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  • I want to discuss with you this afternoon


  • why you're going to fail to have a great career. (Laughter)

    「なぜ皆さんに立派なキャリアが つかめないか」についてです

  • I'm an economist. I do dismal.

    私は経済学という 悲観的な分野の学者です

  • End of the day, it's ready for dismal remarks.

    日々 陰鬱なコメントばかり 思いつきます

  • I only want to talk to those of you who want a great career.

    立派なキャリアを望む方だけ 聞いてください

  • I know some of you have already decided


  • you want a good career.

    そこそこのキャリアでいい と言う方もいるでしょう

  • You're going to fail, too — (Laughter) —


  • becauseGoodness, you're all cheery about failing. (Laughter)

    というのも・・・まったく のんきな人ばっかりだ

  • Canadian group, undoubtedly. (Laughter)

    カナダ人の集まりかな そうに違いない

  • Those trying to have good careers are going to fail,

    そこそこのキャリアを 求めると失敗するのは

  • because, really, good jobs are now disappearing.

    そこそこの仕事というものが 姿を消しつつあるからです

  • There are great jobs and great careers,

    あるのは立派な仕事 立派なキャリアか

  • and then there are the high-workload, high-stress,

    負担が大きく ストレスの強い

  • bloodsucking, soul-destroying kinds of jobs,

    身も心もボロボロに なるような仕事

  • and practically nothing in between.


  • So the people looking for good jobs are going to fail.

    だから そこそこの仕事を 求めると失敗します

  • I'm going to talk about those looking for great jobs, great

    私がお話するのは 立派な仕事 立派なキャリア

  • careers, and why you're going to, why you're going to fail.

    それを求める人たちのこと そして なぜ皆さんが失敗するか

  • First reason is that no matter how many times people tell you,

    第一の理由はこれです 何度も耳にしているでしょうが

  • "If you want a great career, you have to pursue your passion,

    「立派なキャリアを望むなら 自分の情熱を追い求めなさい

  • you have to pursue your dreams, you have to pursue,

    夢を追い求めなさい 人生をかけて

  • the greatest fascination in your life,"

    夢中になれるものを 追い求めなさい」

  • you hear it again and again and then you decide


  • not to do it. It doesn't matter how many times you download

    そうしないと心に 決めているからです

  • Steven J.'s Stanford commencement address,

    スティーブ・ジョブズが卒業式でやった スピーチを何回見ようとも

  • you still look at it and decide not to do it.

    やらないと決意して しまっているのです

  • I'm not quite sure why you decide not to do it.

    なぜ決めてしまうのかは わかりません

  • You're too lazy to do it. It's too hard.

    面倒くさい 大変すぎる

  • You're afraid if you look for your passion and don't find it,

    情熱を探して 見つからなかったら嫌だ

  • you'll feel like you're an idiot, so then you make excuses

    バカみたいだ それで言い訳として

  • about why you're not going to look for your passion.


  • And they are excuses, ladies and gentlemen.


  • We're going to go through a whole long list, your creativity,

    すごく多種多様で 創造力を駆使して

  • and thinking of excuses not to do what you really

    立派なキャリアを築くために 必要なことを

  • need to do if you want to have a great career.

    実行しない言い訳を 次々と生み出すのです

  • So, for example, one of your great excuses is,

    たとえばこんなのは 格好の言い訳です

  • "Well, great careers are really and truly, for most people,

    「立派なキャリアというのは 本当のところ ほとんどの場合

  • just a matter of luck, so I'm going to stand around,

    単なる運なんだ だから特に何もせず

  • I'm going to try to be lucky, and if I'm lucky,

    幸運になるように心がけ 運が良ければ

  • I'll have a great career. If not, I'll have a good career."

    立派なキャリアに恵まれるし 運が悪ければ そこそこのキャリアだ」

  • But a good career is an impossibility, so that's not going to work.

