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Hey friends, I'm Rachna and I'm back with a new lesson. Well today I was a little confused
what lesson do I take up, and then one of my friends said, " You are supposed to reach
them how to use 'suppose to'." Okay, so well, another modal verb here for you-supposed to.
Now, being a modal verb, it has various uses and it is used in different context, okay.
So, first remember it is always 'supposed to', okay. So don't minus the 'd', it's always
with a 'd' -supposed to, okay. Also remember, when you use supposed to, you have to use
the verb in the 'be' form, the be form verb before supposed to, okay. So it could be,
he is supposed to, I am supposed to, you are supposed to. In the past, you were supposed
to, he was supposed to, okay. So that's what I mean, use the be form before 'supposed to',
okay. So, the new James Bond movie is supposed to be excellent. Now see the be form, alright,
is supposed to be excellent. So you always have a verb in the first form, supposed to
be, supposed to go. So you have supposed to be excellent. Now when I tell you this that
the new movie is supposed to be excellent, that means it is believed okay, it is believed
that the new movie is supposed to be excellent or the new movie is excellent, it is believed,
okay, or it is said, alright. Well, uh, it is believed that Starbucks coffee is really
nice.So, Starbucks coffee is supposed to be really nice. Okay well, I love Starbucks,
okay. So Starbucks coffee is supposed to be nice. That means it is said to be nice. It
is believed to be nice. So, this is one of the ways of using supposed to when you want
to say it is believed or it is said, okay. So, let's take look at another use of supposed
to. I am supposed to get to work at eight. Well, here it means something that is expected
from you okay, or when you tell someone your supposed to, your expecting something from
the other person. It's more like 'should' also. Like I should get to work by eight,
so I'm supposed to, expected from you, okay. If I don't, trust me I'm in big trouble. So,
I'm supposed to get to work by eight. Remember, to use the be form, alright. So, I'm supposed
to, you have the 'd' here, I'm supposed to get to work by eight. Certain rules and regulations,
expected from me, I'm supposed to. Alright, so sometimes when you tell your teacher, " I
haven't done my homework." She'll look at you and say, "You are supposed to do your
homework every single day." It is expected from you that you should do your homework
every single day. So when something is expected, you are supposed to do it. Well, it may sound
a little like an obligation also where you have no choice, it could be a duty and you're
just supposed to do it, okay. So I'm gonna tell you now, "You are supposed to watch all
our videos, all our lessons okay and your are supposed to subscribe and you're supposed
to tell your friends to subscribe to our channel, okay." So don't forget, you're supposed to
watch all lessons and take the test, too. Okay, so in this context it means something
that is expected to be done, okay. If I say, "You were supposed to phone me last night
and you didn't." That means something was to happen but actually did not happen. So
see here I'm using it in the past-you were, it's the past form of 'be'. You were supposed
to phone me but you didn't last night, okay. So, the fact that I'm saying you were supposed
to phone me is because it actually did not happen. I didn't receive a call from you last
night, alright. Okay, so well, my friend John was supposed to marry Maria last week, but
well, some issues and they didn't marry. So something that was to happen or was supposed
to happen but it actually didn't happen. That is why I tell you, my friend John was supposed
to marry Maria last week. It means he was to marry, but actually it didn't happen, probably
the wedding was called off, okay. And let's take one more look at supposed to. I am not
supposed to tell you the details discussed in the meeting. So if you're gonna come around
being super curious asking me what happened. Now, I'm putting it in the negative, I am
not supposed to. So, when you use not supposed to, that means you use supposed to in the
negative-not supposed to, it means you are not allowed to do something, you are prohibited
from doing something. So I tell you, listen, no offends okay, I'm really sorry. I'm not
supposed to tell you the details discussed in the meeting, sorry, okay. So that means
I'm banned, I'm restricted, I'm prohibited from sharing certain things with you. So,
you can say it's not allowed to, okay or you're prohibited from doing something. So suppose
you see someone smoking in a public place, well you may just go and happen hello, you
are not supposed to smoke in here ya, because you are banned, you're not allowed to, you're
prohibited from smoking here, so you're not supposed to smoke in here. okay friends, so
quick recap, remember supposed to is a modal verb. Always use the be form before supposed
to, it could be is am are, was were in the past, okay. It is always supposed to, do not
write suppose to, okay, fine. So remember when you want to say something is believed
this way or it is said this way, you use supposed to. When something is expected from you, like
reaching work on time or doing your homework or well watching all our lessons, you are
supposed to watch all our lessons. You were supposed to for something that was to happen
but actually did not happen in real. So you were supposed to do something but you didn't
and well in the negative when you use not supposed to, that means you're not allowed
to or you are prohibited from doing something, okay friends. Well, this brings me to the
end of another lesson. I hope you enjoyed watching it. Well do remember, you are supposed
to take a test, okay. I'll be back soon with a new lesson. Till then take care and bye.