on it made me
Learn things that I never thought I would learn. Thanks to hate comments, so I sort of wanted to make this video to
Open up that idea into people's mind that maybe
It's not all that bad
I'm not ignoring the fact that some are just straight up garbage comments that you should 100% ignore. I'm just saying that
If you are honest with yourself, and you are honest with your ideas
Then you have the at least the ability to tell that apart because if you're honest with yourself
Complete as well as you can at least then if someone calls you out on something or some type of behavior
Then you can look at yourself more critically instead of immediately going into defense mode, or there's nothing wrong with me mode
there's something wrong with you and
For an example. I don't mean to keep dragging on the Logan Paul thing
But I think it's a it's an interesting one because his first response
just that it was very different from his video that he made and I think you can tell just like I did a
Few years ago he went through the same mind thing mindset of
Wanting to defend yourself versus maybe I'm not that great well
We saw how long that lasted, but still if you really think about it hate comments can be?
free unbiased
criticism that you receive
anonymously which you
Won't get from even your closest friends most likely at least and I think a lot of times when you see celebrities are online.
Personalities, surrounded by big groups. That's when they usually have a big ego problem because there's no one there to call them out on their.
Behaviour, I think a lot of times hate comments can be a really useful tool
It just comes in a very very ugly shape. I'm not ignoring that. Obviously it's important to have confidence and self-esteem.
I'm not saying you shouldn't have that, but I think.
Deciphering or listening to hate comments.
have honestly given me that because I can honestly and confidently tell them apart
I can tell apart if someone's being an idiot or if there's actually something valuable in there, and this is sort of the point
I'm trying to make here
Is that a lot of times you might get a really bad comment that might make you feel really really uncomfortable
And they might contain X Y & Z but then maybe let's say Z is really valuable
Constructive criticism, I don't like being criticized. I can just brush this off completely because x & y was makes this a hate comment
Does this make any sense at all you're sort of using their own weapon against them anyway?
Maybe I'm trying to do a more positive spin on this then there is, but this is just from my experience
I'm sure not everyone is like this taking criticism is very uncomfortable
But I think it's important to at least open yourself up just for a second of that feeling of being uncomfortable
And sort of just play with that thought instead of just completely throwing it away, because I think that can lead to really
dangerous behaviour and which
I'll get into in a second and don't get me wrong. It's hard
It's really hard to take hate comments, and I think I I sort of categorize them in in four different
Shapes number one is to straight-up dumb hate comments that are just trying to make you feel bad
And there's nothing else in there just ignore those number two. It's the ones that are ignorant and hateful
They base some sort of judgment on you, and they don't know something that you know just ignore that as well there
There's nothing valuable there obviously as well number three
I noticed some comments disguise themselve as constructive criticism
But really it's just a vicious attempt to seem like they're not trying to cause you harm
But they are in fact trying to do that just go ahead and ignore those as well and number four which is
Hate comments trying to drag you down, but actually contain valuable criticism
That's the one that I think it is least worth to consider and even then you have to be very critical of it
Listen I never said it was easy
Because obviously you're not supposed to just conform to what anyone else wants you to be you're not just supposed to listen
Oh, oh, I did that wrong. Maybe I should do this you sort of have to figure that out yourself
I think if I just listened to all the criticism
I got by the media and to be fair a lot of it has been valid criticism
And that's why I realized when I have to confess to it. I as opposed if I listen to all of it
I would literally just be another celebrity with no opinion and thoughts on my own that went outside the
The mainstream media narrative at least it wouldn't have been honest
It wouldn't have been honest to who how I think and Who I am so the key point here is really honesty
And I'm not saying drive yourself mad by listening to hate comments all the time
That's not it at all, but this is just something you sort of have to learn
If you want to be an internet
Personality, or I don't know in general they might be worth it
I don't know. It's really great trying to prove a point by saying
I don't know by opening up yourself to the idea that
Maybe I'm not that great you sort of open up your self to improve
And if you don't do that and if you completely just throw it away, then like I said you run into
Probably a lot of issues along the line
You're not just cheating how you look at yourself
But you also have to start cheating how the whole world is different because you have to defend your ego for example
this is why Amy Schumer thinks that the reason because her TV show did poorly is because of
Politics and not because maybe it wasn't that great
imagine having to tell yourself that instead of just questioning yourself alright, maybe my movie wasn't that great and
Maybe there's some valid criticism here that I can improve for my next movie
Oh look at that, then her next movies doing super bad as well think about it
This way you cannot become great if you already know that you are
and if you don't want to do any of this that's fine most likely you probably will never have to even but I think it's
A valuable lesson for a lot of YouTube personalities or internet celebrities in general I see a lot of my even favorite creators
Really struggled with this and like I said, I think since I went through it
I could tell what other people are and it's just a shame, and I'm not saying I'm completely without an ego either
I think everyone needs some sort of level of it at least
But I think that the fact that we have adopted this idea that all hate comments are just
Inherently bad is actually really harmful, and I think that's what creates really insane people
Deep down we all know that we're not that great
Whether we want to admit that or not and unless you accept that
You will absolutely lower your chance of ever becoming something more than what you already are
PS, you suck. Thank you for listening
I, uh.
Don't know if this was helpful at all, but it's just some thoughts I wanted to share
Goodbye, if you're an influencer or creator with an ego problem contact PewDiePie for a personal therapy consultation today by calling
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