    しかし そこそこのキャリアなんて ありえないのだから 結局ダメ

  • Then, your other excuse is, "Yes, there are special people


  • who pursue their passions, but they are geniuses.

    情熱を追い求める特別な人間がいる やつらは天才だ

  • They are Steven J. I'm not a genius.

    スティーブ・ジョブズみたいな 俺は天才じゃない

  • When I was five, I thought I was a genius,


  • but my professors have beaten that idea


  • out of my head long since." (Laughter) Mm?

    勘違いだと思い知らされて以来 まるで縁がない

  • "And now I know I am completely competent."

    でも俺は天才じゃないにしても 十分有能な人間だ」

  • Now, you see, if this was 1950,

    いいですか これが1950年なら

  • being completely competent,


  • that would have given you a great career.

    立派なキャリアも 手に入ったでしょう

  • But guess what? This is almost 2012, and saying

    しかし2012年にも なろうという時に

  • to the world, "I am totally, completely competent,"

    「俺はまったく十分有能だ」 なんて言ったって

  • is damning yourself with the faintest of praise.


  • And then, of course, another excuse:


  • "Well, I would do this, I would do this, but, but,

    「やるよ やるとも でも・・・でも・・・

  • well, after all, I'm not weird.

    結局のところ 俺は変人じゃない

  • Everybody knows that people who pursue their passions


  • are somewhat obsessive. A little strange? Mm? Mm? Okay?

    どこかオタクっぽい ちょっと 変わってる そうだろう?

  • You know, a fine line between madness and genius.

    狂気と天才は紙一重って 言うだろう

  • I'm not weird. I've read Steven J.'s biography.

    俺はヘンじゃない スティーブ・ジョブズの伝記を読んだが

  • Oh my goodness. I am not that person. I am nice.

    とんでもない やつとは違う 俺はいい人間だ

  • I am normal. I'm a nice, normal person,

    俺は普通だ 普通のいい人間だ

  • and nice, normal people


  • don't have passion.


  • Ah. But I still want a great career.


  • I'm not prepared to pursue my passion, so I know

    情熱を追い求める用意が できてないんだ

  • what I'm going to do, because I have, I have a solution,

    だからこうしよう これで解決するから

  • I have a strategy.


  • It's the one Mommy and Daddy told me about.


  • Mommy and Daddy told me that if I worked hard,

    パパとママが言ってたよ 必死で働けば

  • I'd have a good career. So, if you work hard

    そこそこのキャリアが築ける つまり必死で働けば

  • and have a good career, if you work really, really, really hard,

    手に入るのは そこそこのキャリア  本当に本当に必死で働けば

  • you'll have a great career. Doesn't that, like,

    立派なキャリアが手に入る これって—

  • mathematically make sense?"


  • Hmm. Not. (Laughter)


  • But you've managed to talk yourself into that.

    でも自分を納得させることは できるでしょうね

  • You know what? Here's a little secret.

    いいですか 実はこういうことです

  • You want to work? You want to work really, really, really hard?

    働くことをお望みですか? 本当に本当に必死で?

  • You know what? You'll succeed. The world will give you

    ならばその望みはかなうでしょう 見事に

  • the opportunity to work really, really, really, really hard,

    本当に本当に本当に 必死で働くチャンスが与えられます

  • but are you so sure that that's going to give you

    でも それで立派なキャリアが 手に入ると 本気で思いますか

  • a great career when all the evidence is to the contrary?

    そうではないという証拠が そろっているのに?

  • So let's assume, let's deal with those of you

    さてここで 情熱の対象となるものを

  • who are trying to find your passion.

    探している人のことを 考えてみましょう

  • You actually understand that you really had better do it,

    行動を起こした方がいいのは わかりました

  • never mind the excuses. You're trying to find your passion,

    言い訳などせず 夢中になれるものを探して

  • and you're so happy.


  • You found something you're interested in.

    興味を引かれるものが 見つかりました

  • I have an interest! I have an interest! You tell me.

