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  • Right-o, Lars. That's enough of you for one night. You'll be bothering my other customers.

  • Alright, alright, fine.

  • How's about one for the road, though?

  • Somethin' for to get me movin', like.

  • Nuh-uh, not until you settle up.

  • I'll not serve you tomorrow, either.

  • Not until you pay your considerable tab.

  • Ahh, 's fair enough.

  • A good night to ye, barkeep.

  • I'll see you anon.

  • Heh

  • slipped eels under me blankets”...

  • Ha!

  • Ahhhhhhhhh...

  • Heh, sounds like someone be workin' late.

  • Bit late for carvin' your catch, ain't it?

  • It'll wait 'til morning.

  • Hello?

  • Oh...

  • Oh, by the Lady's Beard!

  • I seen nothin', friend.

  • 'Tis no business o' mine.

  • I'll just be on me way!

  • You...

  • You look familiar

  • No... It can't be...

  • Pyke?

  • You're dead!

  • The beast took ye!

  • Yes

  • you were there.

  • You cut my line.

  • It weren't me!

  • Honest, I told them!

  • Told them it weren't right!

  • Stay back!

  • Stay back, I say!

  • What?

  • Where'd he-

  • Mother of Serpents! I'll give ye a good slash, you watery madman!

  • Ah, aha!

  • Yes!

  • That's what you'll get!

  • Back down to th-

  • Another name off the list.

Right-o, Lars. That's enough of you for one night. You'll be bothering my other customers.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

ビルグウォーターの伝説。パイク、溺れた男|オーディオドラマ(6編中5編 (Legends of Bilgewater: Pyke, the Drowned Man | Audio Drama (Part 5 of 6))

  • 33 3
    卓子鈞 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日