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So, you're coming to Britain. Maybe it's for a holiday, maybe it's a business trip, maybe it's to study.
Well, here are the ten basic English phrases that you need to know.
All right, if there's one word you need to know if you come to Britain, it's thank you.
まず、イギリスに来る時に知っておくべき言葉は、「thank you」「ありがとう」です。
We use thank you all the time.
Uh.... if someone opens the door for you we say thank you.
Uh... when the waiter or waitress brings your food, we say thank you.
All the time.
So, we've got lots of different ways to say thank you. We've got thanks. We've got thanks so much.
なのでありがとうの言い方が多くあります。例えば、"thanks"「ありがと」"thanks so much"「ありがとうございます」
Uh... we've also got cheers; that's a really nice informal way to say thank you. Cheers.
また "cheers"「どうも」も言います。これはカジュアルですが、よいフレーズです。チアーズ。
So, make sure you learn one way to say "thank you" at least, and use it all the time.
Our next word is "excuse me".
次の単語は「excuse me」です。
Now, this is a brilliant word because it has loads of different meanings.
The one meaning is to get attention, someone's attention.
So, you can say, "Excuse me, um, excuse me," and that means you want their attention.
だから、"Excuse me, um, excuse me”「すみません、あの、すみません」と言えば、相手の注意を引きたいということになります。
Uh... it can also be uh... an apology, a way to apologize.
So, "Oh, excuse me," is a way to say "I'm sorry".
だから、"Oh, excuse me," というのは、「ごめんなさい」という意味になります。
It's also really good when you are walking around the city to go past people.
You could say, "Excuse me," if you want to kind of walk around them, uh... make sure they know that you're there.
"Excuse me,"「失礼します」と言って、彼らの周りを歩きたい場合は、あなたがそこにいることを彼らが知っていることを確認してください。
So, it's a word that has a lot of different meanings; super useful.
Perhaps the most useful word in English is "sorry"; we use sorry all the time.
I mean, we use sorry to apologize even when we didn't do anything wrong.
For example, if someone bumps into me, I'll say sorry.
I don't know, it's a bit weird, I know, it's crazy.
We also use sorry to get someone to repeat something.
So, if we didn't understand what they said, we could say, "I'm sorry?" and that's a way to ask them to repeat what they said.
だから、相手の言ったことがわからなかったら、"I'm sorry?「すみません?」と言って、相手にもう一度言ってもらうという方法があります。
Now, I'm sure your English is much better than you think it is.
But if you don't feel totally confident with your English when you're here, you could say to someone, "I''m sorry, but I don't speak much English."
でも、もしここで自分の英語に全く自信が持てなかったら、誰かに "I'm sorry, but I don't speak much English. "「すみません、私は英語があまり話せないです」と言ってみてください。
I''m sorry, but I don't speak much English.
"I'm sorry, but I don't speak much English. "「すみません、私は英語があまり話せないです」
That's a great phrase to use to prepare someone for a... for a conversation.
And, hopefully, they'll be a little bit slower in their speech.
They'll say things more clearly to help you to understand, uh, what they're saying.
Now, sometimes people talk really quickly, so you might want them to repeat what they've just said.
So you could say, "Could you say that again, please?" Could you say that again, please?
そしたら、"Could you say that again, please? "「もう一回言ってもらえませんか?」と言えばいいです。"Could you say that again, please? "「もう一回言ってもらえませんか?」
Hopefully, they'll repeat what they said and you can understand them.
A super useful phrase that we use all the time is "I'd like". I'd like...
いつも使っている超便利なフレーズが「I'd like」です。I'd like...
It's exactly the same as "I want"; we use it to do everything.
"I want "とまったく同じで、何をするにもこの言葉を使います。
To order food, for example, you could say, "I'd like a hamburger, please."
食べ物を注文するときは、例えば、"I'd like a hamburger, please "「ハンバーガーをください」と言うことができます。
If you are at the tube station, you could say, "I'd like a ticket, please."