    「興味がある!興味があるぞ!」 と言う

  • You say, "I have an interest!" I say, "That's wonderful!

    「興味があるんだ!」 「それは素晴らしいですね!

  • And what, what are you trying to tell me? That you — "

    それで あの・・・続きは?あなたの・・・」

  • "Well, I have an interest."

    「ああ 興味があるんだ」

  • I say, "Do you have passion?"


  • "I have an interest," you say.

    「いや 興味があるんだ」

  • Your interest is compared to what?


  • "Well, I'm interested in this."


  • And what about the rest of humanity's activities?

    人類に関する他の 様々なことについては?

  • "I'm not interested in them."


  • You've looked at them all, have you?

    ひと通り 見たんですよね?

  • "No. Not exactly."

    「いや あんまり」

  • Passion is your greatest love.

    情熱とは 最も深い愛情のことです

  • Passion is the thing that will help you create

    情熱とは あなたの持てる才能を 最高のかたちで

  • the highest expression of your talent.


  • Passion, interest -- it's not the same thing.


  • Are you really going to go to your sweetie and say,

    恋人を前にして こんな言い方ができますか?

  • "Marry me! You're interesting." (Laughter)

    「結婚してくれ! 君に興味がある」

  • Won't happen. Won't happen, and you will die alone. (Laughter)

    絶対に 絶対にうまくいきません 孤独死確定です

  • What you want, what you want, what you want,


  • is passion. It is beyond interest.

    情熱なのです 興味では足りません

  • You need 20 interests, and then one of them,

    興味のあるものが20あったら その中の1つに

  • one of them might grab you, one of them might engage you

    他の何よりも 心をつかまれ 強く惹かれるかもしれません

  • more than anything else, and then you may have found

    そのとき ようやく 見つかるのでしょう

  • your greatest love in comparison to all the other things

    他と比べようがないほど 深い愛情を注げるもの

  • that interest you, and that's what passion is.

    興味をかきたてられるもの それが情熱なのです

  • I have a friend, proposed to his sweetie.

    恋人にプロポーズをした 友人がいます

  • He was an economically rational person.


  • He said to his sweetie, "Let us marry.

    彼は恋人にこう言いました 「結婚しよう

  • Let us merge our interests."


  • (Laughter)


  • Yes he did.


  • "I love you truly," he said. "I love you deeply. I love you

    「本当に愛している 心から愛している

  • more than any other woman I've ever encountered.

    今まで出会った どの女性 よりも愛している

  • I love you more than Mary, Jane, Susie, Penelope,

    メアリーよりも ジェーンよりも スージーよりも ペネロペよりも

  • Ingrid, Gertrude, Gretel --

    ングリッドよりも ガートルードよりも グレーテルよりも・・・」

  • I was on a German exchange program then." (Laughter)


  • "I love you more than — "

    「ああ それに・・・」

  • All right! She left the room halfway through his enumeration

    「もう結構よ!」 彼女は 部屋を出て行きました

  • of his love for her.


  • After he got over his surprise at being, you know,


  • turned down, he concluded he'd had a narrow escape

    驚きから醒めると 彼はこう結論づけました 「危ないところだった

  • from marrying an irrational person,

    あんな非論理的な人間と 結婚しようとするなんて」

  • although he did make a note to himself that the next time

    でも こんな覚え書きもしていました

  • he proposed, it was perhaps not necessary to enumerate

    「今度プロポーズするときは 結婚相手の候補だった女性を

  • all of the women he had auditioned for the part. (Laughter)


  • But the point stands. You must look for alternatives

    肝心なのはここです 選択肢は いくらでもある その中から

  • so that you find your destiny,


  • or are you afraid of the word "destiny"?


  • Does the word "destiny" scare you?


  • That's what we're talking about, and if you don't find

    いま我々が問題にしているのは それなんですよ

  • the highest expression of your talent, if you settle

    あなたが持てる才能を 最高のかたちで 表現できなければ

  • for "interesting," what the hell ever that means,

    『興味』とかいうものに 甘んじてしまえば

  • do you know what will happen at the end of your long life?

