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Band 9 Essay 7
You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
At school, children should either be taught to compete or to cooperate.
Which form of education do you think would best benefit society?
Describe both sides of the argument and explain your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Band 9 Sample Answer:
Educational methods vary around the world.
In some countries, competition is considered more important, while in other countries,
cooperation is viewed as a more essential skill.
In my opinion, both cooperation and competition are vital components of a complete education.
Competitiveness is an attribute that is encouraged in many cultures, and it can be useful in
many ways.
Firstly, a child that learns how to compete and succeed will have advantages over the
child who shies away from competition.
For example, the child that has competitive drive and works hard to excel will create
opportunities for himself or herself, and will be better equipped to handle challenges
and find solutions.
Healthy competition can benefit society by encouraging individuals to work hard, strive
and succeed.
On the other hand, cooperation is also an essential skill.
Members of society must be able to cooperate in order to create successful, peaceful communities.
If individuals work only competitively, without cooperating, then society will become fragmented.
A good example to illustrate this point is a sports team; if one individual strives alone
to succeed, his or her task will be more difficult.
But if the team works together towards a common goal through cooperation, their chances of
winning are better.
For these reasons, cooperation should be taught in schools to create strong communities and
a cooperative society.
Therefore, it is my opinion that cooperation and competition are both essential elements
of education and should both be taught in schools.
If education is approached from both angles, a child might be taught to strive and succeed,
but also to help those around him or her to do the same, therefore benefiting society
by instilling both a sense of personal satisfaction but also of helpfulness.
In conclusion, cooperation and competition, when taught together to young people, will
create a future generation of successful and considerate citizens.
(309 words)
Band 9 Essay 8
You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Fatherhood is equally as important as motherhood.
What is your opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Band 9 Sample Answer:
Both parents play an important role in raising children.
A well-adjusted child needs nurturing and guidance from both parents.
Therefore, in my opinion, fatherhood is just as important as motherhood because fathers
and mothers play different roles in the lives of children, and both influences are equally
important to the healthy emotional development of children.
The role of motherhood is often thought of as the more important parental influence because
the mother is the principal caregiver in the early stages of a child's life.
It is the mother who nurtures the child physically, feeds the child and most often forms the first
strong parental bond with the child.
A mother usually offers the child gentle comforts and constant security in the first few years.
This role is critical in the emotional and social development of children, as it is these
ties that give a child confidence and security.
The role of fatherhood is often thought of as a less important one, but in my opinion,
a father's influence is equally important to that of the mother.
The father often plays the role of provider and protector.
While these are generalisations, they still apply to the majority of father/child relationships.
In my own experience, my father taught me discipline, control, and encouraged me to
work hard.
He was less of a physical presence in my life, but his influence was strong nonetheless.
I believe it is the combination of both my parents' influences that helped me become
successful in life.
In conclusion, I believe that fathers and mothers are equally important in a child's
Ideally, the roles of the two parents will complement each other and the combination
of both will help children reach their full potential.
(288 words)
Band 9 Essay 9
You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Smoking in public places should be banned.
Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Band 9 Sample Answer:
Smoking in public places has become a widely disputed issue and many people believe that
all public smoking should be banned.
Others believe that people should have the right to smoke where and when they choose.
I agree that smoking in public should be banned because second-hand smoke has been proven
to be just as dangerous as first-hand smoke, so a smoker is not just risking his or her
own health, but also all others who share a confined space.
In many countries, people have the freedom to make their own choices about their lifestyle,
their diet and their daily routines.
Therefore, when they are confronted with new rules which limit their choices, they object
to the changed laws.
If smoking were banned in public places, people used to smoking wherever they chose would
feel that they were losing a piece of their freedom.
In this case, that restriction is warranted, however, because by smoking in public places,
they are causing a health risk not just to themselves, but to everyone around them.
Smoking not only causes health problems for the smoker, but also for people who breathe
the second-hand smoke.
In fact, second-hand smoke has been proven to double the risk of lung cancer and emphysema
for non-smokers if they are exposed to smoke in a confined space over a five-year period.
Therefore, by smoking in public places, smokers are not just damaging their own health, but
also causing significant risk to those around them.
In conclusion, I agree that smoking should be banned in all public places because second-hand
smoke is almost as dangerous as first-hand smoke.
People should have the right to maintain their health when they go to bars and restaurants
and should not be subjected to the health risks imposed by someone else's habit.
(299 words)