地下鉄の駅であれば、"I'd like a ticket, please "「チケットをください」と言えます。
So, "I'd like" is a really useful phrase.
だから、「I'd like」は本当に便利なフレーズなんです。
The "I'd" is "I would", so, "I would like", we contract it, "I'd" like. I'd like.
I'd」は「I would」で、「I would like」は、「I'd」likeとつなげます。I'd like.
So, what do we say when we want to find something, when we want to locate where something is?
There are lots of different phrases we could use.
Uh, we use "excuse me", maybe, to get someone's attention, and then we could say, "Um... excuse me, do you know where the nearest toilet is?"
"excuse me "は誰かの注意を引くために使うんだけど、"Um...excuse me, do you know where the nearest toilet is? "「すみません、1番近いお手洗いはどこですか?」って言えます。
Or, "Do you know where the nearest tube station is?" or "Do you know where the nearest ice rink is?"
あるいは、"Do you know where the nearest tube station is? "とか、"Do you know where the nearest ice rink is? "とかね。
Ok, we got that one.
Uh... you could say, "Uh... excuse me, do you know where Buckingham Palace is?" Do you know where Buckingham Palace is?
So, a nice phrase to find where something is.
Of course, if you want to know the price of something, you could say, "How much is blah, blah, blah?"
もちろん、何かの値段を知りたいときは、"How much is blah, blah, blah? "と言えます。
So, "How much is this?" "How much is that?" "How much is this t-shirt?" "How much are these jeans?" etc.
だから、"How much is this?" "How much is that?" "このTシャツはいくら?" "このジーンズはいくら?"などなど。
"How much", really useful phrase.
"How much"、は本当に便利なフレーズです。
Another essential phrase when you come to London is, "Could we have...? Could we have...?" So it's a very polite way to request something.
また、ロンドンに来たら欠かせないフレーズは、「Could we have...? Could we have...?" です。何かをお願いするときのとても丁寧な言い方ですね。
So, for example, "Uh, could we have the bill, please?" Could we have the bill, please?
例えば、"Uh, could we have the bill, please?" 「お会計をお願いできますか?」
Or, "Could we have the menu, please?" Could we have the menu, please?
または、"Could we have the menu, please?" 「メニューをお願いできますか?」
So "could we have" or "could I have" is a nice, polite way to request something.
つまり、「could we have」や「could I have」は、何かを要求する際の親切で丁寧な言い方です。
Um... a little bit like earlier when we looked at "could you say that again"; nice polite way to request something.
先ほどの "could you say that again "のように、何かを依頼する際の丁寧な言い方です。
Our final phrase for today is maybe the most important, although I know I've said that about every phrase so far.
"Do you have wifi?" Do you have wifi? These days, we always need wifi, we always need to be connected.
"Do you have wifi?"「 Wifi はありますか?」最近では、常に Wifi が必要で、常に接続していないといけません。
So the phrase "Do you have wifi?" The most important. You could also ask, "Um... What's the password?" What's the password?
だから、"Do you have wifi? "というフレーズは 最も重要です。また、"Um... What's the password?" と聞くこともできます。「パスワードは何ですか?」
So, if they do have wifi, you could say, "What's the password?"
だから、もし Wifi があれば、"What's the password?" "パスワードは何ですか?"と言えます。
That's the little word or number that they'll give you so that you can get connected.
Eat Sleep Dreamers, I hope you found that useful. I hope that when you come to Britain, you can use all of those phrases perfectly.
Eat Sleep Dreamers、参考になりましたでしょうか。イギリスに来たら、これらのフレーズを完璧に使いこなせるようになってほしいですね。
Remember, I've got new videos every Tuesday and every Friday helping you take your English to the next level.
I've really enjoyed this walk around London, guys; I'd love to do it again sometime.
Until next time, this is Tom, the chief dreamer, saying goodbye.