    長い人生に幕が下りるとき 何が起きるでしょう

  • Your friends and family will be gathered in the cemetery,

    お友達や家族が 墓地に集まったとき

  • and there, beside your gravesite will be a tombstone,


  • and inscribed on that tombstone, it will say,


  • "Here lies a distinguished engineer who invented Velcro."

    「マジックテープを開発した 優れたエンジニア ここに眠る」

  • But what that tombstone should have said,

    しかし 別の人生で あなたが その才能を

  • in an alternative lifetime,

    最高のかたちで発揮 していたとしたら

  • what it should have said if it was your highest expression of

    そこには こんな風に 刻まれていたはずです

  • talent, was, "Here lies the last Nobel Laureate in Physics,


  • who formulated the Grand Unified Field Theory


  • and demonstrated the practicality of warp drive."

    最後のノーベル物理学賞受賞者 ここに眠る」

  • (Laughter)


  • Velcro, indeed. (Laughter)


  • One was a great career.


  • One was a missed opportunity.


  • But then, there are some of you,

    しかし こういう人もいるでしょう

  • in spite of all these excuses, you will find,


  • you will find your passion,


  • and you'll still fail.


  • You're going to fail, because,

    失敗します なぜなら

  • because you're not going to do it,


  • because you will have invented a new excuse,


  • any excuse to fail to take action, and this excuse

    行動しないための言い訳 そういう言い訳を

  • I've heard so many times.


  • "Yes, I would pursue a great career, but I value

    「よし 立派なキャリアを追い求めよう でも 成功より

  • human relationships more than accomplishment.


  • I want to be a great friend. I want to be a great spouse.

    友人として 夫として妻として

  • I want to be a great parent, and I will not sacrifice them

    親として立派でありたい  偉業を成し遂げるために

  • on the altar of great accomplishment."


  • (Laughter)


  • What do you want me to say?


  • Now, do you really want me to say now, tell you,

    こう言えば満足して もらえるでしょうか

  • "Really, I swear I don't kick children." (Laughter)

    「誓って言うが 私は子どもを 蹴飛ばしたりしないよ」

  • Hmm? Look at the worldview you've given yourself.


  • You're a hero no matter what, and I, by suggesting,

    とにかくあなたはヒーローで 私はと言えば

  • ever so delicately, that you might want a great career,

    立派なキャリアを求めるには 子ども嫌い じゃなければと 仄めかしている

  • must hate children. I don't hate children. I don't kick them.

    私は子どもを嫌ってなどいません 蹴飛ばしもしません

  • Yes, there was a little kid wandering through this building

    私がここに着いたとき  小さな子がこの建物の中を

  • when I came here, and no, I didn't kick him. (Laughter)

    うろうろしていましたけど 蹴ってませんよ

  • Course, I had to tell him that the building was for adults only

    「この建物は 大人のための 場所だから 出ていきなさい」

  • and to get out.


  • He mumbled something about his mother,


  • and I told him she'd probably find him outside anyway.

    「外にいれば きっとお母さんが 見つけてくれるよ」と言いました

  • Last time I saw him, he was on the stairs crying. (Laughter)

    最後に見かけたとき その子は 階段で泣いていました

  • What a wimp. (Laughter)


  • But what do you mean? That's what you expect me to say.

    私のこういう一面が 見たいのですか?

  • You really think, you really think it's appropriate


  • that you should actually take


  • children and use them as a shield?


  • You know what will happen someday,


  • you, you ideal parent, you?

    あなたが理想の親となった ある日

  • The kid will come to you someday and say,

    子どもがやってきて こう言うのです

  • "I know what I want to be.


  • I know what I'm going to do with my life."


  • You are so happy. It's the conversation


  • a parent wants to hear, because your kid's good in math,

    親として ぜひ聞きたいことです 算数の得意な子だから

  • and you know you're going to like what comes next.


  • Says your kid, "I have decided

    子どもが言います 「決めたんだ

  • I want to be a magician.


  • I want to perform magic tricks on the stage."


  • (Laughter)


  • And what do you say?

    さあ どうしましょう

  • You say, you say,


  • "Umm ... that's risky, kid.

    「うーん それはリスクが高いよ

  • Might fail, kid. Don't make a lot of money at that, kid.

    失敗するかも 稼ぎもよくないし

  • You know, I don't know, kid,

    その どうかな

  • you should think about that again, kid,


  • you're so good at math, why don't you — "

    算数が得意なんだし どうだろう・・・」

  • And the kid interrupts you, and says,


  • "But it is my dream. It is my dream to do this."

    「でもそれが夢なんだ それをやるのが夢なんだ」

  • And what are you going to say?


  • You know what you're going to say?


  • "Look kid. I had a dream once, too, but -- but."

    「いいかい お父さんにも夢があった でも・・・でも・・・」

  • So how are you going to finish the sentence with your "but"?

    さあ 『でも』の後 何と言いましょう?

  • "... But. I had a dream too, once, kid, but I was afraid to pursue it."

    「『でも』夢はあったけど 追う勇気がなかった」

  • Or, are you going to tell him this?

    それとも こう言いますか?

  • "I had a dream once, kid.

    「お父さんにも夢があった でもね

  • But then you were born." (Laughter)


  • (Laughter) (Applause)


  • Do you, do you really want to use your family,

    みなさん 本当に家族を 言い訳にしたいと お思いですか?

  • do you really ever want to look at your spouse


  • and your kid and see your jailers?

    夫や妻や子供は その看守役だとでも?

  • There was something you could have said to your kid

    子どもに こう言ってやる こともできたはずです

  • when he or she said, "I have a dream."

    子どもが「夢がある」 と言ったとき

  • You could have said, looked the kid in the face, and said,


  • "Go for it, kid,


  • just like I did."


  • But you won't be able to say that

    しかし皆さんには 言えないのです

  • because you didn't. So you can't. (Laughter)

    やっていないから 言えないのです

  • And so the sins of the parents


  • are visited on the poor children.


  • Why will you seek refuge in human relationships


  • as your excuse not to find and pursue your passion?

    情熱を追い求めない 言い訳をするのですか?

  • You know why.


  • In your heart of hearts, you know why,

    心の奥底では 知っているでしょう

  • and I'm being deadly serious.


  • You know why you would get all warm and fuzzy


  • and wrap yourself up in human relationships.


  • It is because you are

    自分では わかっているのです

  • You know what you are.


  • You're afraid to pursue your passion.


  • You're afraid to look ridiculous.


  • You're afraid to try. You're afraid you may fail.

    挑戦するのが怖い 失敗するのが怖い

  • Great friend, great spouse, great parent, great career.

    立派な友人 立派な夫や妻 立派な親 立派なキャリア

  • Is that not a package? Is that not who you are?

    全部あってこそではありませんか? それが あなたという人間ではないのですか?

  • How can you be one without the other?


  • But you're afraid.

    しかし あなたは恐れる

  • And that's why you're not going to have a great career, unless --

    だから立派なキャリアをつかめない ただし・・・

  • unless, that most evocative of all English words --

    『ただし』 この言葉は 何か期待させますね

  • unless.


  • But the unless word is also attached

    しかしこの言葉は 一方で

  • to that other, most terrifying phrase,

    世にも恐ろしい言葉が 続いています

  • "If only I had ... "


  • "If only I had ... "

    「あれさえ やっていれば・・・」

  • If you ever have that thought ricocheting in your brain,

    もしそれを頭の中で グルグル考えていたら

  • it will hurt a lot.


  • So, those are the many reasons

    以上 皆さんがなぜ

  • why you are going to fail


  • to have a great career,


  • unless ...


  • Unless.


  • Thank you. (Applause)


I want to discuss with you this afternoon



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